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myOtaku.com: animedreamer12

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Hi everyone its me Zakuro. Well, right now I'm trying to get a song up on my account still looking. hey if you do know a place were I can get the opening theme in midi, I'll be happy, because the one I put it didn't work. Oh well. I'm still trying to finish writing chapter two. If you haven't read Chapter 1 you can read it below this post. Well bye everyone please continue visiting my site. Bye
P.S.-Looky what I found its really funny its FB charcters singing to It's A Hard Knock Life from the movie Annie but I don't Have the song to it. if you know the song sing to it. Well here you go
Momiji: Hey, lets sing a song!!! (music starts playing)

Everyone: NO!!!

Momiji: Oh, come on, please?!?!?!

Everyone: Fine

Momiji: Yay! OK, Kyo, you go first!

Kyo: What?!??!?! No way!!!

Momiji: please

Kyo: Ok, fine.
(sings to tune) It's a hard knock life for me,
living with that damned Yuki.
I swear I'll beat him someday.
That damn rat is in my way.
It's a hard knock life.

Yuki: Don't it feel like you're always transforming?
Ayame: Don't it feel like he's pushing me away?
Yuki: I wouldn't do that if you weren't so stupid.
Ayame: Yuki, come to my store today!
It's a hard knock life!
Yuki: (speaking) No.

Momiji: It's a hard knock life for me
But I'll keep every memory.
Even ones that make me sad
At least I still got my dad
It's a hard knock life

Kisa: It's a hard knock life for me
Other kids make fun of me
The make fun of my eyes and hair
I might as well not be there
It's a hard knock life

Kagura: Why wont my Kyo just love me?
Kyo: Maybe because you're a stupid boar
Kagura: I don't care what you say (goes crazy and starts throwing Kyo around)
It's a hard knock life

Yuki: It's a yard knock life for me
Living in this family
and as the zodiac rat
and dealing with that stupid cat
Yuki: (speaks) Stu-pid cat
(sings) It's a hard knock life

Hiro: It's a hard knock life for me
All Kisa says is Sissy
Tohru's just a stupid girl
Makes me want to hurl
It's a hard knock life

Ritsu: Um, it's a hard knock life for me....

Yuki: (covers ears) Don't it feel like Ritsu's always screaming
Haru: Don't it feel like I'm always going black
Yuki: Haru, why are you here?
Black Haru: I've come to fight you, rat.
It's a hard knock life

Ayame: It's a hard knock life for me
My name is Ayame
Everyone loves me so
I'm popular and it shows
It's a hard knock life

Kyo: (speaks) Someone need to pop his big head.
Ayame: HoHaHaHaHaHa!!!!

Hatori: Don't it feel like I'm surrounded by idiots?
Shigure: Hari, you don't have to be so mean
Momiji: Shigure, you should sing the last verse
Shigure: Oh, really, you choose Me!!!

Shigure: It's a hard knock life for me
Findaing ways to tease Mii
Even though my pages are done
I say "no" and have some fun
It's a hard knock life

Momiji: Yay! That was fun!!!

Mii: (runs in) SHIGURE!!!

Shigure: oops, gotta run

Kyo: Thank God it's over....but why is the music still going?

Tohru: Hey, everyone! What are you doing?

Kyo: forget it

Yuki: Let's never do that again

Tohru: Do what?

Momiji: Aw, but it was fun

Black Haru: I'm still waiting for that fight, Yuki.

Tohru: Um, did I miss something? And where is that music coming from? It sounds familiar.

Yuki: It's nothing, Miss Honda.

Tohru: OK, then I'll go make us some snacks

Momiji: Yay!!!

Mysterious singing voices: No more hard knock life no more hard knock life! NO -- MORE -- HARD KNOCK LI~FE!!!!

Tohru: Uh....

This was bought you by: http://groups.msn.com/FruitsBasketFurubaFanGroup/itsahardknocklife.msnw

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