Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Boring day again... well I got to skip 7th period for this thing about meteorologists thingy. The channel 26 weather lady came to talk. I learned something new. I finally understand what it means when it says WATCH and WARNING!! I was always confused. Bleh. Anyways we got our progress repot today... and I got a frikin 87 in Spanish II!!! NOOO! All of my other was a 92 and above. Stupid Spanish test that I got an 87 on!! GRR. Oh well... *sigh* nothing more... hmm... should I change my theme??
Comments (5) | PermalinkMonday, May 2, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone. Today for some odd reason... I felt DEAD. WoW. School was bleh. Today I didn't have private lessons for my clarinet practice! YAY! Well not really... because everytime I go I learn something really new and helpful! 0_o. Anyways I will try to visit everyone's site! ^__^ Sayonara.
Comments (7) | PermalinkSunday, May 1, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
WoW. Everyone at my school that I know especially in band has LOVE problem. We are only in the middle school people! No offense people. Well yesterday was probably the sadest anime night ever! X___X Hughes DIED!!! I cried so much! WHY? WHY? I cired and really never had a smile after seeing that episode of Fullmetal Alchemist... and there is Ghost in the Shell... all of them was either captured or killed... and it was really weird for Ghost in the Shell to have a "love" scene... but it was so sad for Ishikawa or however you spell it got beaten up... and then the Major was assinated!!! This was the most emotional anime night ever for me! -__- I wish Hughes and section 9 rest in peace.
Comments (10) | PermalinkSaturday, April 30, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone! Sorry I have't been here for a very long time! x__x I have been grounded for awhile... and I think I am still grounded... yepp... Well things have been swell I guess... I went to Six Flags Astroworld yesterday for IP & C class! I went with my sis, Yen, and Oanh and my other friends Lily and Christy! It was fun! It was probably the funnest day in my whole life with any of my friends! ^__^ Yepp! Well today is Anime Night! YES!!!
Now its time to tell you my daily life at school... Tom and Emma broke up and so did Julie and Stanley. End. Oh and there are gonna be so many tests coming soon! AHHHH!!! I think I am going to die!!! Okay thats the end of my school life.
Anyways here is another survey:
::_**_:: FRieNDS ::_**_::
47.) best::
48.) daringest::
49.) funniest::
50.) tallest::
51.) shortest::
52.) loudest::
53.) shyest::
54.) smartest::
55.) blondest::
56.) craziest::
57.) nicest::
58.) sweetest::
59.) weirdest::
60.) flirtiest::
My Answers:
47.) best:: Teri, Yen, Oanh
48.) daringest:: who knows?
49.) funniest:: Teri! YAY!
50.) tallest:: Kristal or Emma
51.) shortest:: Diana
52.) loudest:: iono... i'd say Phoebe ^_^
53.) shyest:: Yen or Oanh o_O LoL
54.) smartest:: Lily
55.) blondest:: iono...
56.) craziest:: Tom and I am serious!
57.) nicest:: Christy
58.) sweetest:: who knows...
59.) weirdest:: Jenny! HAHA!
60.) flirtiest:: Beats me... maybe Julie? Sorry about that Julie.
Have a nice Saturday! And Anime Night!!! ^____^ Bye eveyone! Till the next post!
Comments (7) | PermalinkSunday, April 17, 2005
Anime Night Was Good BUT Also Terrible!!!
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hey everyone. Well I enjoyed most of Anime Night... but I missed Rave Master AGAIN! TWICE in a ROW!!! AHH! They changed the frikin time AGAIN! So it recorded Teen Titans! Ugh! I don't really like that show! Its okay and all... but I can't believe I missed Rave Master!!! Anyways... I had fun at my friend's birthday party. Too lazy to go through details... yea. Tomorrow I have a state science field test to take. My cousins that live in Humble don't have school tomorrow! Not fair! And I know a few of you guys won't have school tomorrow either... LUCKY! Well I got my my report card today... it was decent. Okay here is another survey:
::_**_:: FaVoRiTeS ::_**_::
31.) animal::
32.) color::
33.) person::
34.) subject::
35.) season::
36.) holiday::
37.) hobby::
38.) sport::
39.) feeling::
40.) saying::
41.) word::
42.) month::
43.) clothing::
44.) jewelry::
45.) food::
46.) snack::
Hers mine:
31.) animal:: iono...
32.) color:: RED
33.) person:: why? Don't have one anywasys... that's just wrong.
34.) subject:: math or band
35.) season:: spring
36.) holiday:: Christmas... and it's not entirely because of the presents...
37.) hobby:: video games, drawing, watching my animes and reading my mangas! WHOO!
38.) sport:: none... not really interested... I am kinda athletically challenged... or however you say it...
39.) feeling:: depress
40.) saying:: "That's great. That's just awesome..."
41.) word:: don't know...
42.) month:: December... it really gets me to a high spirit for some reason...
43.) clothing:: guy shorts... or jeans... or those collar shirts with attachments of long sleeves if you know what I mean...
44.) jewelry:: don't got one... does those sweat band count?
45.) food:: BEEF
46.) snack:: beats me.... so much!
Comments (9) | PermalinkSaturday, April 16, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Yo everyone! Today is Anime Night! YAY! But I can't watch Rave Master today! AHH! I hope it will record and this time I hope my dad isnt gonna cancel the recording like before! I am going to my friend's birthday party today! YAY! We are going to make pottery! oOo. Anyways I hope everyone will have a great Saturday! Sayonara! ^__^ I will try to visit people's sites today!
Comments (6) | PermalinkFriday, April 15, 2005
I believe this is gonna be a LONG post...
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Hiya everyone! I changed my theme! Its from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles! And Cardcaptor Sakura as well! Well yesterday, me, Lily, and Christy felt sorry for Tom because during our Lunch, all his "so-called friends" left him alone sitting by himself even though Tom didn't care... because he and this stupid guy named Tony were in an arguement and all the friends took Tony's side... long story how they got into that arguement... and we all decided to let him join the three of us because we felt very sorry for him... and at the end of school he repays us by telling us this really rude and stupid thing... long story as well... we couldn't believe that we felt sorry for him... *sigh* but each and every one of my friends do believe we will someday kill him..
Moving on...
Well I have read Red River and its really good! But its sort of dirty... it freaks me out sometimes... yep... but I am glad I read it though! Thanks Yen! ^__^ That is all for today... I think...
Oh wait! Today is Stanley and Julie's second month anniversary! My sis, RinoaSquall4ever made it! Its really funny!
Hope you like it! ^__^
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Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
I went to the mall today with Teri and bought new new mangas!!! WOOHOO! Well we bought there Fruits Basket Vol.8, TSUBASA: RESERVOIR CHRONICLES!!! I have also WANTED to collect that!!! YAY! Well I bought the second volume... because the first volume was like MESSED UP... and you know me... I need it to be PERFECT!!! And there was only one copy of the first volume... so yea... And then we decided to get Princess Ai Vol.1 for free! YAY! Well then we went to B.Dalton and they had Tsubasa and they had the first volume and it was PERFECT! YAY! End of that story...
Comments (2) | PermalinkWednesday, April 13, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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MyOtaku for hosting this blog | Teri for the layout and coding | AppendixSquared for the texture | Colorfilter for the pattern
Yo everyone! I haven't been here for awhile... well don't know where to start off... anyways... there has been so much homework!! X__X Testings all week next week... *sigh* TAKS... gosh... too soon I tell you... TAKS is our state test... and it is so near end of school year... well and then on Monday we will have this pep-rally for TAKS in band... and we have to split in groups... *tears* I have to be seperate with my friends... well I have to go... I will try to visit people's site as much today... but it isn't a promise... tries to do it yesterday... but didn't make it... *sigh* so busy!!! Well bye everyone! Sayonara!!!
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