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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Bed Rest~
Yea, I have school tomorrow, so I should be sleeping (2:21am), but I'm not. I don't want to go to bed. There are things that may happen tomorrow. Things that could start a war within my own little world, where there are only a few people who have access to it. All it will take is one thing. One thing to set a chain of things in motion, until everything becomes chaos. That thing? My friend talking to her ex, who has been pretending to hate her. And yes, he has been jusy "pretending". He stares at her constantly, and he's said some things that you wouldn't say about someone if you hate them... yea. Back on track. I want that to happen, cuz it'll make her happy if it all works out, which could mean there is still some sanity in this world cuz she deserves that happiness, but yet I know that it might not happen. *sigh* So, I'm not sleeping cuz I'm worried. And also, this is the week before homecoming, which means things are going to go down. My school's just crazy like that. So, i'm worried about that too. I swear to god that if I didn't love to sleep, my worries wuld keep me up every night. But hey, it's a good thing, cuz then I can get on and visit you guys. =P
~New CD!~
I got the new Evnesence Cd, and I love it!!!!! *cuddles cd* My favorite song from it, is "All That I'm Living For" Cuz I can relate it to a current situation I'm having. I was practically dying until I got ahold of it. Now, I've been listening to it over and over, until I memorize all the songs, so I can mentally listen to them in school. Believe it or not, that actualy works.
~Birthday present~
As you may or may not know, my b-day is on the 20th, about... a little less than 2 full (not school) weeks away. But, so I could take pics at homecoming, my mom got me a digital camea for my birthday early! *cuddles mom* lol. That's a rare thing, let me tell you. Me and my mom aren't quite that close. We don't see eachother alot, cuz she works a whole bunch of crazy shifts for work, so she's either sleeping, or at work, or at college when I get home from school. *ahem* Back on track. Yea. I thought it was ugly at first, but it looks pretty professional now that it's out of it's package :3. I know eactly how to work everything on it, and everything to do with it. lol. I did that in 20 minutes. I guess machines don't hate me that much after all.
~All That I'm living For by Evanesence~
All that I'm living for
All That I'm dying for
all that I can't ignore alone at night
I can feel the night beginning
Separate me from the living
Understanding me
After all I've seen
Peicing every thought together
Find the words to make me better
If I only knew how to pull myself apart
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All That I can't ingore alone at night
All That I'm wanted for
Althought I wanted more
Lock the last open door-
My ghosts are gaining on me
I believe that dreams are sacred
Take my darkest fears and play them
Like a lullaby
Like a reason why
Like a play of my obsessions
Make me understand the lesson
So I'll find myself
So I won't be lost again
All That I'm living for
All That I'm dying for
All That I can't ignore alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door-
My ghosts are gaining on me
Guess I though I'd have to change the world
To make you see me
To be the one
I could have run forever
But how far would I have come
Without mourning your love?
All that I'm living for
All that I'm dying for
All that I can't ignore alone at night
All that I'm wanted for
Although I wanted more
Lock the last open door-
My ghosts are gaining on me
Should it hurt to love you?
Should I feel like I do?
Should I lock the last open door-
My ghosts are gaining on me.
Have A Wonderful Day, Guys! I'll Be Around To Visit Sites!
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Friday, October 6, 2006
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OMG! *sigh* How are you all? Good, I hope! I haven't been on, and that bothers me. But, yea.
Argh! My grades are slipping! I have like 3 A's. and 2 B's! I know that that doesn't seem very bad, but I'm usually a straight A student, and even a high B hurts my pride. X.X It's all these tests, I tell you! I have 4 every single week. Maybe all these advanced classes were a bad idea. I should have learned from Hermione's mistake. *sigh* Ah well, I'm gonna keep trying to give it my all! And... I'm going to work harder on school work... which means guys, that if I can barely get on now, I probably won't be able to do it very much in the near future. I'm sorry for that, I love seeing how you guys are, but yea. Urgh! Once progress reports are out, I'll loosen my grip again though, and hopefully that will permit me to come on.
As you can see, I've spent some time putting this halloween theme on here. XD That pic with the girl holding the pumpkin for my welcome sign? It's the closest you could ever get in anime to what I look like. Just change her eyes to blue, and her dress blue and black instead of orange and black. ^^ I was happy to find a pic that looked so much like me. lol. But yea. I think it's one of the nicest themes I've ever done, and I'm quite proud of it. I REALLY like my new avatar, and if it didn't say "Happy Halloween" in it, I'd keep it up all year round, cuz it's a great qoute and it's very true. Oh! That reminds me, is it up? It doesn't look that way to me, but I hope it does for all of you.
I'm going to the mall to look at Jewelry for my dress, and make-up for homecoming at Hot Topic. Hot Topic rox my sox. XD. They have the greatest selection of make-up and corsets, chainy pants, and anime t-shirts the world has ever known or at least ours does. I can't wait. =P. We're also going out to eat, which ought to be fun.
~Qoute Of The Day~
"I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell..."
- Matchbox Twenty
Have a wonderful day, everyone! I will be on later to visit you all!!!!
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope. This is going to be short, so as not to take up alot of time, kay?
~Broken Promises~
Gah! I hate breaking promises! But... I guess that's what happened. Oh well. I'm not going to focus too much on it, but I really am trying everyone. Darn High School.
~Where you at?~
No, I'm not asking you guys where you live. lol. It's just a catchy title. Bleh. I hate catchy titles... why I use them, I don't know.... moving on. I'm at SesshysBride2Be's house on her pc. I think I'm boring her, I stole the keyboard. Heh heh. This is really random, once again moving on. Yea, we went to a football game at her school on... Friday? It was pretty boring so we left early and she spent the night at my house. The next day we went dress shopping. ^^ It was really fun. I'd originally planned to go with more people, like 3 friends, but Ashley was the only one I REALLY wanted to take, and Saturday wasn't a good day for anyone else. They all said Monday, when my mom wanted to go, would be good. But I have so much school work during the week that I can't even get on TheO, let alone go dress shopping if I hope to get any sleep. Oh well. I got a pretty dark blue dress with flower prints on it and sparkles. It's a halter XD. Ashley said it looks really good on me. ^^ I got it at DEB. Aka, what my friends call the "trashy prep store." But it's really pretty, and if I could find the DEB website, I'd paste a pic of it up here. Ashley got a black long one (mine goes to my knees) that's sparkly. It looks really good on her too. All we need is the jewelry and we're set for homecoming. Yea! lol.
You're probably all wondering what this has to do with "Where you at?" I guess it's cuz I'm at my friends. lol.
~Qoute Of The Day~
"You say I'm Schezophrenic, the voies say your stupid." -I think me and my friends, but someone might had said that before us. XD.
Have a wonderful day everyone! I may be around to visit sites. This might have alot of typos, and I'm sorry for that.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
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Hey everyone! OMFG it has been so long!!!! How are you all? Great, I hope!
School is dandy, what more can I say? Homecoming is on the 14th of October for us, so I'm trying to make plans with some of my friends to go dress shopping. It's not going so well. lol. I'm going even though I have no one to go with.
~Where has SB2B gone?!~
Yea, Ashley can't get on the phone or anything cuz she's grounded, and I miss her SOO effin' much!!! So, I'm waiting (with not alot of patience let me say) 'til Tuesday, when she's allowed on the phone. It seems a really long time to me though *gets all teary-eyed*
Ashley, if you read this some time in the future: T.T You better be doing your chores, and getting good grades, and I love you sis!
After my Heart-Felt Proclamation~
I won't say sorry that I haven't been on, cuz I know it's getting on some of your nerves. I won't, cuz I'm nice like that. *stiffles evil laughter* :3 Yes, but I will be TRYING to get on everyday now. I miss being able to do that. I loved getting on everyday to see how you guys are, but time makes fools of us all. Gah! Why oh why do I have to be in the High School this year?! *cries for a couple minutes* ....In other news, I know, this layout has been up forever, but since I haven't even had the time to get on theO at all, I haven't been able to do anything. But let me say this, it is going to be a Twilight theme. For those of you who know that book, it's my fav, and it ought to be good for us all.... who like it. lol.
~I don't wanna go to school!~
Yea, in about 10 minutes I will have to get off and go to school. School is okay, don't get me wrong, but for some reason, this feeling of dread creeps over me everyday before I go. It's like, "OMG, what's gonna go wrong today?" For the most part, nothing does happen, but there have been times... *shakes head* and my friend Britt tells me she's sick of me and my depression, and I need to "Get Over It" For the "sake of those who are tired of hearing it". That was really harsh, and I hardly know what she's talking about. So I guess I have to keep my problems to myself, for their "sake". Plus, she blamed her "unrequited love" problems on me. Why, I don't know. I haven't touched the guy, not once, in fact I hate him. So effin' bad it isn't funny, but I want her to be happy, so...*shrugs*. I was so angry, but I left it drop. I just contented myself with never calling her back when I said I would. I told her I'd call her back in 10-20 minutes, but I was too upset and I didn't want to end up saying something I was going to regret or not mean. If she says those things again though, I don't know if i'm gonna be able to take it.
My mom just asked what I was typing... lol. And that was random.
~Qoute Of The Day~
"I hope your happy as your pretending...." ???
Well, have a wonderful day, everyone. I'm swearing, that no matter what, I'm visiting today, and I won't not do it. So hold my word, and take care.
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Friday, September 15, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you? Good, I hope.
I'm very sorry that I haven't been on in a very long time. I'm also sorry that I haven't been visiting either. I know that I haven't been a very good friend because of it. I'm not doing this intentionally though. Homework and such other things the high school is throwing at me are taking up alot of my time. If I could go back to talking and visiting everyday, I would, but I just don't see how that can work, unless I get up at 5:00 am like today. Maybe, eventually when I'm farther into the school year. Now, to a totally different subject, how are all of you? Happy? Angry? Sad? Calm?
~My days while I was gone~
Well, I'm going to try to sum this up with as little space as I can. I ran into someone I wasn't really sure I wanted to see again, and found that certian old wounds were reopened because of it. I know that's confusing, but that's all I'm going to say on the subject, sorry. HS (high school, for those who don't know) seems to be the kind of thing that gets better with time, thank god. There's homecoming, which I've been asked to once, but I don't want to go with that person, but I still want to go. XD I'm taking a couple of friends on that trip. Some wish to critique, others wish to look for dresses themselves, but at least they'll be there. Hmmm, I'm considering helping to build my school's float for our Halloween parade, but I don't think I will. And I just got yelled at by my mom asking if I stayed up all night. -_-''. However, that pretty much sums it all up.
~My Day So Far~
I was thinking about getting a Halloween costume at Hot Topic (Hot Topic rox my sox XD XD I love it there). They have really pretty costumes, and they're not made out of that really cheap pleather crap, but not of real material either. It's not because I want to go trick-or-treating, I'm a bit too old for that, but some of my friends have Halloween Parties sometimes. Yea, and cuz they're pretty. XD I'm not nervous about going to school. It doesn't bother me that I'm going. It's just something that needs to be done every week, 5 days a week.
Well, I've kinda gotten too lazy to go look for song lyrics anymore, so I figured i'd put up a few of my favorite qoutes.
My Favorite Qoute Of All Time:
"I want to go back to believing in everything, and knowing nothing at all..."
- Evanesence, Feild of Innocence.
Have a wonderful day, guys! I will be around to visit sites!
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
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lol. Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
I'm at school right now. ^^ It's pretty cool. She says I can get on here, as long as I'm not looking at anything bad. I don't think theO counts in that part. I don't see how theO could be bad. I don't have long tho, but I'll post anyways, lol. Um, so far this school day has been pretty cool. And I'm going to my friend Justin's football game.
Oops, gotta go! ^^ Have a wonderful day guys, and I'll be around to look at sites later!
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
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Hey everyone. Doesn't look like alot of you have been updating lately. Busy week for us all I guess.
~High School~
My school week started today, and it's now my second week. As for the High School in general. I could not be less impressed. Everyone is so.... snotty. They all act like they're something higher than everyone, when they're all really the same. It's old already, but I guess I'll just have to deal. All my old friends are looking straight through me, like I'm not there, and all I have to say about that is that it's going to come back to bite them later, cuz I'm not doing any of their snooty selves a favor. Ever. If they can play the "I'm too good for you when you come to me for something," then I can play it too. High School infuriates me, and wears me out, seriously. I hate this school. Literally.
They wake up looking for my picture form and when they can't find it it's cuz I "sneakily snatched" it when they weren't looking. Seriously, my mom called me a liar, a sneak, a bad seed, "I'm heading down a bad path", my "friends are making me this way" and I'm "not going to see them anymore", and all that crud when she couldn't find the picture form earlier this morning that I gave to her about a week ago. And she wasn't joking around, she practically screamed it in my face. I don't know how I could be a bad seed, I get straight A's, at least I make the effort to get up and go to school, I don't do drugs, that sort of thing. but I'm getting sick of it. There's no repreive. Home's H*ll and School's my worst nightmare come true. Now, they're both calling for reasons unknown to me, and I can't say I'm happy to talk to either of them *sigh*.
Have a Wonderful day guys.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
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Hey everyone. How was your day, good I hope.
~My day... well, yesterday~
Yea.... the first day didn't go so well. Okay, I lied. It was a nightmare. I ran into someone I never really wanted to see again because I knew it could open old wounds, Scott got gum on the seat of my pants by "accident" and everyone on the bus laughed at me, and I only have lunch and homeroom with a friend or two, and already I'm labeled "Uncool." Stupid, pathetic popular preps. Bleh. I hate most of them. Except for you preppy popular people on here, you're okay. Yea, and now I have to go back to the horror today. I'm not counting on it being any better. I can't wait until the homework comes in. That way I'll be able to distract myself from the social part of school, or most of it anyway. Oh, and my student PIN number for lunch was not found, along with the 14 dollars that was left in it last year at Junior High. -_-'. Yea, things aren't looking good.
~Cell Phone~
I found my cell, but my mom had it disconnected. I don't know why, she would still have to pay for it cuz its on contract, and we both knew that it was somewhere in the house. So, even though I can call people during lunch, I really can't. lol. Funny, isn't it?
SesshysBride2Be: I forgot that little detail when I emailed you telling you I would call, so if I don't, you know why, but I'm hoping my mom has it recinnected by then.
Well, I better head off. In about 19 minutes, I need to be out the door and on the bus.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will try to be around to visit sites.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Today's the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey everyone, I'm rushing as I write this. How are ya all? Very well, I hope.
Yes, you know it! Today is my first day of school! So, in about a half hour, my Dad will be driving me over to my friend's house. I'll be getting on her bus, because A) We have the same room and need to go "room-hunting" and B) a bunch of the people on her bus are going to probably say some stuff, and I want to be there to stick up for her. But, since it's the High School and it's so HUGE, I can't help but feel a little alone. But I'll be okay. ^^ The only thing that's delaying my plan is the fact that my cell phone has gone missing. Ah well, I better take my leave. Wish me luck, and have a supercalifragilisticexpialdosious (I'm not even sure if I spelled that right but oh well) day! ^^
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Friday, August 25, 2006
4 more days til school
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Hey everyone, it's been quite a bit. ^^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~School... again...XD~
Yea, really, I don't want to keep talking about it, in case some of you smarter and wiser children are actually trying to escape the impending doom of it all.... but I will, just once more. Today, I had orienttion. It was at 9 in the morning to eleven, which shouldn't have been surprising, since the High School is difficult like that, but still. I'm glad I changed my sleeping schedule yesterday because of it. However, I forgot my schedule, so, basically the tour of the school was all for not. Ah well, I guess I really should have been paying attention and not trying to rush out the door. Well, at least my mom enjoyed herself, by running me around and telling me how it was like when the high school looked the way it did when she was my age (I'm going to my mom and dad's high school).
~My Day~
Well, it wasn't much of a day, let me tell you. lol. But I suppose it wouldn't be, since it's only 2:30 in the afternoon. However, I did finish New Moon. It was a great book. It was very sad at the beginning, but rather happy at the end. Easy to say, I'm sad that I didn't spend time reading it to its full potential. ^^
~New theme~
I hope you all like the new one. ^^ I realize that some of you, coulsn't see anything but an odd expanse of white. So, I changed it. I rather like it, but I think the post box classes a bit with the bg colors.
~Something different~
Yes, also this time there will be no lyrics or questions. ^^ But, with that note, have a wonderful day everyone, and I will be around to visit sites.
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