Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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YAY! They have Rave Master today! YES! And Samurai Champloo and of course the InuYasha movie! YAY! Well nothing to do today... maybe I could go to the bookstore and also H & H, a instrument suppy store... need to buy more cork grease... hehe... and I could also watch the Rock Countdown! Yes! Anyways today I need to read The Wave... need to catch up with the class... and practice my clarinet becuase next week will be auditions! AHHH! Well three more days of frikin school! ^^ YAY!
Well I figured out what I made on my Algebra TEKS test... it ain't that good and I was really and REALLY upset... for the majority of other people... people would be SUPER happy... but for people who are... let's say..."over achievers"... wouldn't be happy... I call myself one... but maybe I am not... but I am not happy at all... I could of made a better grade... and then I think I failed the Science TEKS and I already failed the Language one... and I am also upset with the Spanish... even though the majority probably would be really happy...even though I don't know the writing grade for both the Language Arts and Spanish yet... but yea... *sigh*
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