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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
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Hey everyone! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Today... At School... Good Times... XD
Today we had anime club, so all of us misfits filed into the art room, and sat goofing off, and throwing things at eachother, and talking about the anime we'd seen recently, when someone turned on Karas: The Prophecy. Immediately, like little daycare kids when the daycare lady turns on SpongeBob, we shut up, and all of the poking, yelling, screaming, hissing, chasing eachother around stopped, and all attention turned on the T.V. We were like Zombies. XD It was fun. Me and my friend Justin decided to make a comic out of our two drawings of ours. He saw that I had a pic of a bunny I created named fluffy on my binder the first day of anime club. So, he made its polar opposite, a guy bunny named Lance. So, we decided that we would make a story about how lance and fluffy meet and try and kill Psycho kitty (a cat I drew up that's like a zombie) and Psycho beagel (a beagel like a zombie he drew). lol. So, that should be fun. ^^ He's drawing the first part, and I'm drawing the front page. We then filed in for pictures for our club, and he gave me bunny ears in it, and I closed my eyes.
Then, before the pictures, this senior had the word >bleep< on his belt. So, we were staring at it, and he was like, "Yes, its says >bleep< @. *. !. %." lol. It was quite a fun day. ^^
Annnnnd... that's about it. I haven't been on lately, I know. But my teachers have been working me like a dog. If you want the url for my story, come back around 6 or later and it will either be in the post at the bottom, or the subject. I don't have time to dig up my email. It takes me forever to get to it now.
Take care everyone. I will be around to visit sites. ^^
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Friday, October 27, 2006
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Hey everyone, how are you all? Good, I hope.
~Rainy dayzzz...~
*sigh* I feel horrible. lol. Maybe the weather has to do with it. There hasn't been much going on... okay, maybe there's been alot going on, but eh. It doesn't seem like much to me. My Aunt's in the hospital and had surgery done on her heart yesterday... no one's called the house to say how it went. Maybe she's only in recovery now and they don't know. If she's still in on Sunday, I'll have to visit her during my lunch break. I'm even considering asking the transport office to hold the calls (push people in a wheelchair) with her room number, and her as the patient, (if there's any). They let you do that if you know the person well. And she IS my Aunt. lol. Yea.
~Morning and Essays~
I woke up at 4 in the morning. My original intention was to stay up all night. That way, I could watch the Inu episode, and write and type my essay for Science, which was due for a HUGE life-altering (if it doesn't get an 80 percent, I fail the year, no joke) grade. The last thing I remember was my head hitting the pillow for a little "rest my eyes time". It was kinda funny, cuz usually when I say to myself that I'm only going to rest my eyes, I mean it. So, I woke up with a little bit of confusion. I could have kicked myself. I thought I have missed Inuyasha, but then I remember that it comes on at 4 too, and it was only turning 4:01 then. So, I got to see it.
Oh! Before I go any farther, does anyone know if the episode "Use the Sacred jewel shard II" I think it was, was the last episode? It didn't show a preview at the end, and after the credits there was another part to it. Oops, maybe I'm giving a little too much away....
Yea, but I finished my essay, annnndd typed it, all before 6:10 am. The only problem was, we were out of ink. I saw it printing and was all like "YES! I'm gonna be able to get a really good grade!" and then the whole page popped out and the ink was faded, and gone. It was chaos. BUT! My mom got ink, printed it, and brought it to school, realizing how important it was, just before lunchtime. ^^ Cuz she's cool like that!
~Qoute Of The Day~
"Loose lips sink ships,"
-Fall Out Boy
Oh! Have'ta go. Mom can't get ahold of my Aunt's household family. So, we're running in. Wish us luck! *crosses fingers*
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY, GUYS! I'll be around later to visit sites!
I'll be putting up the url for my story in my post tomorrow if anyone wants to read it.
*hugs* I'm out.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
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Hey guys. How is everyone? Good, I hope.
~Fairly medium post~
When I first began writing this 2 hours ago, it was a fairly short post. But, my pc downstairs is acting stupid, won't let me type, and froze up on my downstairs. So, I have to rewrite it. I don't even remember all that I said, but here's the jist.
Nothing bad has happened to me lately, as in this week, beginning Sunday. I don't know why, it's pretty unusual, and everything. But eh. It's also unusual hat I haven't noticed how close it is to Halloween. Halloween is my MOST FAVORITE day every, October is my most favorite month ever, and Fall is my most favorite season ever. ^^ lol. But everything about this year, my first year of HS, everything, is unusual, I abmit it. lol.
I went to the Field of Screams with Ash on Saturday, it wasn't all that scary, but it was fun nonetheless. I can't wait to go with her to her youth group this weekend. ^^
and that was pretty much it. It probably had a few diffrent bits and peices here and there, but I don't really remember. ^^
I'm very sorry to those I told this, but I won't be able to put up Chapter 3 tonight, probably tomorrow, unless my pc downstairs zaps out of its hissy fit. Cuz that's where all the stuff I need to write it, and print it if I deem neccasary, are. So, tomorrow.
~Warm Fuzzy Thank-yous~
I want to say thanks. A really big thanks to all my friend on theO. I guess over the weekend something incredible happened. ^^ I now have 1006 hits on my site. know alot of you are saying big deal, and bragger, but I'm not bragging, for I am not. I only feel very, very grateful to all of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read my often strange, moody, aloof posts, and visit all those times. I was also equally happy that 7 of you visited the other day. And I feel very grateful to those people. ^^ Some asked to do things, which I will get on right away. But just know that I appreciate it very much. ^^
Those of you who want to read my story. It is located on It's a Kagome and Inuyasha love/tragedy, and its rte at M, but only for use of some not-so-good sounding cuss words. My penname is Animefire03 and the story title is Come Back to Me.
Have a wonderful day guys. I'm going to come around to visit sites later.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
story is here
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Hey everyone! How are ya all? good, I hope. ^^
~Story Below~
Now I know there was no warning, and I'm sorry for that, but since Fanfic isn't letting me update, I'm putting only the first chapter up today. Then, tomorrow, it will be put up on my fanfic account. *waves flag* I also know my previous 2 posts were only about my story, mainly. It's cuz all together, everything has gotten boring, but in truth, there will be a small entry for you guys who really don't give a crap about my story. Now, this story does have I think.... hrm... so far 2 bad words in it, so pardone my french. It is also long. Very long, so I don't blame you guys if you want to wait until tomorrow when you can read it whenever you want. I'm gonna pull an LS on you guys (hope you don't mind LS) and the text color is going to be a different color. I like light green. let's go with that.
Top Ten Things in This World That I HATE
1.) How perverted Miroku is. C’mon people! He has SANGO for Christ's sake! You’d think that she would have beaten it out of him by now.
2.) History Class. I mean, who cares about the Feudal Era anyways? This is 2006. Shouldn’t we be more worried about what’s going on in the world today?
Air pollution?
But no, History. *Rolls eyes*
3.) If the goddamn Americans want to fight a fricking war in Iraq, let them. It’s not like it really is about Oil. How many of you really believe that?
4.) Commercials. Three words. I. Don’t. Care. Especially about Erectile Disfunction.
5.) How the radio plays five minutes of music for every fifteen minutes of infomercials.
6.) How we have track practice every fricking day after school for three straight hours!
7.) Rap. I’m not even going there.
8.) How people say they hate to read. If we all did that one little thing, maybe the world really would be a better (and definitely smarter) place.
9.) How people throw trash into rivers. If you don’t care about the fish, think of what the pollutant is going to do to you.
10.) And the top ten thing I hate?
I still love Inuyasha. And he’ll never be mine again.
A fist came down heavily on the last three lines, followed by a few teardrops and a sigh. A note lay neglected on the floor, smudged and tattered.
To Mrs. Higurashi,
We regret to inform you that because of the current late fees in which your family owes, we have been forced to bring to your knowledge that we will be foreclosing your current place of residence, Higurashi Shrine, on the thirteenth of the ninth month of the year of 2006. Please be packed and able to leave by early noon of that day. Thank you.
Our Best wishes,
Jen Floyd
(Jen Floyd)
It had been Kagome who had gotten the note first, not her mother. Her who had run upstairs and balled her eyes out. Her who had been scared as she listened to her mother crying as silently as she could from her own room. But that all seemed so much less important today. It was almost of as little importance as everything else at that very moment, least of all that very day.
With bleary and puffy red eyes, Kagome looked up to examine the room that used to be hers. Everything: the walls, the floor, the doors, were completely blank and colorless, having been made so the day before. The only thing that made the room bearable enough to even spend the night in was the large cardboard boxes holding her most valued possessions that stood uniformly against the walls. A note tacked to the wall by a pink thumbtack that had never been taken down also stood out against the eerie strangeness of the all-too-clean room. With a shaky hand she reached out to untack it from the wall and held it carefully in front of her, so that even in the moonlight it could be read.
Damn, I’m always so bad at this. So, I’m going to be as blunt as usual. I love you, and.... what the hell, if you love me, just... write back or something.
Kagome could barely contain her sad smile as she finished the note and carefully tucked it safely, as if it were her own heart, into the smallest box labeled “Fragile”, before beginning to shuffle through its contents.
Those four months with Inuyasha had been better than Kagome could have ever dreamed them to be. In fact, she had even been happier than she, a naturally happy-go-lucky, and at times annoying, girl had ever been before. And as things went along, only getting better and better, she had no idea it would, or could, ever end. No idea that the happiness she felt, accompanied by the love that she even now knew she still had, could ever start to break her. She had just been a little too innocent. More than she had ever felt she deserved to be.
Quickly she changed her peace of mind as she pulled out a compowder, and focused instead on the tiny mirror. She looked different from back then.... a year ago. Her hair had began to flatten out and become straighter than its old bushiness, and her skin had gotten paler, unhealthy. Her eyes, once filled with a wonder for all things, had become steely in grief, and she was definitely thinner. However, everyone always told her she was as beautiful as ever. So much so, that Kagome figured all these vital warning signs of something being wrong mustn’t have seemed serious, or meant much to her best friends Miroku and Sango, and her family that consisted of her mother, her brother Souta, and her Grandfather. Kagome shook her head, suddenly weary as she placed her compowder back inside the box and began searching amongst the beloved familiar objects once more, a few new tears rolling down her cheeks. Reflecting back on the warning signs, Kagome realized they didn’t mean much to her either. After all, she was finally losing the thing she thought she would always have.
Her hands stopped groping around inside the box, and she carefully pulled a large pad of papers out. Obsessively she flipped through it until she came to the page she wanted. Distantly from her mother’s room a Grandfather clock tolled.
Slowly her fingers traced around in a square, before tracing something else. Even more slowly she opened her mouth to speak, with trembling lips, what she though she would never ever have to say.
“September thirteenth, 2006. Moving Day.”
~My day~
Okies. Today was pretty okay. I got teased by Alex who ended up playing with my hair during LAw (language arts workshop). He's very random with stuff like that. And... I found out that on my b-day, which is tomorrow, you all know this, cuz I won't shut up about it, lol, I have three tests and a crap load to do since I was sick yesterday. That's why I didn't update yesterday and only answered my PMs. At least I think I didn't update *shrugs* I'm going to try and talk my parents into taking me out to eat tonight since they won't be home for my b-day tomorrow. How will that go? I have no clue XD. Well, that's all.
Have a wonderful day everyone! I will be around to visit sites!
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
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hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~My day~
My day was boring, but the anime club I'm now is was great! We're going to be creating our own anime. lol. This should be interesting. Since today was the first meeting tho, we all just carried on like crazy idiots. 3 of the other members came over to swoon over my sketch book at my chibi gaara for awhile. XD They were all like "Awwwww! It's GAARA!!!"
Me: "Erm, si."
The one guy: *squeal*
Me: O.o "I didn't know guys squealed."
Him: *smiles and moves on*
The girls: "It's cute."
Me: *smiles wryly* "Thanx."
I don't know why but after hearing, "your art's good!" so many times, it's become old news. lol. And alot of them only tell me so that they can start a conversation, or at least so I thought.
I have to go to walmart to get my pics. XD My mom almost ruined my digital camera. She put the battery in upside down and I, not knowing that, charged it. Which, or so the radioshack guy said, is not a good thing. oh well.
~The Story~
Ookies, peoples. From the day I get all the info I need on (the 20th), I will be posting about updates in the story I'm writing on here instead of sending you a pm. That means that it might be wise for you guys to check on my site from time to time. Things such as who will be appearing in the next chapter will be up, and other such possibly important stuff. THIS IS NOT TO GET PEOPLE TO VISIT MY SITE! It's just simply convenient for me because as of now, *checks list* there are 11 of you. I HAVE FOUND A WAY TO INCLUDE EVERYONE WHO SAYS "Yes! I want to be in it!" And I'm pretty sure you'll be quite pleased with how. Yes, it has to do with the 'fav character" question. Some of you already know. lol.
Well, that's all for today, guys. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! I will be around to visit sites! *glomps, hugs, and dissappears*
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Monday, October 16, 2006
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Hey everyone. This is gonna be short, cuz there isn't much to say, really. How are you all? good, I hope.
~Otaku Hunting
What? And I repeat, what? I'm glad I don't live in Japan, or else there would be some very sorry robbers on their hands.
I just got an account on Fanfiction. I'm going to be posting an Inuyasha Fanfic on there, but I can't until the 19th. So, the 1st chapter will be up on my b-day (Friday the 20th). I know my last story hasn't been up in awhile. That's cuz I decided to discontinue it. This one I have high hopes for tho. Since it takes place in our present time, and it's something I can relate to, and I know my Inuyasha stuff, this should be good. ^^ However, since it is in this time, if you want to be in it, you can. Just comment saying that, and then pm me what you look like, and all that good stuff, and I'll pm you back. I'm hoping for maybe only 4, but if 4 people already said they'd be in it (I doubt it, but it could happen) don't get discouraged, tell me you want to be in it anyways, and I'll host a contest to see who gets to be in it. If only 5 people say they want to be in it instead of only 4, I'll make an exception.
~Qoute Of The Day~
"I wish that I could gather up my tears so that I could DROWN you in them!" -???
Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE! I WILL BE AROUND TO VISIT SITES!!!!
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Homecoming! and 6 more days til the big day!
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Hey everyone! This is going to be really really short. How are you all? good, I hope!
Okay, 2 of you yesterday said it needs to be bigger, so I'll be working on that right after I post this.
Yea, I'm kinda worried, and all, I kept waking up every hour, but it's all going to be okay. ^^ Wish me luck!
TAKE CARE EVERYONE! I'm sorry I wasn't around yesterdy, AOL wouldn't let me on because of some dumb error. I will be around to visit the sites that update before 3.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Garbanzo beans~
I'm currently here sitting at the computer eating Garbanzo beans and talking to one of myO friends. lol. They're those skin-colored beans you put in salad, but I eat them plain. My version of a salad is a little scoop of black and green olives in their own little piles on one side, a scoop of ham cubes in their little pile, cottage cheese in a small pile, and raw broccoli and garbanzo beans in their piles on the other side of the plate. Let me tell you, there's nothing like organizing your salad into little groups of the same thing, especially when there's no lettuce. XD Why am I even talking about this anyway? lol. Moving on.
A kid in the hallway was talking about how he worked at Arby's. Since Arby's is my favorite place to eat, it got me to thinknig and now i'm hungry for there. My mom says we can go there tonight, so that ought to be good. XD Yea.
Tomorrow is homecoming, and I have a crap load I need to get done. I confessed to my mom all my worries, and she was like "Well, that's tomorrow, we'll worry about it all tomorrow, don't worry so much." So I'm not. XP BUT I'm going to be updating early in the morning, so I can. But if any of you update after 3, I won't be to your site. 3 is when I'm going to my grandparent's (they're paying for it) stylist to get my hair done. Since I have to get it trimmed a half inch, layered, and then put up in some way I don't know yet (that's part of why I'm worried), it's going to take awhile. Then, it starts at 7, so that really isn't much time, and I think we're going out to eat inbetween then. Then later, I'm going straight to my friends for her "homecoming sleepover" thing so, that's why I won't be on after 3.
....heh heh.... Well....
Her mom hates shirts on me that go low, and my dress isn't the quite the turtle neck that she'd prefer me to wear (I'm big chested, and her mom thinks we "boob gifted" people should wear non revealing things cuz of that) in fact, it's lower than any shirt that I've ever worn (they weren't really that low to begin with). That makes me uncomfortable in itself, but I can't imagine (it's her mom picking us up) what her mom's going to say. She thought I was a slut up til this summer, and now she thinks I'm missunderstood. Which is good, cuz I am. I don't like to flaunt what I have, in fact, it's exactly the opposite, but the dress looked really good on me. SB2B thought so, and so did I. But continuing, she might just go back to not trusting me again, which might make her not let my friend come over. So I'm very nervous. Also, I've gotten a lecture from her before about wearing tank tops, my favorite form of dress. She says that I shouldn't wear them. My dad got really angry when I told him that, and he says that if I have any trouble with her, I'm to call him. He hates her cuz of that thing that happened last year. I don't think you guys remember tho.
Whoa, that was long. Sorry.
But hey. Should I make the text box bigger? Speak now or forever hold your piece.
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY, EVERYONE! I'll be around to visit later! ^^
Posting time: 3:48 pm.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I'm making dinner today XD
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Yea! I actually think I haven't missed a day of posting yet! But sadly, I missed commenting yesterday. Sorry. But, how are you all? Good, i hope! ^^
~Things that are going to change on my site~
Yea. I think that I am going to start answering comment questions, and stuff like that. lol. Just to be different. I think I've only ever done that once.
My one friend told my friend Bethany yesterday that she thought all girls with short hair were queer, and then today she came to school with her hair almost as short! She's such a hypocrite! I wanted to smack her. But that didn't seem wise, so I didn't.
~My day~
Well, it went pretty okay I guess. I still haven't answered the guy, and he hasn't asked about my answer, so yea. But if he asks about it again, I'll say yes. He likes anime too, and he's on theO. lol. He can't remember his name tho ^^'. It's been awhile since he's been on. That's not why I'm gonna say yes, however.
I have a feeling something huge is going to happen tomorrow. It's going to be Friday, the 13th, the day before Homecoming, and as my life goes, all hec for me will erupt tomorrow. I wonder if I'm prepared for that. ^^'. Probably not, but I won't know til it hits me.
Today is the homecoming parade (Halloween parade for the kids) and if I get down to the school before 6:30 I can be in it! But I think I'll just stay on the sidelines. lol. Since I didn't go to the Fair, or the Maze Quest (is that still open?), or on a hayride this year (they're Halloween traditions in my family, we do those thing every year) then at least I can go to the parade, which is tradition too.
Well, that's it, my friends. ^^ Have a wonderful day and I'll try to get around to sites later!
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all good, I hope. This is going to be short. And this time I swear. lol. XD.
~The other day~
I guess I really did have something to worry about. My friend Britt called after her school bus ride home, and she was near crying. -_-'. But..yea. I'm over it. Moving on.
I got subtly asked out in my period 8 class. I was really surprised so I didn't give an answer. XD. That was probably TMI for alot of you but whatevs. Oh! and My friend Bethany got her hair cropped almost boy short, and put a wild flair to it. It's a whole bunch of different colors. It's very PURTEY! Very punk. *nods* ^^ Now I have to go to my bros football game. I need to take pics of him to put in my scrapbook, and so he has someone there to cheer him on. But since we're going with another family, I won't just be able to get up, leave for about 20 minutes when I get bored, or call my friends cuz I'll feel like I'm being rude. Maybe I just won't go, but then he'd be all alone. *sigh* the things I do for the kid. *ruffles his hair as he eats his chocolate ice cream*
*pics up camera and tows little brother out the door*
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