Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating for a very LONG time!!! I will probably not gonna update fpor awhile! This is my only chance so far!!! x__x Well my summer is good so far. I watched lots of anime so far and blah blah blah. x__x Well I also watched 24 Hours of Foo!!! It was awesome! And tonight is of course Anime Night! ^^ Can't wait!! I got the new Foo Fighters CD and the DNAngel vol. 8!! YAY! Well tomorrow I am going to Splahtown with my twin sis and my cousins and my aunt!! ^^ YAY! Its a water park if anyone is wondering. I don't think I will be able to visit anyone sites... maybe a FEW. Just a FEW. x__x Sorry. Tomorrow is also Father's G=Day! YAY! Well gotta go now. Sayonara!!
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Changed my layout!!!
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated for awhile! I changed my layout!!! Thanks for my little twin sister Teri for helping me making this! ^^ Love you very much!! ^^
Well tomorrow is Anime Night! YAY! Can't wait for the new InuYasha and Samurai Champloo episodes!!! And I am gonna watch the new shows too!! ^__^
Also tomorrow is my orthodontics appointment!! ;__; I don't want to go!
Well I will visit your sites later! Sayonara!!! ^^
Comments (17) | PermalinkTuesday, May 31, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! ^^ Well... there has been nothing new around here... well one of my best friend,Yen will be going to Arkansas soon... think today... I will miss her so much while she's gone!!! ;__; But her twin sis, another best friend of mine, Oanh will be staying at her home! YAY!
Well my twin sis, Teri made two wallpapers! They are pretty good. Well for me that is! ^^ Click HERE if you want to check it out.
Well thats all for today. I'll check out your sites later.
Comments (12) | PermalinkMonday, May 30, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey people! Whats up? Well got back from Corpus Christi yesterday! It was fun! Well I have a little sunburn on my back. My parents had sunburn. ;__; Its my mom's very first sunburn! LoL. Sorry for not visiting your sites in the past few days! ^^ Teri got sick on Saturday and missed anime night! x__x I had to miss half of it because Teri was sick! Anyways it was fun overall. I watched all the anime shows I missed on Saturday when I got home! YAY!
Well don't know what else to wrote... so sayonara!! ^^
Comments (13) | PermalinkSaturday, May 28, 2005
Chropus Christi!! ^^
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! I am at Chorpus Christi right now! ^^ Its fun so far but now I have a headache! x__x
Today I can't visit anybody's sites! Sorry!
Well I am going to be back on Sunday!! Yes! Today is Anime Night! YAYAYAY!!!! InuYasha and Samurai Champloo are the shows I am really looking forward to!!! Can't wait!!
Well have a nice weekend everyone! Sayonara! ^^
Comments (2) | PermalinkFriday, May 27, 2005
Can't Wait!
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Heeya everyone! For some reason my computer won't frikin play any of my CDs! x__x GRRR. But oh well. Anyways tomorrow is Anime Night! Its like the best line up Adult Swim ever had! All Action! Yes! New shows and new episodes and Cased Close and Fooly Cooly too! ^^
Anyways I found out what band I made and I wasn't too happy. ;__; Its because I messed up those chromatics! I know it! But oh well...
There are so many CDs I want to buy especially System of a Down's new CD Mesmerize! ^^
Well I feel lazy but I will try my best to visit everyone's sites! -_-zzz I'm sleepy... hehe.
Comments (14) | PermalinkThursday, May 26, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! Its boring since I have no school anymore... x__x
I miss all my friends! ;__;
Two of my friends are here at my house for some reason... their name is Terrilynne and Tracey! ^^ Their twins too like me! LoL. Anyways I wanted to go to Jersey Village High School which is the school I am going next year to see my result on which band I made! x__x I am so anxious! But I couldn't go today...
I'll try to visit everyone's sites today! ^^ Bye for now!
Comments (15) | PermalinkWednesday, May 25, 2005
600 Hits!
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! I have over 600 hits! ^^ YAY!
Anyways... today was the last day of school... I don't want it to end!!! But then again... yes I do! ^^ I am at Chubbi Chibies (Yen) and Lilanimelover (Oanh)'s house! And it is FRIKIN hot!!! x__x Cause their air conditioner is broken and having it fixed right now! Good part! ^^ Its fun!!!
I miss my friends SO MUCH! To Yen, Oanh, Lily, Christy, Julie, Emma, Jenny and so much more: I LOVE you guys! I will miss them ALOT! And hope to see them VERY soon!
I don't know if I am gonna be able to visit your sites but hope so!!! Bye everyone!
Comments (8) | PermalinkTuesday, May 24, 2005
One More Day... ^^
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
ONE MORE DAYS AND SCHOOL'S OUT FOR GOOD!!!! YAYAYAY! *throws confettis*... wait... shouldn't I be throwing confettis tomorrow... Anyways sorry for not posting for a few days... busy... or you could say its someone's fault... Well today was really fun to me! In fourth period, which is my IPC class we got to color!!! YAY! I colored with Jadd. It was fun but he was being really weird... like always... anyways then Spanish was dead boring cause I don't really ever talk to anyone in that class because its full of preps... no offense... but I found out that I got a 100 on my Spanish II final and a 98 on the Algebra final! Yay! ^^ Well we also got to skip like 25 minutes of 7th period for the 8th grade yearbook signing party! Yes! Got alot of people to sign mine and me to sign theirs! ^__^
Well there is also bad news too... my friend Julie... if anyone remembers her... but she got sad today becasue of me. ;__; This guy named Khang signed the guestbook and put "To Teri- Not Tracy" I am Tracy... and Teri is my lil twin sis... anyways I don't know him but it was still offensive to me. Then Julie was like "He probably didn't mean to say it that way." And I said that I didnt care how it was put even though I did believe that was true. Then she rolled her eyes at me... then I told her "Do not roll your eyes at me". Yes that sounded mean. But she really never cared about my problems even though its big or small. Every time she was down for a big thing or small reason I don't roll my eyes. At least I dont think I do... but doubt that. She is ALWAYS defends the guys... And then all she did throughout the whole party was laid her head down. I really did want to say sorry to her and talk to her... but knowing her she wouldn't say anything to me if I did apologize... and that it wasn't really my fault... I told my other friends about this and they all took my side which was cool. Do you think I did the right thing? Hmm... anyways I will try to visit everyone's sites! Sayonara! ^^ Thank you for listening or reading my problems. If I am annoying you, sorry! x__x
Comments (15) | PermalinkSaturday, May 21, 2005
Anime Night
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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YAY! They have Rave Master today! YES! And Samurai Champloo and of course the InuYasha movie! YAY! Well nothing to do today... maybe I could go to the bookstore and also H & H, a instrument suppy store... need to buy more cork grease... hehe... and I could also watch the Rock Countdown! Yes! Anyways today I need to read The Wave... need to catch up with the class... and practice my clarinet becuase next week will be auditions! AHHH! Well three more days of frikin school! ^^ YAY!
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Well I figured out what I made on my Algebra TEKS test... it ain't that good and I was really and REALLY upset... for the majority of other people... people would be SUPER happy... but for people who are... let's say..."over achievers"... wouldn't be happy... I call myself one... but maybe I am not... but I am not happy at all... I could of made a better grade... and then I think I failed the Science TEKS and I already failed the Language one... and I am also upset with the Spanish... even though the majority probably would be really happy...even though I don't know the writing grade for both the Language Arts and Spanish yet... but yea... *sigh*
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