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^_~ I am sorry there for that is for my knowing only. Sorry~
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My current occupation is a Junior High School Student!
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D.N. Angel and Trigun. (Vash and Daisuke are hott!)
To be a Better Cheerleader!
Skate-Boarding! What can I say!
Well I am pretty good at Drawing Anime! (I will post some Pictures soon!)
| AnimeCutie453
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Hello Everyone!
Just saying HI before I go to school! School was fun yesterday! ^_^ I had fun at lunch time with my friends! I got this huge muffin, and everyone laughed at me cause I had bought this thing that I cant even eat, so I shared it. ^^ Best thing I can think of! And My friend Lisa is totally eating the whole thing! I started to laugh and Lisa looked at me, and Then Kimberly started to laugh for no reason. I guess it was kinda funny how she took it all, then I had some left over and I offered her some, she sad, "No thank-you Kaitlyn, I have had anough for today!" And I was like, after all of that she didnt want any more! ^_^ Anyhoo, it was pretty fun and I guess its time for me to finish getting ready!
*Hugs and Kissess*
(To sum 1 special!)
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Friday, May 6, 2005
No School for me! and the time is- 11:41
Today my parents kept me home because there was a dangerous threat in the girls bathroom yesterday, and I know what the threat was but I cant tell anyone because it is very offensive. So There was 4 police cars and 2 unmarked cars and they kept us back 10 minutes after school yesterday but I had gone into that bathroom at like lunch time and it wasnt there. My parents were afraid that seince I was going to be at a school party today that the DJ's music would be to loud to hear if someone got shot, so I will be safe! And There are poleice officers around our campus and stuff. Dangerious grafitti! They had spraypainted it on the girls bathroom walls and all I can say is a threat to kill. Nothing else! I am doing fine, I am not to scared about the situation cause it doesnt effect me at all, so im good! ^_^ My "Friend" Still think Animals have no souls. Everything that is born has a soul, and God does not say Animals have no souls. God is wonderfull, I dont get why monster7 dont beleive in God. I sure do. Anyhoo, I am tired so I will go lay down with my kitten cuddles and maybee skateboard later on down the new sloap in the backyard! ^^ So, see you all later!
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
I am so sad rite now!
Monster7 has no heart for Animals! Animals are my life and he shoves them to the side like their nothing. Makes me cry, I dont like it when he is like that. He adedd a post on it on his site, you can check it out. He said Animals have no souls. And His dog killed a cat, Mason doesnt care for the cats, he said "They have no soul" But guess what, they do.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
^^ Hello!
I have been very very busy this weekend! My friend Kero came over. ^^ Hes very funny, I didnt do much, but I really have nothing to say but I still cant comment. Makes me mad! Well, I will see you all laters! 
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Good Morning Everyone! ^^
Well, my sister made her site, if you want to make friends with her she is AnimeCutie12. Her site looks good with the help of me! ^_^ Oh, and Nikki says "Hi". ^^ Well, I was just postinng before school! ^_^ Today is the last day of this school week, Im happy! ^^ Tonite my brother (Zig Zag) me, and Chris (Omaga) are going to see Kung Fu Hustle! I think its going to be so much fun. ^_^ I think its funny! Well, I have to go now so I hope you all have a good day!
P.S.: Here are a few pictures I ABSOLUTLEY love! ^^
-And I hope you like them too!

~ Tee-Hee, D.N. Angel rocks!

~I wuv D.N. Angel!

~An anime that my sister likes!

So, those are the pictures! ^_^ Enjoy!
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I am just adding a quick lil' post! ^_~ Yays! I guess im just happy rite now! ^_^ And Im happy for my sister! *Hugs Sister* My sister will be making a Myotaku site soon so you can get to know her too! ^_^ My sis is so cute! She's only 12 too. 1 year younger than me! Welp! I gotta go to school and give my project to my friends! I hope we get 100! I also, in 2nd hour, have to present my other project infront of the class! X3 NOOO! I hate doing that infront of the class, it makes me nervous like I will do something wrong. ^_^ Well, its time for me to go now, so I will see you all later!
**Hugs Everyone**
I love you all!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Hey Guys! I took down my little talk board because people kept on making fun of me so now its just back to posting! ^^ I got little akayo kanachi! Hes a blue puppy! ^^ I got a puppy for him. ^_~ Well, just adding a post before school. But now, its time for me to go so, I hope that my computer lets me add comments soon so I can talk to you guys! But, I dont know, well have to wait! ^^ See you all later!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
^^; Sorry Guys!
Im sorry everyone but my computer broke on me And it was like so stupid, but im okay! ^^ I was never hurt guys, so sorry if you all were worried, im oki! ^^ And I am still Living life to the fillest! Unlike others.... (Monster7) Anyhoo! ^_~ Gotta get back to my Home Work project! Yuppers! And Sorry if I cant get to your sites, still broken... ^^; Well, Gotta go now!
See you all later!
P.S.: Take a lookie at my test I took! ^^
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Hey Everyone! I really have nothing to say. Really bored rite now! X3 But, MY MOMS B~DAY IS TODAY!!!! Yay! *Hugs Mom* Awee I wuv my mom! ^^ Well, I will see you all later!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Please Vote!
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