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myOtaku.com: animefan821

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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xm14k4 st4rx (04/12/05)

Your site is so awesome!! I'm gonna add dya as a friend, kk? Well, if you hab da time, come visit my site too!! ^.~
Well Gotta go! Sayonara

msyugioh123 (04/06/05)

hello you have a nice site

KitsuneKami (04/06/05)

okay, so ur the number one fan of inuyasha? interesting. well, i'm not going to say anything. nice cite, i'm adding you as a freind. damn you quaker man.

yuki-sama (04/05/05)

nihao! wow i love your back ground tres bon^^ um ill add you as friends k^^

0.o Inuyasha o.0 (04/04/05)

konnichiwa! thank you much for signing my guesbook ^^ you have a very nice site too ^^ kinda obsessed with yuki, ne? hehe, anywho, i'll talk to ya later i guess ^^


sesshomau (04/01/05)

hello there I think that your site is really great! I love the background and everything else its really nice! Added u as a friend I really hope that u return the favour! Come to my site when ur free and maybe sign my guestbook please�see you later �thank u very much bye!

kyo-kun45 (04/01/05)

thanx for signing my gb. your site is kool. i'll add u as a friend as well kay? LATERS!!! ^_^

kyokyofanclubpres (04/01/05)

hay.i like ur site.thnx 4 signing my gb.ill add u to.laterz^_-

wordwok (04/01/05)

HIYA! Cool site! I love the colors! The story/poem about Tihru and Yuki is so nice! I must go finish readin it! (Only finished 1st chapter.)
Thanx for signing my GB! I'm addin you as a friend as well!
~Hey! looky looky! You smell like a cookie!~ Later^.^

animefreack (03/31/05)

Hi! I think your site is cute too, I'm adding you as a friend.

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