Hello and welcome to AnimeFantasy's MyOtaku. There's really nothing much around here but my life. Although I do not update about my life to you guys that much anymore, I do come by often updating fanlistings junk and all. So I hope you enjoy visiting my site. Thank you for visiting.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Heelo everyone! I haven't been here for awhile!! YAY!
Anywho... if anyone hadn't noticed my birthday was on Monday, March 13... haha... kinda late right?? Well I didn't have time to update and all... but it doesn't matter. Well thanks for the people who did wish me a happy birthday and thanks for the cards!
Going on... last week went swell... well not really. It was back to school! GAH. Didn't do much though that week. On Wednesday, I went to this Horizon showcase where we had presented a project and answer questions, explain the lab to people who came and went to other projects presented as well... yup. I had my retainer on and when I talked... I sounded like a nig dork... hahaha. There was Teri and Yen and Oanh! So it was all good! ^^
Well anyways nothing else happened besides a geometry test on Thursday and some quizzes.
Well on Friday, I had plans. YAY! My family and I went to celebrate my great aunt's birthday with all my other relatives. Well the adults had their own table while we "kids" had our own... well besides my 18 year old cousin... he sat with us "kids" HAHA. Well we had fun at the restaurant... but we didn't get to eat much because there wasn't much for 10 people at our table... and some of them weren't good either... *sigh* But there were some juicy oranges for desserts!! YES! OO while we were eating, this waitor guy kept an eye at our table... it was freaky... its like he had nothing better to do! But that was somewhat good too cause when one of cousin dropped his chopstick, that guy got another one and gave it too him in like a second! HAHA. Now that is good service right there... haha. And then after that we went to an asain supermarket... joy... but it was a big one like it was like a mall... so that was good... Well the little cousins were wild! And then my 16 and 18 year old cousin was reading a children vietnamese dictionary.... HAHA. And then the rest... well... kinda loud too... haha... well thats what boys are right?? Surrounded by guys really suck... haha. But we had loads of fun. HAHA.
Well I know its long. Probably can't visit because I have homework to do!! Later.
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