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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
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student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Friday, January 4, 2008
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Hey everyone, how are you all? I hope you're well. ^_^
~Update on My Publishing
My teacher is going to have an unofficial book made in the library at our school for my class's stories, but mine won't be in it. ^_^ Why? It just so happens there is a very talented teacher working at our school who has gotten some of his work published. I've seen him in the hallways, and on our morning announcement programs. He seems very cool! *nods*
Well, my teacher is going to introduce me to him, and he's going to teach me the ways of book marketing and sales. You know, how to companies who will buy your story, and how to find readers, and such. It's like he'll be my sensei or something, because it's not like he's going to be one of my regular teachers. I wonder if he'll let me call him that? He seems like the type that would not only allow it, but encourage it. *laughs* It's his last year, so I am very lucky he agreed wholeheartedly to meeting and instructing me. Also, I'm very grateful. We'll see how this all turns out. But, how should I greet him, a smile and a hi? A handshake? Do I have to put on my interview face and be spunky? Only time will tell, I guess. ^^'
~Gearing up for Braces~
I'm getting braces in a week's time so that when I am an adult I will have a perfect set of straight pearly whites. Only problem is, I have spaces on now.... and they hurt. I'm not talking prickly hurt, or even sting hurt, they ache. Like my teeth are screaming in agony and trying to fall out kind of ache. I'm popping tylenol like Pez candies, too. I have this one tooth that even before I got spacers was a real pain. It would ache if I bit down on something the wrong way. Now, they put a rubber band spacer right behind it, and it hurts like the fires of... well, you know. I was sorely tempted to rip my spacers out and say the hec with it but I'm behaving myself. I hope they give me a day of relief before putting my braces on. Somehow, I doubt it.
Well, that's it! Take care everyone! ^_^
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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There isn't much to say.....
Okay, so I know I didn't visit the last time I posted. *sigh* I know I haven't been doing that a lot lately. My cousin was depressed, so I went and spent the night up there with her. She doesn't have internet access, so I was a bit out of luck. Liable excuse for this time, other times... not so much. I'll be sure to work on that this year. :) *writes on New Year's resolution list*
Remember that story I was yakking about awhile ago? I've named it Faux, and it was turned in before the break. ......
I got the highest grade in the class, the teacher was moved, I was congradulated, there were little to no mistakes on it, and....
It's going to be published! :D My teacher said she's going to try really hard to do it through the school, or at least find me a good company to submit it to. I can hardly wait! It's going to be great, considering most of my friends at school really want a copy of it themselves. (I had them read it ahead of time.)
Well, that's it. :) Have a wonderful day everyone. I will make sure I visit today.
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Monday, December 31, 2007
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Hey everyone, how are you all? Good, I hope.
~Site Change~
Oh my, I actually changed it! It's been such a long time, but I only had a few hours so... it's not in the best condition. I really like the song I have up, though I'm not sure if it plays on its own(?). I'll fix it up a little more at a later date. The text box, though very bland, took awhile.
~Christmas and New Years~
I think I was here the day before Christmas, but I wasn't in a very good mood. I haven't been on since, so I guess now would be the best time to ask some questions.
1.) Did you like what you got for christmas?
2.) Was there snow?
3.) Was it a pleasant one?
As for me, I did like what I got. It was mainly a whole bunch of feminine products like perfume, hand lotion, jewelry, and a jewelry box. Buuuuut... I did get a keyboard.
....I spazzed out after looking at the sheet music, though. XD The notes all looked like a bunch of squigglies to me since I haven't played an instrument since I was eight. But after I calmed down a little I was fine. ^_^ It is now safe to assume I can play Kingdom Hearts Dearly Beloved pretty okay, with minor mistakes here and there. I'm working on Eternal Snow from Full Moon the anime, now. Hopefully I'll do okay.
There wasn't snow here. There hasn't been snow here since that one day we got out early, and the snow melted the next day. But it's snowing now, and for that I'm actually grateful.
The nigth before wasn't, but overall I'd rate my christmas as pretty okay.
~I've Learned~
I've learned that parents don't like it when you make them breakfast in the morning. It's nice to do that... but not nice to leave the kitchen a 'disaster area.'
Age 8
Have a wonderful day, everyone. ^_^ I guess I'm off to visiting.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
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~Happy Holidays~
My mom freaked out on me for buying her a candle for christmas. She screamed and hollered and went on like a maniac, until I just left. Apparantly it's not what she wanted me to give her. But how was I to know? She's really crazy, but all my Dad did was stare. He never helps. I'm glad I had her open her gift Christmas Eve and not on Christmas.
She tired to apologize, but I didn't want it, or accept it. What's done is done. The way she yelled and screamed at me for not getting her the gift she wanted was not okay, and nothing she says can make it okay.
Anyways, I hope all of you have a nice holiday.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
~Follow Up From Yesterday~
Apparantly, not only was "Kike" wasted from Tequila, he was also on acid, cracked out on marijuana and cocaine, and a whole bunch of other illegal drugs and alcohol products. So, it goes without saying that he's going to what I happily refer to as "Kid Jail." I suppose his girlfriend was also on some of these illegal drugs, because of being escorted from the school by her bawling mother and the fact that she hasn't been seen since then. Hmm... well, just goes to show that drugs are bad for you, but no one really believes that. *rolls eyes*
I recreated an outline that is mopre detailed and better than before! My teacher decided to move the whole thing back until Wednesday, but if I want it editted by her, it has to be turned in Friday where she'll give it back later. I only have one page of it done, and it's only in the start, but I hope to have a lot more done soon. I brought it home to work on, but I won't do it just yet.
~I've Learned~
I've learned that reading can transport you to a place where anything can happen.
Age 7
Have a wonderful day, everyone. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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Hey everyone? How are you all?
Crap! I fell asleep yesterday. I guess I laid down on the couch for a minute and dozed off. Sorry I didn't visit cuz of that.
Today in school, a kid dubbed Kike brought in Tequila to school and was drinking it in class. Apparently he got so wasted he freaked out, screamed at the teacher, began trashing the classroom, and had to be strapped into a wheelchair and taken to the nurse. He was screaming obscenities all the way down the hall as the police took him there. He was always somewhat of a weird kid, but I didn't think he would be so stupid. I don't expect to see him again, since bringing an illegal (because he's underage) substance to school and damage of school property will get you expelled. I was taking a test when his girlfriend, my ex-best friend, was called to the office. I have no idea what it was about, but when my mom came to bring in a note of absence, she said her Mom was leading her out of the school bawling her eyes out. I wonder if she gave Kike the alcohol, and she was caught in posession of the rest of it. That's enough to get her expelled, too. Things are pretty interesting at school now, I guess.
~I've Learned~
I've learned that everytime I lose a tooth, a fairy gives me a dollar. If I lose my two front teeth, will I get all I want for christmas?
Age 6
Have a wonderful day. ^_^
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
Soo... I heard they're going to be changing some things on here. To tell you the truth, maybe we need it... then again, maybe we don't.
My teacher lost my plot outline for my fiction story. -_-' I have until Friday to remember all of the plot and write it so that it's 3-4 pages long and turn it in. I wish she would give me an extension.
We're having problems with an old friend turned enemy at school. She used to be one of our close friends, but she changed over the summer for the worse. She got cocky, thinking that because she's had two boy friends, it automatically makes her better than everyone else and everyone should bow down and worship her. Especially us, her best friends me, Britt, and Trish. She was going out with two guys at the same time, openly cheating, doing things with guy "friends with benefits," and treating us like crap. I was angry at this point, but I excused it because she was a close friend from way back in the day, but it got worse and worse until she finally fell flat on her butt. She introduced one of her "friends with benefits" to my close friend Britt. They met, seemed to like eachother, and she even considered dating him. Until Britt found out about the "friends with benefits" thing. The hoe bawled to the "friend" that Brittney was fighting with her, trying to steal him away, and that SHE, Brittney, was the slut. By this point, I'd had enough and I called to yell at them, tell them that we (me, Britt, and Trish) were no longer friends with her and would not be on speaking terms, and I thought that would be the end of things. It wasn't. Every single time Britt and Trish walk by her in the hall, her and her new hoe friends call them sluts, but she doesn't dare do that to me.
In short, it's aggravating me. Though she doesn't harrass me, she harrasses my very close friends, and has an extreme staring problem that she can't seem to get over whenever I'm around. I'm sorry if my post sounds agitated, but I don't know what to do about this problem, and it's growing to be an even bigger problem by the day. She's angry because we can't be friends anymore, so she harrasses us. Well, she'll never be our friend again anyway now, so why even try?
That's pretty much all there is to say. ^_^
~I've Learned~
I've learned that everyone needs a nap-time, even at pre-school.
Age 5
Take care, everyone! I'll be visiting later. ^^
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Monday, December 10, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^_^ How are you all?
Wow, it really is like no one's out there anymore. It's worrying, but fine. I mean here on myO. >.>
Well, I just got back from a shopping trip with my boyfriend. I wanted to get him into Deathnote, because it seems like something he'd enjoy. Turns out, he has a lot of things in common with Light. Soooo... success!!! *laughs*
That's all, pretty much. Jeez, there really isn't anything to say, is there?
~I've learned~
I've learned that no matter how much you want a younger sibling, when they finally arrive all you want to do is send them back.
Age 4
Take care everyone! ^_^
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
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Hey everyone, how are y-- Wait, where is everyone?
So I need a coat, heh, I probably should have gotten one a long time ago since the average temperature since the end of October was 20 degrees Farenheit(sp?). We're going to the mall to get one, but if only prices weren't so expensive!!! Well, i'm sure I'll find something. ^_^
I'm also spending the night at my friends... speaking of which, I have to call her back about that.
~I've Learned~
I've learned that every time I'm bad, mommy starts to count to three.
Age 3
Take care, everyone!!!! ^_^ I'll try and visit, but my friend has no internet access. I'll have to see.
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Friday, December 7, 2007
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Hey there everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
I was sick today, which kind of sucked because I really wanted to work on a school assignment for once. It's a narrative for school, and I kinda wanna make a satire of it, but I'm afraid I'll forget the plot line by the time I get back to school. Besides this, it's pretty much all there is to say. ^_^
~I've Learned~
I've learned that temper tantrums don't help you to get your way, they just help you get a time out.
Age 2
Take care. I'll visit.
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