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^_~ I am sorry there for that is for my knowing only. Sorry~
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My current occupation is a Junior High School Student!
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D.N. Angel and Trigun. (Vash and Daisuke are hott!)
To be a Better Cheerleader!
Skate-Boarding! What can I say!
Well I am pretty good at Drawing Anime! (I will post some Pictures soon!)
| AnimeCutie453
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Story! ^^
What is life? Sometimes I think that it is just a mere game. It confuses me sometimes............
Yesterday was a day that started out great, "Love you mom!" Said Yahiko hapily going to school. She kissed her Mom on the cheek and left, "Love you Yahiko!".
"HI! I am Yahiko Suzmari! I am a Junior in Seiko Middle School!" "Yahiko!" Said her friend, "I'm coming! I'm Coming" Yahiko said. As the day went on she had already gone through 4 periods and now she has lunch. **Crunch**
(Different layout now!)
Kaiko: "Yahiko, you know that guy, the guy you have a crush on, whats his name?"
Yahiko: "Wait with the pearl hair and unique red eyes?"
Kaiko: "Yes, Him! Don't Brag Now!"
Yahiko: ^^; "Im not, Im not! His name is Vincent, Vincent Haiko."
Winrae: " He seems hot! *Smiles* Can I meet Vincent?"
Yahiko: "If you dont fall in love with him yah!"
Wainrae: "Okay Okay! Where is he!?"
*Vincent walks over to the girl's lunch table*
Vincent: "Hey Girls. Gey Yahiko, Sup? Whos yer friends?"
Yahiko: "They are Kaiko and Winrae!"
Vincent: "Ahh, nice to meet you girls. *Smiles*"
*Vincent soon walks off back to his table and the girls say good-bye.*
**Later that nite, is Yahiko's room, as she paints a picture of Vincent she started to feel stomach pains, she kept feeling these pains for a while longer, soon she droped to the floor and she got knocked unconceince. A while later, she wakes up to find a pair of Pearl, White wings.
WOOO! This is getting good! ^^ I hope you all like it! And I am off to school now! Oki!? Well Bye Bye Everyone!
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Monday, March 7, 2005
^^ Hello Everybody!
Hello Everyone! I have Spring break in one week! ^^ All I have to do is get through 4 and a half days of school and then we have break! Yeah! I am so excited! ^^ Rite now it is 6:32 AM and I soon have to leave for school. XD BlECH! This is me in the Mornings:
*5 More Minutes Mom!
:^) What a delight! J/K ^^ How Funny! I woke up at 5:30. But thats okay, I like waking up at 5:30. I get more time on the computer! Well I had a GREAT weekend, too bad it had to go. ^^ It reained and we got a Thunderstorm! I am so excited! Its lime a FIRST! I want more rain though. I miss the rain, but its good that we don't get rain, cause we get Mosquitos. Blech! :^) I hate them soo much! And I hate Bugs period. Their so gross! I just can't stand them. Eeeewwwwww! Nooo! I just can't even think about them! Sorry. Im okay now. ^^ J/K But bugs are gross and disturbing. Well I better get going now. 6:36 time for me to eat breakfast!
(Sorry if I spelled it qrong. ^^)
Here is a Test I took. ^^ I love my answers!
 Cutie! You're so sweet! You're maybe a bit naive but eh, who cares, right? Your a playful nature with a good heart. Your way of life is, girls just wanna have fun: Fact: Everyone loves you!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Lookie what I got on my Test! ^^
 Cutie! You're so sweet! You're maybe a bit naive but eh, who cares, right? Your a playful nature with a good heart. Your way of life is, girls just wanna have fun: Fact: Everyone loves you!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
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^^ I am so happy!
I love my Changes! I absolutley love them! I hope you all do too! ^^ I have to thank Techno Cat for helping me with some changes! ^^ He showed me how to make the Text go rightt across the page! **Hugs Andrew** Thank You! And Here is a little message I would like to tell you all~
^^ Well Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist is on now so see you all later!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Another Day~!
Another day has passed, I am still sick! XP What a day this has been, I threw Up and I have been in bed ALL DAY! I am feeling a little better, and tomorrow is ANIME NIGHT! Yeah! ^__^ Sowy for being so obnoxious, I like Fullmetal Alchemist! I have changed my site! ^__^ I hope you all like the new colours! They are Puting Naruto on Toonami! I can't wait to see it! But they took out the part when Kakashi Kill Haku and Zabuza sits there wile Haku is being killed. Poor Man, was nice. ^__^ And here is a picture I like!

I better get going now!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
^_~ I am Happy!
The current time is 6:11 AM and I am kinda tired, Soon I will have to wake up my family! ^__^ I usually wake up at 5:30 to watch Wolfs Rain and go to school at 7:00. School, I kinda hate it but all I like about it is Lunch and Language Arts! Wolfs Rain rpisode that was on today was sad, Toboe died and so did the old man next to him and the Human. THEY ALL DIED! Thats so sad! I started to cry when Toboe died and they flashed into Heaven. He is happy! So I stoped crying when they showed he was happy! ^_^ I am wearing this cute shirt rite now! I absolutley love it! It is white with a Yellow and Red SuperMan sign! Yeah! ^_^ And I am also wearing Hip Huger Jeans, (Blue coloured ofcourse!) with my Skate Shoes. And the colour of that is Pink shoe laces with black around them! Hmm, I better get going now! ^__^ I will visit everyones site tomorrow! Oki!? ^_^
Bye Bye Everyone!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Well here is a Semi picture of me!

I have Green Eyes and Blonde Hair! ^_^
About my day! I was sick but now feeling good! My presentatation went well. I got a 100 % on it. ^__^ I am so happy! Well The day is almist over and now time for my shower!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Today my Barbie Doll poster is due and I have to present infront of the whole class my report! Xx No! I am so gonna get a bad report for this! Well today is Tuesday and the week has three more days to go till the weekend! Yay! I love Fridays and Saturdays! Well I might post later, Oki!? Rite now I gotta go!
So see ya!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Thats me for ya!
 You're an Angel! You're super cute not to mention Opstimistic! You love anything having to do with Bunnies/Kitties/anything cute. You're very fun to be around, Even if you get mad, Everyone still thinks it's cute! Lucky you!
What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Well it describes me in the whole paragraph! I love anything Cute! And cats are my favorite animal too! They are soo adorable, I can't lay my eyes off them! Well Today I wore this cute shirt! My friends even think so! ^__^ Yay! It is Pink with the Element/Bam sign on it and I wore Black Caprees (Like Avril Lavinge and Kelly Clarkson wear!) and I had worn Black and pink skater shoes. Do you think it would look cute? My guy friends all like it alot. But I just dunno.
Well Time for me to go!
**Hugs Everyone**
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Friday, February 25, 2005
(No emoticon for today) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am sad cause I can't get to Gundam01's site! I don't know what happend to him!
I am happy cause today is Friday and we have a half day of school!
**Hugs Everyone**
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