Gender •
Female Location • somewhere in the shadows...or just in my house, I dunno w/e you choose. Member Since • 2006-03-18 Occupation • a, a demon whos gonna kill you any minute now...!
Anime Fan Since • a few years ago Favorite Anime • Naruto, DNAngel, CCS, Kamichama Karin, Disgaea, and sumore.... Hobbies • doodling and sleeping
moshi moshi! haha...- -'' gawd i'm tired...hmm..what to talk about today...oh! A week ago i got final fantasy for DS. I just started so i'm not doin any of you have the Final Fantasy game for DS? Heheh, to tell the truth, thats my first FF friend showed it to me, so yea i got it. um, wat else..oh yea! someone suggested i put a bg for the back of the post, but the thing is i ono how...i tried a bagillion times but it wont work >< can someone teach me...i had it before, but i forgot... T.T Tomorrow, i have to go to the Doctor's i think...i hate the doctors...but hey, who doesnt? anyway, i have to go because my right ear has been getting plugged (clogged, closed up, w/e...) easily. No, its not cuz its dirty...i ono why...and you know how Valentine's day is almost coming up? well, some of the girls in my class said this to the rest of the girls...
"You have to find a valentine for V-day! And it has to be a guy! If you dont find one, then on V-day, the girls who do have a valentine have to beat up the ones who dont!"
...yea i know my class is weird ^ ^ I wanna keep it that