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• firestorm10113
• 1990-05-18
• South Georgia.
Member Since
• 2005-09-06
• College student.
Real Name
• Anderw Moody
• Have 116 mangas and counting
Anime Fan Since
• 1995 if I remember correctly
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha
• Vist Japan
• watching anime and reading manga
• Being able to recall almost every anime I've ever seen.
| AnimefanFirestorm
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wow, it's been a while.
Ok, I havn't been here in.. how long? Well over two years. Geeze, everybody I use to talk on here are probably long gone. Oh well. Guess for the update of the year lol. Ok, I've gone through highschool, graduated and was almost in the top ten of my class, have been to two anime conventions, met my webcomic idol and infact have been drawing a bit so I may join the ranks of web comic artist.
Ummm, I have 114 mangas now. When you have 28 vol. of one series, plus 16, 15, 14 of another and like five vols. of other series, it adds up. I'm also a Gurren Lagann fan now, becides all the other countless animes I've watched since last I've been here. 18 and even more of an otaku then I was before woohoo!
I had a girl and lost her. But it was for the best. She was holding me back in a lot of ways, and she wasn't all that into anime and manga, although I have infected her with Hellsing and One Peice so I feel sorry for the guy's she's with lol.
And finaly I'm in college. Not a whole lot of others like me at the place I'm at, but it's all good. Just gives me the chance to spread the anime bug like I did in high school haha.
Well, I hope to be even more active here as I was in the past, with random updates closer together then 2 years apart. Later all.
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Monday, September 4, 2006
No anime, manga, or game update this time. Just a person who found out a person of great statured died today. People called him stupid and crazy, but that was only because they didn't understand his way of life. Raised to respect animals and taught how to handle him, who knew that he would become famous for doing something he loved to do.
Still can't belive he died because of a stingray. Granted the ray got a lucky shot to his heart, it's still unbelivible. No matter what anybody else may say, he lived a life better then anybody could hope for, and died by it.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin, you lived a good life and raised a good family. May you forever live on in the minds of your friends and family, and across the world to the people you've inspired.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I've done the impossible.
Well, not really the impossible, but close enough. I've completed my Rurouni Kenshin colection. All 28 vols..... all of them. Over the corse of three years, and it took five for it to be completed.
I feel excited and sad at the same time. Kinda like reaching your life goal, and then wonder what to do next. Any sujections becide complete all the other manga I've started.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Normal Journal Update.
Here it is. There is none! Atleast on the anime/manga/ video game frount. Everything else is normal.
Work is killing me. Long hours going from 5:30 AM to around 7 PM. I don't care what job you have, wakeing up that early, spending the next 7 hours on a tractor in the middle of a feild in 90+ degree heat with 35%+ humidity takes it out of you. And then working several hours more after that can kill people that arn't use to it.
And I'm really sore, and in pain. Soreness in the neck and shoulder reason, pain in my knees.
N&S because of haveing to turn around in the tractor seat to see where the people in the field are behind me, the knees cause I keep bumping them on things. I think I almost cracked a knee cap one time from triping on an electric fence and fell from an elevated place to a lower and harder one.
And my computer is messing up, so I have to becareful or it will cut off right when I need it the most.
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
MY LIFE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Today, I mean the whole of today, has been AWSOME!!!!!
Well, becides that AIDs awearness program, other then that it's been awsome. I got out of homework for Spanish, I havn't had to do alot in English becide reading a book, and geomatry has been alright. I made it home, sat down, watched TV and talked to some friends on the computer. At five I got ready for a banquet for my club, 5:35 I left the house in offical dress, and made it there by 5:58. My dad took me there and my real mom was there. We sat down and had idel chit-chat till my step mom showed up and we got our food soon after. I practictly stole the show druing a power point of what the club did this past year. I receved three awards, had alot of pictures taken of me, and people where congradulating me on the job I did. I mean, I'm not even an officer for this club, and I got almost more awards then the President. And even though I didn't get an officer positon this year, next year I'm going to have it in the bag.
Oh, and my picture was in the paper today too. It was on the third page of the Voldosta Daily Times. Best way I can desribe what this means, it would be like being on the 6 AM news in a big city oppose to the 6 PM news in a small town.
Oh, and schools almost out and my manga colection is still growning. LOL!
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