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Well right now I have exactly 400 hits! ^__^ YAY!
Anyways... we had our UIL... and we got a sweepstake! YAY! Meaning that we both got a 1 on the concert and sight-reading! ^__^ While we were waiting outside for the results me, Teri, Julie, Sami J., and Tom were playing cards and it was friking hot cause we were wearing our uniforms! Everyone was burning! My sis, RinoaSquall4ever played the last note long on sight-reading when it was short! LoL. She was like if we get a two then I am gonna feel so guilty! LoL. It was great! We had so much fun! All of my friends are in band except for Yen and Oanh. But the two are the only anime fans! ^__^ We heard a different school.. and they played BORING songs... except for the last piece they played called "A Longferd Legend"... cause we played it too! ^__^ We only played the second movement though... well their second movement was not as good as ours.. especially the alto sax's solo! Jadd is the best! The person didn't play as well as him! No one can play better than him! No offense who plays the alto sax out there! LoL. Anyways we had so much fun and on the 23rd of April we will be going to Galveston for another contest! Soo much! *sigh* Julie kept on calling us the ASIAN CREW whenever it was with me, Teri, Julie, Lily, Christy, and other people like Sami and Tom, which I really don't like to hear those kind of stuff! I mean I am proud to be one but don't like to show it cause I think its really gay... yep GAY! Anyways... bye!
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Well... Tom and Emma got back together... Hurray! But then again I heard that Tom only asked her out again is because people kept on calling him an idiot and all... hope its not true!x_x As long as Emma is happy! Right? Or am I wrong?
Anyways... I did pretty well on my IPC test... a 95... I was disappointed on what I missed... *sigh*...here is a little survey again:
::_**_:: SCHooL ::_**_::
17.) Where do you go to school::
18.) What's your school mascot::
19.) What are your school colors::
20.) What's your favorite subject::
21.) Who's your favorite teacher::
22.) What do they teach::
23.) Who sits by you in math class::
My answers:
::_**_:: SCHooL ::_**_::
17.) Where do you go to school:: Cook
18.) What's your school mascot:: Ranger
19.) What are your school colors:: black and silver
20.) What's your favorite subject:: math
21.) Who's your favorite teacher:: don't have one
22.) What do they teach:: none
23.) Who sits by you in math class:: Lily, Tyler, and Kristen
Comments (5) | PermalinkTuesday, April 5, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Oh my gosh! I finally know why Tom was crying! It's becuase of Emma's letter telling Amanda that she didn't like him, she LOVED him... so sad... I feel so sorry for them... they were like crying (Tom cried like three times) and then Amanda cried... gosh if I was there I would walk out of the area and be in a lonely dark place to think about what had just happened... I would feel so depressed... I don't cry THAT easy but I get really depressed easily... I don't know how to approach this tomorrow... maybe I am not going to talk to anyone that...probably not talk to my friends that I hang out alot especailly that envolves with people who hangs out with Emma and Tom ... too much things have been going on...their realtionship... my cold... my really BAD cough... homework cause I was absent... test tomorrow... so much and things I don't want to talk about... don't you wish that sometimes that you wish your friends would understand how you feel? Thats how I feel... a best friend of mine doesnt really care about my feelings that I feel towards things... thats what I think... I am not even sure anymore that she even is my best friend... I am closer to my other friends than her... but as long as Teri, Yen and Oanh are my "bestest" friends! Okay bye...
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Oh no...
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Hey everyone... got so much to do today. Man... got so much hoework and got a test tomorrow in IPC... so much! Today at school was pretty cool, I guess. Well after school, Tom was crying a little... which I don't know why... something that got to do with Emma's letter that she gave to my other friend Amanda and Maegan... poor guy I feel so sorry for him. I don't want to see a friend cry. He proabably felt guilty or something. I feel so bad for some reason... I wished that their break up was just a nightmare... here is the banner I had made for them for their 2nd month anniversary:
I really did hope that it would have lasted longer just liked Tom had hoped if you saw his buddyprofile on AIM... he made up this STUPID story... but yea and I know that Emma would have wanted to last forever... sounds creepy but of course sweet! But you know it would be really nice if they went back as friends also then never to talk to each other again... I warned Tom about their friendship... but anyways hope you like the banner and I really did wish that I could have gave this to Tom and Emma *tears* but thats life...
Okay anyways I got some new MANGAS on the weekends! YAY!!! I got:
1. Fruits Basket Vol.6
2. Fruits Basket Vol.7
3. Chobits Vol.7
4. Chobits Vol.8
5. DNAngel Vol.7
I really did hope that Fruits Basket Vol. 8 came out already... x__x Bye everyone!!
Comments (1) | PermalinkMonday, April 4, 2005
They broke up!!!
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Yo everyone! I am sick wothn a cold and got to skip half a day of school! YESA!!! I went to the doctor's and got a shot near my butt which i was hoping I wouldn't... x_x Well I went to Grand Praire on the weekends and went to my friend's cousin's son's 2nd bday party! It was crazy! If you read RinoaSquall4ever's post you'll know what happened. I am too lazy to go into details X_X
OH MY FRIKIN GOSH! My friens TOM AND EMMA BROKE UP!!! AHHH!!! Tom told me and I was not buying it. Then my sis and Julie told me it was true! AHHH!!! I made an 2nd month anniversary banner for them too! Even though their anniversay is on the 21st... Curse them! I'll post up the banner later so people can see. I was proud of making it even though people can do SOO much better! LoL. Anyways I guess thats all I have to say! Lataz! ^__^
Comments (6) | PermalinkThursday, March 31, 2005
Sorry for not posting...
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Yo everyone! I wanted to post yesterday, but didnt get a chance to and I don't think I am able to visit anyones' site! AHH! SO BUSY! Anyways yesterday was a fine day I guess except after school after we had our band rehearsal... my twin sis got hurt yesterday because my friend Tom was pushing her because of a stupid reason... and if you read my twin sis's post, RinoaSquall4ever, then you will know the story. Well Teri started to feel really sad and wanted to cry because it hurt really bad and also because he didn't listen to her. Well I got so pissed off that I yelled at him like I never did to him before... (he pisses me off most of the time) and I wanted to beat that stupid punk up for messing with my little sis! Gosh... and Tom didn't even say SORRY! After that incident he acted like nothing happened!...but Tom felt bad and told my other friend, Julie that he felt like sh**. It made me feel better because he felt like that... and when I said that I felt good I felt as in EVIL good... which was not good but yea...
Today was not good at all! I had a HUGE allergy attack! And allergy stuff started this year.... We were outside for P.E. (hate that class) and then my eyes were starting to feel real itchy so I rubbed it ALOT and then it sort of got worse and it became red and got kinda swollen in my second class... yea not good... then I went to the clinic's office during my thrid class which was band and got an ice pack. It felt better and the conditions were okay! YAY!
Sorry for the long post! x_x
Comments (6) | PermalinkMonday, March 28, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Hiya everyone! Sorry for not posting a post for a long time... well not literally for a long time... but you know... well things have been cool. I went to Astroworld yesterday with my cousins, aunts, and my twin sis. It was fun. Well I have two cousins that went with me that are in second grade... one named Thomas and the other Christopher... Thomas went with us all of the rides that we went to while Chris went like 2/3 of it. Chris cried in the Viper. Well Tom was like "I am cool" and was making fun of Chris. On the ride home he was still making fun of him. I got really tired of it. I kept on yelling at him. Well Tom's mom yelled at him and saying why don't you compete with school and be the best, then I'll be proud of you... well she didnt mean to be better that any one in the family...cause he asked his mom if she could ride those roller coasters... trying to compare with his mom. I told this to my dad. And he was like yea shes right. Well then my dad says that you should NEVER compete with your family, relatives or friends. NEVER compete with school, money, power, careers and anything else. And then I realize he is TOTALLY right. I mean I never did compete with my family and friends but I never realized that before. You should compete with just say enemies... I guess... but you know I learned something very important from my dad, and I think that it is the right thing. Okay... anyways... if you thought that was crap think what you think... now to move on.Oh did I mention the it was frikin cold yesterday? I though I would have my butt froze off! Anyways... MyO wasn't working yesterday night. And I was putting a comment on kevmart83's post! Gosh and it was a pretty long one too! GRRR! Okay anyways... for the next few posts, I am gonna put up surveys... just for fun and get to know people a little better! ^_^ Boring, huh? Okay anyways... Adoios everyone!
::_**_:: BaSiC ::_**_::
01.) name::
02.) middle name::
03.) DOB::
04.) age::
05.) location::
06.) eye color::
07.) hair color::
08.) hair length::
09.) height::
10.) shoe size::
11.) glasses or contacts::
12.) braces::
13.) single or taken::
14.) bad habits::
15.) fears::
16.) screen name::
My answers:
01.) name:: Tracy
02.) middle name:: Doang Trang
03.) DOB:: 13.13.91
04.) age:: 14
05.) location:: study room
06.) eye color:: dark brown
07.) hair color:: black
08.) hair length:: short-long
09.) height:: iono
10.) shoe size:: 6 to 8?
11.) glasses or contacts:: NONE BABY! 20/20 VISION! YEA!
12.) braces:: yepper doodles
13.) single or taken:: SINGLE!
14.) bad habits:: procrastination
15.) fears:: dying, others dying, losing friends, me not being good friend
16.) screen name:: silentgirl91
Sorry for the long post everyone! x_x
Comments (6) | PermalinkThursday, March 24, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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The Pre-UIL was okay...I squeaked during the Pre-UIL OMG! Not cool! I play the clarinet! YAY! ^^ Well don't know what else to add... oOo I got a four day weekend after Thursday! YES! WOOHOO! LoL! Here's some questions...
::_**_:: LoVe LiFe ::_**_::
1) Full name:
2) Gender:
3) Age:
4) Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend:
5) If So, what's their name:
6) If so, how long have you been together:
7) Do you have a crush:
8) Do they know:
9) Have you ever broken someones heart:
10) Have you ever had your heart broken:
My answers:
1) Full name: Tracy Nguyen
2) Gender: Female
3) Age: 14
4) Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend: No
5) If So, what's their name: Told you, don't have one...
6) If so, how long have you been together: Never
7) Do you have a crush: Hmm... maybe... don't know if I really do still like him though...
8) Do they know: HECK NO! He doesn't even know I exsist!
9) Have you ever broken someones heart: Yea... well it's not MY fault I didn't like him... as in like like... just maybe like a friend... but he's so EMOTIONAL and I mean he would practically cry at everything... like when his scheldule changed he cried.... WOW...
10) Have you ever had your heart broken: Nope! It's not that easy to break MY heart!
Inuylove have made a new site... but I don't know what it is yet... DARN IT!!! LoL!
Comments (7) | PermalinkMonday, March 21, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Hiya everyone! I don’t think I’ll be able to visit anyone’s site today! Sorry! And not tomorrow either cause I am gonna have a Pre-UIL for Band! So wish me luck! LoL. Anyways… busy…
Well today is my friend Emma and Tom’s one-month anniversary! YAY! CONGRATS TO THEM!
Well I changed my theme! Gundam Wing! That is like the only series I like out of the Gundam series… Well I hope you like it! Bye!
Comments (4) | PermalinkWednesday, March 16, 2005
Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Well I didnt get the chance to update yesterday... well... yesterday was friend Julie and her annoying boyfriend (no offense) Stanley's anniversary! YAY! I made them a banner... here it is!
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Well... there is nothing else to do... things have been quite well though... I am almost done with my mouse car trap! Without the traction the car could go at least 6 meters... dont know with the traction though... and I am so PROCRASTINATING right now! AHH! I am gonna die! Procrastinating is my specialty though... hehehe...
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