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^_~ I am sorry there for that is for my knowing only. Sorry~
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My current occupation is a Junior High School Student!
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D.N. Angel and Trigun. (Vash and Daisuke are hott!)
To be a Better Cheerleader!
Skate-Boarding! What can I say!
Well I am pretty good at Drawing Anime! (I will post some Pictures soon!)
| AnimeCutie453
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Hi Everyone!
I got some time rite nows to post! So that I will! ^_^ Tee-Hee! Hay, I have a question for everyone-
*What is your favorite Anime and whats your favorite charicter?
Mine has to be Daisuke Niwa from D.N. Angel! Tee-Hee! Daisuke's Hot! Anyhoo, not much else to say but we have AIM's testing this week, I think its AIM's, maybee finals. Oh Wells! ^^ Wish me luck! Im gonna go eat Breakfast now!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Go Laster Tag!
Yeahaha! Laser Tag was awesome! But, I guess I shot my own team more than the other team! Oops! ^^; I guess they can forgive me~ I had brought my friend Miranda with and me and her were on a team, and I was number 11! XP NO! They dont let you pick Code Names any more! They auto assign you numbers! Wyhat a rip off. But, I guess it was worth it, we did two rounds, got very hot in there, and we won twice! Our green team won twice! ^_~ Weee! Well, Those Vests are still heavy and I felt like I was in Halo 2! It was Dark, and there was glow lights, Bar;ey see anything and there was fog! It was otaly awesome! And after that, we got ice cream, I love Ice Cream! And we just got home, it is like 12:00 rite now. We just droped my friend off at ger house. She lives three doors down! ^^ Well, I guess today was pretty fun. I changed my site around, new colours and new piccys too! Their soo mcute! I better get goi9ng, Fullmetal Alchemist is on min a half an hour! And I got the new April addition for New Type! Im soo happy! Well, see you all later!
**hugs Everyone**
I Love You All!
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Oooah! ^^
 -Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally charged. You definitely love the person you're with, and always want to know how they're feeling so you can make sure they're happy.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Hello Everybody! ^_~
Konnichiwa! Just adding a post for a nice Saturday morning! ^^ Today is going to be a ton of fun! We are going to :Laser Tag tonite! We shall be equipted with a 100 pund vest and a gun as big as the earth! Yeah!
My computer is fixed! So, I can now comment on your posts! Yes! And I will do so today.
Nothing else to talk about really but I do want you to do just 2 things, can you all send me an E-mail Please! ^^ And say something in my Chatterbox!?
Well, its time for me to go now! BYE EVERYONE!
**Hugs Everyone**
I Wuv you all!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Just Postin!
Just saying,
I am going to bed, sorry if I dont comment on all of your posts, I am reading them, but my computer is acting up and wont let me comment. SORRY! I hope you all can forgive me. Well, I will see you all later!
I love you all!
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
^__^ QUIZIE!
1. How tall are you? Short! But, still cute and adprable, not that short, bout, 4 foot 10 inches.
2. How much do u weigh? ALOT! XP About 87 pounds!
3. Have you ever smoked weed? No
4. Have you ever done heroin? Nope
6. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
7. Done Rehab? Nope
8. Do you shave? Duh!
10. Do you ever punch yourself? No
11. Have you ever killed an animal? DONT EVEN ASK THAT AUESTION!
12. Are you Irish? No
13. Who would you punch if you could? NO ONE!
14. What do you think of hot dogs? ~_~ Im a vegitarian.
15. What’s your favourite song? At the moment theres, Good Charlotte-Meet My Maker (Odd name but the songs good!)
16. What is your favourite smell? I dunno, I guess the smell of Pason.
17. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? eerrr Cofee!
18. Where do you want to be right now? here i gues im fine + im comfy
19. Do you do pushups? Duh! P.E.!!!!
27. Do you shoplift? No
28. What’s the last thing you stole? i dont steal!
29. Do you ski or snowboard? nope
30. Do you use hair gel? No
31. Do you sniff cocaine? No
32. Who is your favourite serial killer? Alucard ^_^
34. Have you been shot? nope
35. Have you ever been hospitalized? Nope
36. Do you like painkillers? errr no
39. Do you own a knife? Yea. lots in the kitchen!
40. Have you ever bought drugs in the "ghetto" or "hood"? No
41. Do you have A.D.D.? wha?
42. Have you ever had a head injury? No.
44. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? havetn had 1
45... Whens your birthday? May
Well, this is the quiz I took! Their may be some missing because they were scary and gross questions, but about my post yesterday, about I love Akayo Kanachi, erm... I posted late so By the time I was able to post, April 1st was over. So That was an April Fools joke back to Akayo Kanachi! **Hugs Him** Oh Well, hes still cute! ^^ I have to go now, buying me a new 2 peice bathing suit! He He He, goin swiming tomorrow! XD See You All Later!
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Friday, April 1, 2005
<3 <3 <3 <3
Luv Ya Akayo!
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter Everyone!
Guess what I got today!?!? The new PSP! Yeah! Well, its time for me to go to bed for school tomorrow! Bye Bye Everyone! '
**Hugs Everyone**
P.S.: Please talk in my NEW Chatterbox! =3
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
OMG! I am scared!
ease read this very carefully...then send it out to all the people you kno. something like this is nothing to be takin casually. if a person with the screen name of monkeyman935 contacts you, do not reply. do not talk to this person. do not answer his/her instant messages or e-mail. whoever this person may be,he/she is a suspect for murder in for the death of 56 women(so far)contacted through the internet. please send this to all the women on ur buddy list and ask them to pass this on!!!!!!!!!!!!!send it to boys to so they will contact girls!
I have seen this ussername sumwhere before!!!! Wow, send it through PM everyone!!!!
See You All Later~
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