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somewhere in the shadows...or just in my house, I dunno w/e you choose.
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a, a demon whos gonna kill you any minute now...!
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a few years ago
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Naruto, DNAngel, CCS, Kamichama Karin, Disgaea, and sumore....
doodling and sleeping
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/20/08:
Result Posted on 12/03/07:
oh, sweet! ^.
Result Posted on 07/03/07:
Result Posted on 05/15/07:
OMG really?! I dont remember being rabid...O_o
Result Posted on 04/30/07:
Result Posted on 04/20/07:
~~ Your Naruto Date: Who's your boyfriend and what happened on your date? (Girls only) ~~
 You got Neji!!!! He may once have believed alot in destiny but he's changed and turned on to a happier way of life. Maybe he can finally realize what true love is.How your date went:You were in front of the Hyuga main house. You wanted to give some cookies to Hinata since her house was on your way back home. You then saw Neji, coming back from his mission with Lee. When he noticed you, he came walking into your direction. "Hey ______, what are you doing here?" he said, smiling. "Um, I was going to give these cookies to Hinata since her house was on the road back to mine." you said, blushing like crazy. "Oh, I'll give them for you." "Thanks, Neji." "Hum, ______, can I meet you at the training grounds later?" he said, blushing a bit. "Yes, sure." you replied.*****At the training grounds, you were waiting for Neji when he finally showed up. "Sorry for making you wait. I heard you needed some help with your training so I wanted to help you." he said. "Oh, thanks Neji!" you shouted, grinning. He helped you with your training, helping you learn how to throw your shurikens better, how to dodge enemy attacks more effectively and showing you some new techniques. When you tried the rotation technique, you felt tired, since you wasted almost all of your chakra during the other techniques before. Before you knew it, you fainted of exhaustion.*****When you opened your eyes, the first person you saw was Neji. It seems he was watching over you for some time now because it was already night. "Are you okay now, _____?" he said, visibly worried. "Yes, thanks to you." You replied, blushing. "Good." Then he suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You were shocked but happy at the same time. He then pulled away, smiling. You smiled back at him. You two were happy. And it seemed like it would never end. "Even though I don't believe in destiny anymore, I think it was fate that we got to spend the day together and even to have met." he said. "Yes, and I'm happy with the things end." But you were wrong about something. It wasn't the end. It was the start of your love.That was my very first quiz and I hoped you enjoyed it ^^ Message me or rate if you want to. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/26/07:
What Color Best Represents Your Personality?
 You are Blue. Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/01/07:
~~ Your Naruto Date: Who's your boyfriend and what happened on your date? (Girls only) ~~
 You got Sasuke!!!! He may not seem to care that much about almost anything but inside is someone with a sensitive heart.How your date went:You were practicing your skills when suddenly, someone threw a kunai at you. You dodged it then turned around to yell at the attacker. "Hey why the hell did you throw this kunai?!" You shout those words right before noticing that it was none other than Sasuke!! You look on the ground, blushing, humiliated at the idea that Sasuke only hates you more now. "I-I'm sorry Sasuke..." you said shyly. "Nah, it's really my fault. So um... ______, wanna hang out for a while?" You were so surprised that you lift your head to only see Sasuke looking away, blushing. " O-Of course!!" You nearly shouted it. *****You guys were now walking around in town, talking about this and that. You were enjoying yourself. He seemed more open than usual. You finally came to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't as cold as everyone says. Until now, you always thought he hated you. But he seemed friendly as ever.*****At night, Sasuke walked you home. You two told yourselves goodnight when he suddenly leaned in and kissed you quickly. You were shocked yet happy. " Sorry, I kinda wanted to do that..." he said, blushing. " No, it's fine. To tell you the truth, I also wanted to do that..." you replied, smiling. "So... I guess we're not friends anymore, huh?" "Hehe, nope." Then you both kissed goodnight this time and he went away, grinning. You watched him walk away, with no more but happiness.That was my very first quiz and I hoped you enjoyed it ^^ Message me or rate if you want to Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/24/06:
Result Posted on 11/24/06:
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