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• 1989-09-26
• Florida with Chiaki-kun/Sinbad ^_^ *drools*
Member Since
• 2005-03-22
• high school student
Real Name
• Kadygiblob (hehe just kidding!! ^_^)
• i finished writing a 42-chapter novel. Other than that...i drew a was pwetty...^_^
Anime Fan Since
• i dont know
Favorite Anime
• Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Sailor Moon, DN Angel, Fushigi Yuugi, Fruits Basket, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and *sigh* it's like the energizer bunny..."it keeps going and going and going and go
• be a manga-ka
• drawing, writing, listening to music, playing DDR
• drawing, writing, listening to music, playing DDR (hehe)
| AnimeChick4DDR
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InuGirl 22 (05/01/05)
Hi ^^ i am sesshomadudes freind. I helped him with his site... if u need something please ask me ok ^^ u have a really cool site, please come by mine sometime and sign my gestbook, i would really like it ^^ we i really hope we can be freinds!! Later and OEACE OUT!
sesshomadude (04/29/05)
nice site. its very shiny. drop by mine ifya want. i hopeya don't mind, but i'm addin ya as a friend
shinobiwolf (04/28/05)
Yo!!! Thxx for the nice guestbook sig... heheheh.. So you think I'm funny? Finally, someone admits it!!! (Everyone: *cold blank stare*) Hey, whats your problem, you wanna go?! Anyway, I'll add ya, ne? Later!!!
100% Crazy and Lovin' It
Animefreak1234567 (04/26/05)
Hello AnimeChick4DDR^^
Thank you for stopping by
my site and signing my gb^^
it was very kind of you,and of
course you can add me as a friend
ill do the same^^i also like your
site,love the bg,KKJ right?
well anyways ill see you around!^^
Vash88 (04/25/05)
Hey nice site u've got here, very green! And its awesome to know theres another person that plays DDR. WEll stop by m stie one day, cya
soahar (04/20/05)
hey guess who this is, you know me and vice verca
Miss Anonymous (04/12/05)
Hello hello! Heh, finally got around to checkin' your site! ^_^ If you hadn't PMed me, I would've forgotten about it...
Anyway, I like your background! I've never seen KKJ (or read the manga that's probably out there somewhere), but I still like it.
I'ma gonna add you as a friend, 'cause us Tsubasa fans have to stick together!
~God Bless~
msyugioh123 (04/07/05)
hello you have a nice site! i like your art on the avitar thats a cute kitty =^-^=
rinoa392 (04/06/05)
I really like your site colors. They work really well all together! Keep up the great work, darling!
Steptoussai (04/02/05)
I saw your name, and I KNEW I had to come to your site. I'm the biggest female DDR fan ever! I've been playing for two years now! ^^
Anyways, nice site! Come by mine sometime and maybe you could join the DDR club I started!
~Hugs and Love Always~
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