Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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...Hiya. Sorry havent updated this for awhile... meaning "real" updating... but yea whatever. Well things been going swell lately... I was in a depressing mood today which I liked it. Well we took our IPC test yesterday... and I dont know... I was disappointed in myself... so many mistakes and accidentals... well thank goodness I was depressed at that moment... and then we graded our CBA math and I missed one... yay... anyways... couples in my school has been cool. Julie and Stanley... okay I guess... Tom keeps making fun of them secretly telling it to me... and his and Emma... guess swell... Tom wants to hold hand with each other but he doesnt know how.... he's so clueless and a big chicken... seriously... but anyways... got good news for me! On Monday, I get to skip at least half the day in school for band...(I play the clarinet) and so does my sis, RinoaSquall4ever. We have to split into two bands in our symphonic band. I'm in Band 1, so I'm going on Monday, March 1st and the second band is going on March 21st. Well most of my friends are going to go on the 21st... NOOO! Well we are going to elementary schools to support band and let people choose to do band... the first band will go to Gleason and Fraiser, and the second band will go Post and Bang. Well there will be my sis, Emma, Jenny, Sami. In the clarinet section that is going on the 1st is me (duh) and theres Tom... NOOO and then theres John S. and Laura... well at least Tom and Emma are going to be together ^_^ Emma plays the oboe and so does Julie... well I thought that Julie should be in band 1 because she went to Gleason and Emma went to Post... so they should have switched... but oh well... but the good part is that we get to skip school!!! YAYAYA!!!!
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