bloomfire (03/18/06)
love aime shows add me as firend love ur site
naughtykero (11/14/05)
Hey I decied to come here good stories and nice sites :)
Mayura Ashita (11/09/05)
i know who you are ha ha ha ahhaha i was explorin yer other site and clicked some studd and got transported here =P
NIGHT (07/26/05)
Hiya, thanks for signing my gb. In retrune i'll add you as my friend. I like the site its very cool.
lovingmemories112 (07/21/05)
hi!i thought i should drop by.ur nice is so cool with the fanfics!well ill be adding u as a friend!i like both of ur sites!^^
joshman (07/09/05)
i am crazy
*if your dont look at me i might go away*
*sanity is for the weak*
Tetsusaigagirl (06/29/05)
Hello! Nice stories. Neato second site. If you have the time,can you please sign my guestbook again. Thankyou so much!!!
*p.s. I hate shrimp lol!*
swtanimelvr (06/29/05)
Hi! Luv the site! especially the stories! you can sign my guestbook again if you want.
tiggerola (06/29/05)
'ello! never hurts to have more gb signings, right? You can sign mine too if you have time, but don't feel pressured ^_~
Night shade2 (06/29/05)
Thank you for signing my guest book I really apreciate it.I will also add you as a friend.Both of your sites are good.
Night shade