Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
Fanlistings Joined
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Thanks to...
Hey everyone. Well I enjoyed most of Anime Night... but I missed Rave Master AGAIN! TWICE in a ROW!!! AHH! They changed the frikin time AGAIN! So it recorded Teen Titans! Ugh! I don't really like that show! Its okay and all... but I can't believe I missed Rave Master!!! Anyways... I had fun at my friend's birthday party. Too lazy to go through details... yea. Tomorrow I have a state science field test to take. My cousins that live in Humble don't have school tomorrow! Not fair! And I know a few of you guys won't have school tomorrow either... LUCKY! Well I got my my report card today... it was decent. Okay here is another survey:
::_**_:: FaVoRiTeS ::_**_::
31.) animal::
32.) color::
33.) person::
34.) subject::
35.) season::
36.) holiday::
37.) hobby::
38.) sport::
39.) feeling::
40.) saying::
41.) word::
42.) month::
43.) clothing::
44.) jewelry::
45.) food::
46.) snack::
Hers mine:
31.) animal:: iono...
32.) color:: RED
33.) person:: why? Don't have one anywasys... that's just wrong.
34.) subject:: math or band
35.) season:: spring
36.) holiday:: Christmas... and it's not entirely because of the presents...
37.) hobby:: video games, drawing, watching my animes and reading my mangas! WHOO!
38.) sport:: none... not really interested... I am kinda athletically challenged... or however you say it...
39.) feeling:: depress
40.) saying:: "That's great. That's just awesome..."
41.) word:: don't know...
42.) month:: December... it really gets me to a high spirit for some reason...
43.) clothing:: guy shorts... or jeans... or those collar shirts with attachments of long sleeves if you know what I mean...
44.) jewelry:: don't got one... does those sweat band count?
45.) food:: BEEF
46.) snack:: beats me.... so much!
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