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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
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Hey everyone. I hope you are doing well.
X Men's special scene
O.O So, you're all telling me there was a special scene after the movie?! I didn't get to see it! The guys were in a hurry to leave, and we got up as soon as it hit the credits. -_-'. Can someone please pm me and fill me in? I'm too poor to go a second time to see it, and they got rid of the dollar cinema.
Muahahahaha. My painting in art club is almost complete. I have to do the graphics in the background after I'm done painting the whole back gray (not much more to go, only the person's outline), and then I'm going to do some touch ups, then I'm done and can purchase it. I'll do that tomorrow. It's cool. It's in anime format, but its original. The girl has red eyes, brown, blonde-highlighted hair, a deep red almost skin tight dress, a bladed weapon if you look hard enough, a yellow veil around her face, a black/dark gray scarf like thing (I forget what its called) around her waist, and a blue tie thing around her head (I forgot the name of that too). In the back, it has light gray clouds. It's kinda a stand out. She's really bright and the background is blah. I think it looks great. Oops, curse my rambling ways. Moving on.
Random Question of the Day
Hmm, I haven't done one of these in awhile, have I?
If you could be any kind of mutant, what kind of mutant would you be? As in, your power.
Before The Dawn by Evanescence
If only night can hold you where i can see you, my love
Then let me never ever wake again
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn
somehow i know that we cant wake again from this dream
it's not real, but it's ours
Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn
Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn
[Music Fades Out]
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope!
X-men The Last Stand
Whoa. It rocked! However, it was kind of a drama, of sorts, between Logan (Wolverine) and Jean. Also, they killed Scott and Professor Xavier! NOO!!!!!!!!! *cry* And they got rid of Magneto's mutancy! He was a cool bad guy. The whole movie was good, but my favorite part was at the VERY end when Magneto, now a human, was in the park and he was sitting at a metal chess set, and he extened his finger and the queen (or was it the king? well, whatever it was) twitched.
I went to go see it Sunday with, you guessed it, my two guy friends that live near Ashleys, and Ashley herself. lol. When we got in it was packed! There was only 2 rows that had four seats available, and they were in the very front.So, we went and sat there. Luckily, our necks didn't hurt. ^^ After the movie, we went outside and played tag in the parking lot, and it was like 10 at night. One of my guy friends' parents were there to pick up both of them, but they stayed to wait for Ashley's parents to show. Ashley kind of sat out, while me and them played. It was fun. All in all, it was fun.
The pool
Ouch! My sunburn! Seriously, I got burned pretty bad yesterday. I'm bright red. lol.
Well, as you can tell, we went swimming. The guys came over, and we got into Ashley's pool for free, and swam around. We had a dunk-a-thon, and everytime anyone drifted a little away from the wall, they could count on getting dunked. Yep. It was worth the sunburn.
Something More by Aly & A.J.
I didn't know what was in store.
When I walked right through the door.
Then I saw you over there, our blue eyes locked in a stare.
I didn't know quite what to say, sometimes words get in the way.
I remember the night you said,
"Lets go for a ride" I didn't want the night to end.
Would we be more than friends?
Yeah little did I know before,
we would be something more.
In black and white I read the screen, of all your lines and in-between.
Then your message on the phone, I save to hear when I'm all alone.
And Now I know just what to say, this doesn't happen everyday.
I remember the night you said,
"Lets go for a ride" I didn't want the night to end.
Would we be more than friends?
Yeah little did I know before, we would be something more.
Something more, something more. (lalalalalala)
We would be something more, something more, something more.
I know we're both young, but we know how we feel.
We know was is false, and we know what is real.
I remember the night you said "lets go for a ride"...
I didnt want the night to end....
I remember the night you said,
"Lets go for a ride" I didn't want the night to end.
Would we be more than friends?
Yeah little did I know before, we would be something more.
I remember the night you said,
"Lets go for a ride" I didn't want the night to end.
Would we be more than friends?
Yeah little did I know before, we would be something more.
Something more, something more. (lalalalalala)
Something more, something more. (lalalalalala)
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
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Hey peoples, it's me. lol. Of course, who else would it be? Anyways, as you can tell i've been pretty happy as of late. I'll tell the details below, if you don't mind. ^^ How are you guys? Good I hope!!!
My week, sounds exciting doesn't it? Yea, I know.
Well, during the week, things weren't so good. Um, I had a girl pick on me, and I had to go to the guidance office cuz I was crying, and I cried through all of 3rd period. I stepped on this girl named Christi's foot, and I said sorry, and she was like, "B*tch, she stepped on my foot!!!" And they started to talk about me. I heard them, but I didn't really care..... yet. THen the girl next to her, her "buddy" decided she'd say something to be a smarta**, and was like "Hey!!!"
I turned around.
Her, smiling, "Do you ever brush your hair?"
Me: "Yea.... why?" (I work really hard with my hair to make it look okay.)
Her: "It doesn't look like it."
Everyone of their friends, which is like, everyone: "*LAUGH*"
I wasn't going to cry in front of her, or her friends, so I excused myself out of the line, and ran back to where my health teacher was, yelled to him, then latched onto his sleeve and started crying on it. I know, it sounds really embarrassing, like, "I don't know this person on theO" embarrassing, but you have to understand. Growing up, I was an outcast, no joke. I was picked on your grades 1-6. It made me very sensitive. So, he was like "What's wrong?" And I wouldn't tell him, so when we got back from walking from the high school to junior high, I went to the guidance office. And now my friends Britt and SesshysBride2Be are out for blood. But it gets better. Just wait.
My weekend, the good.
Okay, so I was over at Ashleys' house, and we were swimming, since the pool opened yesterday, which was when we were there, and it was cold. Moving on, I got to meet these 2 guys, one I already kinda knew, the other I didn't. And now we're good friends. In fact, we're (the guys and us) going to the mall today to see X-Men, The Last Stand. I don't have too many guy friends, so I'm really happy about it. ^^ Heh, not to sound like some popular snob, cuz I am so not, but now they're bickering over who is to date me, even though I never said I would date either of them. ^^'. It's kind of surprising. Anyway, that's not really why I'm happy. Cuz even though where I live now I'm nobody, where SesshysBride2Be lives, I'm a somebody, I have quite alot of friends. And that explains my mood. ^^ Yea, corny, I know.
Rest in Pieces by Saliva
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine. you look so beautiful tonight
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
Im in your reach
You held me in your hands
But could you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in pieces
Have a wonderful day guys! I will be around to visit sites!
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Friday, May 19, 2006
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How is everyone? ^^ It's been a bit.
Muahahaha. Can everyone hear the music? It takes a bit to load. And is my avatar changed? For some reason it doesn't want to. It's being stubborn. It's changed on mine, bur yea. I accidentally deleted EVERYTHING in my profile, so I had to go back and redo it. That's why my club sign mysteriously dissappeared.
Yea, I don't think I said, but I am working on an anime painting in art club right now. It's pretty spiffy. Oh, and I may have fan art up soon, more like my art since I only usually draw my own, cuz I told my mom I couldn't show anyone my art because we didn't have a scanner, and her response was that we would have to get one. XD XD XD I can't wait!
Final Fantasy
How was Final Fantasy 7? I didn't get to see it yet. Is it good? Cuz if it is, I'll have to buy it.
Well, I'm in a rush, so I'll have to draw this to a close. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY GUYS!!!! I will try otr be around to visit later!
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
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Hey everyone. ^^ It's been awhile. ^^ How are you all? Good I hope. My site is under construction, so if it has a mix of Rouroni Kenshin and Chobits, it will be fixed up later on.
Happy Birthday Bro
Yea, it's my little brothers birthday today. ^^ I don't have any money, but I'm going to ask my dad if I can have some so I can buy him the first volume to Shaman King. He likes some manga too. But only if it's action packed, or whatever. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a manga that is action packed that a twelve year old might like? If so, please say what it is! ^^
Today I was sitting with my friend Britt at lunch and we sat across from these two guys that we usually always sit across from by accident. So, we sat there talking, and they talked to us too, and I guess they thought it was okay to try to lower my self esteem. Now that I think about it, they might have been just joking around, but the one was like " You're gay, you're a homaphrodite, you're a transsexual." Now, I would have been fine with them saying that (don't get the wrong impression, it's NOT by any means true) only all those sayings suggested that I was a guy. So in my brain, a read alert flashed telling me that they were trying to make fun of how I look, and that they were saying I was ugly. but instead of crying, like I wanted to, I went off on the guy.
It went something like this:
"Oh really?" *Icy smile that fades into a scowl that could cause hell to freeze over* "Well, your an a**, and you need to shut the he** up!!"
He was like :O.o
It must have effected him, even though he was smiling, cuz when he looked away, his friend who had been talking to us too, said, "Don't worry, he's always that way."
But when I went up to the lunch line with my friend, what he said took a different tole on me. I was like: "Well, excuse me if I'm not pretty, asnd excuse me if I'm pudgy! I can't wait to get out of here, everyone in this school is a dip. And they need to get over themselves!"
I was really upset. But now I'm kind of proud. That was the first time I have ever stood up for myself like that. When we came back they had moved a seat down so that the guy was a little farther away from me, but he still looked at me a few times. I just stared back, daring him to try it again. So, hence the title : GO ME!
Song of my liking
Artist: Fall Out Boy
Album: From Under The Cork Tree
"7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)"
I'm sleeping my way out of this one
With anyone who will lie down
I'll be stuck fixated on one star
When the world is crashing down
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
But you've got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn't you
I'm not going home alone
Cause I don't do too well
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn't you
I'm not going home alone
Cause I don't do too well on my own
The only thing worse than not knowing
Is you thinking that I don't know
I'm having another episode
I just need a stronger dose
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
But you've got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn't you
I'm not going home alone
Cause I don't do too well
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn't you
I'm not going home alone
Cause I don't do too well on my own
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
But you've got me looking in through blinds
I keep telling myself
I keep telling myself
I'm not the desperate type
Sitting out dances on the wall
Trying to forget everything that isn't you
I'm not going home alone
Cause I don't do too well on my own
Afterthoughts: I have no idea when chapter 5 part 2 of my story will be up. We'll just have to see.
Have a wonderful day everyone. ^^
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Monday, May 8, 2006
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Hey guys. whoa, slow day. not alot of people updated. Heh heh. ^^ So, how are all you guys? Good I hope.
My day. Wow, what a scary thought
Me? Things are good. Except this frick'n prep kept quaking at me. It was a guy, the same guy who likes to ask to copy my science homework and if he thinks he's copying my homework after this he can forget it. Anyways, yea, he kept quacking at me and laughed at me when I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. As you may or may not know, I'm an emo (I don't do the cutting thingy tho, so no worries) and alot of preps don't like me for it. Hec, they never liked me. And I got in a bad mood. So bad, I was almost in tears when I told my friend about it before lunch. When I was little, everyone picked on me about everything, EVERYTHING. And it scarred me. So much, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't ask "Am I pretty? Am I skinny? Am I? I don't beleive you. Am I?!?" (cuz those were the things they picked on me for). What really set me off is he was sitting with and talking to the girl who did it the most when I was little. I wanted to crawl under a rock, and never come out. I was seriously considering going to the guidance office and requesting to go home. I only had a period to go. and if they said "Oh well, you can calm down at school." I would have told them, "There is no way I can calm down while I'm in this school. I hate this school. I hate the kids in it. I hate it here, in this office. You act like I have a problem that needs an asylum to fix, when really all I need is my house."
Which is what they do when someone who is emo or goth steps into that office. They act like your a ticking time bomb that could find its way onto the top of the building about ready to jump.
But I ddin't go. I stayed. Adn now I'm still in a bad mood. And that prep better watch his step. Cuz I'm cold to those I feel nessacary to haev a grudge against. Grr, sorry. I just need to calm down.
This weekend, I went to the mall with SesshysBride2Be, and as those who may have visited her site may remember, her boyfriend was supposed to call and meet us there. He never did. I was over at her house practically all weekend, and the guy never called. I was kinda annoyed. No offense to any guys or girls that may find it offensive, but my boyfriends would have NEVER dared to do that. When I told them to call, I expected them to have the courtesy and show me the respect I would show them and call.
I'm gonna start putting up lyrics to songs that I like. ^^
Song: Helena
Cd: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Long ago
Just like the hearse, you die to get in again
We are so far from you
Burning on, just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what’s the worst you take (worst you take)
From every heart you break (heart you break)
And like a blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well, I've been holding on tonight
What’s the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Came a time
When every star falls
Brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what’s the worst you take (worst you take)
From every heart you break (heart you break)
And like a blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well, I've been holding on tonight
What’s the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Well, if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Can you hear me
Are you near me
Can we pretend to leave and then
We’ll meet again, when both our cars collide
What’s the worst that I can say
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
Well, if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long Not and goodnight
I love that song! lol. I was so suprised when it came on during the credits for House Of Wax, just a minute ago. (Cuz I just got done watching it on HBO).
Well, Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
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Hey guys. ^^ how are you all? Good I hope. Alright, moving on. POST AT BOTTOM. The new chapter is up today. Chapter 5. It's below chapter four.
The World Of Worlds
Chapter 4
When I finally opened my eyes, I had thought at first that I had gone blind. I could see nothing but endless white in all directions around me. All I could tell is that I was in some kind of glass casing. After all, how would I be able to stay in one place? But, even for though being in such a place was atounding enough to me, the fact that there was fresh air inside with me brought on a whole knew wave of amazement. Recognition hit me and I gave myself a sharp smack. I was in the Blank Abyss, my sanctuary as a child!
I whispered my name, and who I was of this world, once again including me name. To see if I still remembered. I took a deep breathe, and pretended to pick dried up, sweet, scab red rose petals off of a rose bush on my right, naturally avoiding all the thorns. I then began crumpling up the pretend rose petals, and breathed deeply as I imagined their sweet scent wafting up under my nose. I sighed, and sprinkled them onto an also imaginary pure, fresh, and ulitmately clear lake. I opened my eyes, gasped and leapt back as everything I had imagined appeared right in front of my eyes, Looking down I blinked, stunned, as the rose petals made small ripples and the lake where they would have fallen only moments ago if they, and the lake, had been there beforehand.
I shook my head and took a breathe. Closing my eyes once more and reopening them, I looked up. My jaw dropped as one by one, fields of brilliant, sunset colored, flowers so bright they looked as if they were about to burst into flame spread across the once blank landscape. The reds, oranges, and yellows, seemed to become the very essence of the names themselves as they swayed gently in a now apparent breeze. The grass came next. These were also a brilliantly colored green, especially if compared to the yellowing parched grassy patches that most gardeners despaired over. Lifting my head upward, I discovered my next fascination: the sky. It was a light purple color, the color of lavender, and the clouds, spun like cotton candy and just as puffy, where a glinting sivlery white. However, the last thing that appeared was by far my favorite. Located right in the middle of the world, at the edge of the now expanded lake on the opposite bank was was a tremendous Maple tree. It was literally 10 stories high, and 13 feet in diameter. Its branches snaking out in all directions, I continued to stare as leaves bigger than 3 adult hands, and paper thin, began to coat them .
Chapter 5
"Aamiya, are you seeing this?" I asked, having pressed the "talk" button after several minutes of watching my world take shape. "The Blank Abyss... hey, look, the rose bush!"
"Quit fooling around, and don't get too comfy Trinah," Aamiya's voice sounded crackled and faded in and out as she spoke. "You have a job to do, remember? But I won't be much help, the world is blocki--"
I groaned and rubbed my ears as a loud beep sounded from the headphones.
"reception. I can't he--"
Another even louder beep cried out noisily in a desperate attempt to reach my ear and make me deaf.
"much, but I'm going to downloa--"
I took the headphones off and held them away from me contemptuously as an ever louder beep cut the silence.
"Er, is this beep--"
I held my fingers over the speakers just in time to stop the awful loud noise issuing out of them. I hated loud noises.
"Yea," I hissed, glaring at the headset, "and if it doesn't shut up I'll have to take it upon myself to do the job for it."
"Well, I'll make it fast then," She babbled quickly, "I'm going to download the supernatural tracking system into your mind processing memor...."
I didn't have the time to throw the stupid thing halfway across the world like I had wanted to, for once again I felt my nerve cells and endings do that all too familiar tap dance along my spinal cord, working itself up to my brain. I opened my eyes and pressed the "talk" button urgently.
"Hey, Aamiya, was that last thing supposed to burn afterwards? Hey Aamiya!" I yelled, but there was only that annoying noise of static that cell phones make while you are trying to call someone whose out of the cellular roaming distance.
I sighed angrily, and tried to think, but the burning sensation working itself through my mind made that impossible. Instead, I walked along the edge of the pink sandy beach area that had formed along with a very large lake, towards the Maple giant that stood 1 foot away from the water on its right side. Something shiny caught my eyes in the water, and I stopped and craned my neck over the edge of the lake to look into its crystal clear depths. It was a straight drop down once you got into the water, and was probably about 20 feet deep, I noticed. Searching, I finally saw what had held my attention. About halfway up from the bottom of the lake swam about 10 or 12 2 foot by 3 foot crescent moon shaped fish. The fish had long flowing fins which were almost a see-through white with oil colored speckles, bright orange crescent moon shaped bodies, and a golden horn that rose up from between their dull casted light blue no pupiled eyes and shone when hit just right by the sun. I never took my eyes off the fish until I made it to the tree. Sitting down, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a minute or two before staring up into my peaceful purple sky.
There are two parts to chapter five. I'm sorry that it's sooooooooooo long.
Not much to say, other than a laughing attack attacked me in the computer lab again. lol. That was hilarious. My friend sits next to me, and all of a sudden I just started to bust up. She gave me the weirdest stare. It went kinda like this.
Me: Help me! I can't *cackle* stop *giggle* laughing!!!!!!!!!
Her: O.o
Her: Erm.... you know.... I'm starting to think you have terrant syndrome. You always have this kind of thing happen to you here.
Me: *wild look in my eyes* MWAHAHAHAHA!
Her: *giggles* Okay then.
And that's true. I do. It's something about the silence in there. It needs to be interrupted by something, and the thought of what that something could be just makes me laugh. lol. And that's it. ^^
Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^
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Monday, May 1, 2006
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Hello everyone. Sorry I was npot able to visit yesterday. Chapters 1 and 2 were put up yesterday, in case you didn't know. No worries. You don't have to go to archives or anything, cuz its below. If you want to read it that is. Well, getting striaght to it. The post will be below. The story will be below this lol. So do what you have to, or want to, or whatever.
Chapter 3
As soon as I told Aamiya about what I had experienced, I instantly regretted it. Aamiya is tall, blonde, extremely thin, blue-eyed, and wild. She's a great person to be around, until you discover that is she is intelligent, and she has an uncanny knack for always being right. Always. Unfortunately, today just happened to be the day that she was the most intelligent. So, naturally, she found the situation to be more complex.
The results she gave me that day I seriously believed to be insane, but as I said, Aamiya is almost always right, and we explored her theory at her house after school the following day.
"What you experienced in the world you created is actually not just an imagination run wild," She lectured me matter of factly as we sat in her "lab" which was actually more of a room in her basement, "it's actually a whole different dimension made by brain waves. But if you study this theory properly, you would discover that the different dimensions are all tightly knit together by the same brain waves coming off of different children."
I scowled at her. Only she was the type of teenager that would use the term 'children' most of the time in place of 'kids'. She ignored my looks stuck some deranged looking suction cups to my forehead.
"And how does this relate back to my problem?" I yawned, still scowling at her.
She sighed impatiently, apparently annoyed that she needed to explain something so 'simple', " When I say 'tightly knit' I mean that the dimensions or small worlds form together to form a great one. This means that one world fuses to another, and another. However, the person from the other worlds can not get through to yet another world without using a portal. These portals open every hour or so. So, it allows other people into your abyss aka world to put anything up or raid it. Unortunately enough, there is no time limit to how long they can stay in one world. They can stay there as long as they like."
I snorted and rolled my eyes. She was basically explaining to me that this whole thing was a waste of my time. My world was completely blank. What would anyone want with a blank world? It all seemed incredibly confusing to me.
"So what? I say let them. Besides, even if they did decide to raid it, they'd be sadly dissapointed. It's as blank as a dusty white peice of parchment. It's not like I ever bothered putting anything up they would ever want. Who cares anyhow? I don't use it after all, why not let them have their fun?" I asked, trying to deepen my scowl.
Aamiya seemed taken aback by my lack of interest, but soon recovered and began to lecture me once more.
"Because," she scoffed, "nobody besides the real designer of the world is supposed to mess with its makeup. To mess with another world's design besides your own could clash with the designings of the world you tampered with. This could cause it to detroy itself, trap the person who messed up the world in their own world, or trap everyone in all the worlds, generally the ones of their own creation. Plus, if the world destroys itself, it could destroy the entire World of Worlds. If such a thing were to happen, the people who own the worlds could become mentally destroyed."
Pausing, I winced at her words, "Then if it's so dangerous... why are you sending me back?"
Aamiya raised her eyebrows and stared at me.
"Why am I sending you back? Because you have to make sure no one sets these disasters into action. Even though i have no facts behind this possibility... if anyone messes with another's world... the original crator might be pulled back in to fix the damage," She looked at me anxiously, "Also, they are given a time limit in which to fix it and if they don't... they are stuck there in the worlds... permanently."
A shiver ran up my spine as the last word she said resounded in my mind over and over again.
"R-roger that," I said, trying to sound unaffected by her last staement, even though I knew it didn't show on my face, "But why do I have suction cups on my forehead?"
Of course, this was only to distract her so she wouldn't tell me any more creepy details on my little visit back to my abyss, but that didn't mean i still wasn't curious as to why the suction cups were there. I plucked at one of them, accidentally pulling it off, and examined it. What I saw once again made me uneasy. It looked exactly like one of those things that stuck a stuffed animal to the glass of a car. Hoewever this one was white and had a wire exposed at the end with inly a thin layer of pink rubber around it so thin, I could see every detail of the wire through it. Trying with all my might to control shivering, I glanced up at Aamiya, who tugged the wire out of my hand and reattached it to my forehead. Before I could protest, Aamiya answered my question.
"Because," she finally replied, "older chilren that have already reached adolescenec seem to have trouble reaching their worlds because they have become more mature and less imaginative while they were gone from it. This will give you a small little shock, more like a poke than anything really, to get your brainwaves that created the world up and kicking."
I watched her forlornly as she turned on the colossal mechanical doodad that the suction cups stuck to my forehead were attached to. I felt a small force, semi like the one Aamiya had so breifly described. Only this one was larger and harder. I also felt a small pulsation that seemed to jerk all my nerve endings into a sort of tap dance along my spinal cord all the way up to my skull. After a couple of short moments, even though I really didnt' have the excess energy to think about it thanks to my dancing nerves, Aamiya turned the machine off.
At once, I felt all my creative genius from my childhood rushing to greet me. I closed my eyes and exhaled,letting the waves of it wash over me. Instantly I felt it getting to work, creating narrative upon narrative, bodies, concluding sentences, titles.. all with happy endings depite my dark nature of my childhood. I stood there dazed for several minutes as I marveled with satisfaction at how my mind had such a strange knack of for creating.
I was so dazed, that I barely boticed Aamiya striding towards me and placing a headset on my left ear. I gazed up at her, as if realizing she was there for the first time since I had reached her house.
I stared at her, cocking my head to one side, then asked, pointing to hte headset, "What is this for?"
Aamiya didn't answer. I observed as she took out her laptop and punched at the keys. I tapped my foot impatiently.
She sighed and looked at me, my desired result, and answered, "You're going into your world. This headset allows us to communicate while you're in your world, being as I am unable to come to your world, and that I am needed here. While you are in your world the headset can also double as a phenomenon reader, alerting you to any unordinary power surges, or supernatural happenings in your world. This is so that you can delete them. The headset also allows me to see into your mind by reacting to your brainwaves, and see into your world on my computer. And..." Her eyes flitted to the screen of her computer for a moment, then back up to meet my awestruck gaze, "you're just going to love what you're new, bright, creative mind is doing."
With all that said, aamiya ushered me to the back of her "lab", and into a chair. The chair was black, and had a liquidy feeling to it, much like ias if I had been lying in a puddle of water after a new fresh April rain.
" I designed this chair to help your body relax so it doesn't become stiff if you stay in the world over a day or so..." She looked down at her feet, "or become stuck in the worlds."
I felt another chill run up my spine. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut about that?
"But that's not really a possibility is it?" I tried, growing panicked when she didn't answer, "Well? IS IT?!?"
"That won't happen," She said reassuredly, but with a half smile spread across her face, as I failed to notice, " Let's get started. Now, I need you to close your eyes and focus on your world."
I squeezed my eyes shut tight. As soon as total darkness eclipsed my mind, I began sorting through my memory banks for anything that looked remotely similar to my world. After 5 minutes, I found it at the very back of my mind, shimmering against the darkness like a lamp in a dark forest.
As I nodded, Aamiya continued, "Good. There will be a momentary feeling of the floor dropping out frok under you with a sudden stop, but try not to scream. In order to make sure you don't fall off of the chair, I am going to buckle you inot the chair as it rises a little bit off the floor."
I felt a heavy leather belt, more like a snake than anything else, being drawln across my shins, stomach, and chest. After a minute, I heard the loud click of the buckle as it snapped into place somewhere along the side of the seat, as the seat finaly began to rise. I focused on the Blank Abyss and let out a short gasp as the falling feeling flowed over me, waited for the sudden stop.
Not much to say. How are you guys. Well, since I have nothing to say, here is the Random Question of the Day.
If you were trapped in a house with a cerial killer, and they did not know where you were cuz you were hiding, where are you hiding, and would you try to find a way out of the house, or would you try to find a way to attack or kill the cerial killer?
My opinion:
I would probably concentrate on finding a way out, especially if my little bro was with me. It's safer, in a way, and chances are, they're better prepared for killing then I am. And I can then have more control of the situation. I'd be hiding in my dad's beat up, decaying car he's kept in the hopes of fixing up, or, our house has one of those attics that is just a little hole covered up by a door in the roof, we'd go up there.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
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Alright this is how it's going to work. lol. I'll put the story chapters up first, and then I will put in a post. I know i'm running behind schedule but, eh. *shrugs* I got kicked off the other day by my mom, that's why I couldn't visit people. Sorry guys.
"Trinah," I whispered into the heavy silence that surrounded me, "Trinah of the blank abyss."
I took a few shriveled, scab red rose petals and sprinkled them unto the the pure, clear lake of the blank abyss. Only the rose petals and lake weren't there. The were gone, or had never been there to begin with.
It had been a long time since I had visited here, and I had forgotten how utterly big and lonely the blank abyss could be. What, with its colorless, and endless white vastness, and sense of pity when you realized that even its owner would not care for it. That owner being me.
I am Trinah, although there need be no need for introduction. I just would like to let you know that you are in my world, my thinking place, my abyss. This place, this range of total whiteness that betrays all color, belongs to me, and I feel no regrets for it, either.
I had created this abyss when I was but a child. Heh, and lookng back on it now, I don't even think child is the proper word for what I was. More like the empty shell of one. I was only a nine year old raven haired, very dark brown eyed, skinny, pale nothing. I showed no emotion. Why should I have? It was all meaningless in the end, anyway. That's what you get when you move your daughter to a new house, and a new school; leaving her at the mercy of her fellow peers.
In fact, I guess it might have been their neglect that sent me over the deep end into creating the blank abyss. You know, as a way of getting out of this reality, this Earth, where my spirit could find nothing but emotional treuma. Since, because of them, I did my best to hide my true self behind that lump of flesh that I called my body, a way had to be created for me to release all the anger I harbored at such a young age. So, as mentioned, the blank abyss had been created, as a place to unwind, if you will, to let it all out. In howls of anger, pain, sorrow, maons, and sobs. Sometimes the whole place would be quivering and quaking, almost roaring in anguish itself, in spite of me.
On the other hand, I would also go there for answers. I would just lie down, and stare up at the thick, blank, spotless white walls of my own beloved world, and be lost to everything, but my hopes for the future.
If it seemed bad, don't assume it got worse, for it did get better when I turned ten.
For, that is when I met my friend Aamiya. Don't ask me how Aamiya and I happened to become friends, for I cannot entirely answer that myself, but we became friends no less. And as if someone had turned on the lights in a very dark room, the world became a much brighter place for me.
Which is to say that after awhile, with a lot of urging from Aamiya, I became very obliged to show and talk about how I actually felt. Also not to mention that I then stood up for myself against the criticisms of preps, really dressy, know-it-all snobs that try to kill anything alien to their groups like pesticides to insects.
But to the point, as any sensible person would hopefully guess, I gradually stopped visting my world, until I needed it not. I found that I simply had nothing to "let go" of anymore, but everything to hold on to, you see.
So, along with everything else, including who I was the past year, the blank abyss became a memory in the past. I memory I was sure I would never have to revisit. But you know? I was terribly wrong.
Chapter 2
But I still have a lot to tell you before I can get to that part, so I suppose I had better start from the beginning. The very beginning.
I am Trinah. Not Trinah of the blank abyss, for that has long since been forgotten, but just your average 15 yr. old girl. I'll let you in on a little secret though, I'm not who I used to be. Truth be told, as Aamiya and I's friendship together continued, I could literally feel the giant imprint that her hope, happiness, and love was slowly leaving on me ... and it changed me. Mentally, I am now rather bright, and can face any situation with a positive attitude; making me quite a few more friends compared to my usual lack of them.
But I suppose your now wondering why I would even go back to the Blank Abyss if my life became so peachy and all. Really, though, the reason is quite simple and easy to understand. Truth be told, I was on my way back not because of any recent depression, but because of some strange recent events that were taking place in my mind. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't going insane, but as soon as the school year started, I discovered that some pretty strange thoughts were popping up into my head. Such as, in my latest English class, a theory telling me that it would be an extremely good idea to start to prepare for a shower in 3rd period.
Of course, I was able to push these memories back to the back of my mind, but that didn't stop them from happening. Eventually, I got so tired of them that I spent a whole class period trying to figure out what was going on. At first, I had a theory that I was over working myself, but then I remembered the blank walls of my abyss, and started to rethink it. Unfortunately for me, however, by the time the class period was done, I had no leads and decided to go to Aamiya for help. Yeah, big mistake.
I am so sorry it is so long.
Yeah, not much to say. lol. So I'll start with this. I am sorry that I did not get to visit people today, or post yesterday, but my mom needed the computer because she has college and needs the internet and stuff. *shrugs* don't ask me, I really couldn't tell you even if you wanted to know. All I know is she needs the computer.
Alas, I was a SesshysBride2Be's house ALL day. lol. While she played Kingdom Hearts, I took naps. Then, when we went outside, someone (who happens to be scared of me cuz I used to chase him around last year cuz he likes to insult people) All her a fat >BEEP<, so I chased him again. He was like "Oh, >BEEP<" and took off. I was like "You better tow it, boy!!" It was hilarious. lol. and that was random. ^^ Anyways, how are you guys? I hope well.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Friday, April 28, 2006
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Hey guys. How are you? I'm pretty good. ^^
There's not much going on here, only everything is okay, now, and I'm writing another story up. heh heh. Which reminds me of something I have forgotten since now... Chapters 1 through 2 of my original story will be up TOMORROW. Then, chapter 3 will be up sunday because it is long. lol. And then 4 and the NEW CHAPTER, 5, will be up Monday. If this does not work for anyone who would like to read them, then I am open for day changes. Now, you may think since I am having chapters up, I will not be writing a post. I will, for it gives people who have already read it, or do not want to read it something to do. And, it will be short, so no worries. ^^
Welcome sign
As you may or may not have noticed, the welcome sign I have made is up. Yippee. ^^ Thanks to all of you for your help on telling me how to do it. As you can see, it's not that great, but my pc is old, and it doesn't have a very good "paint" system and such.
I made a button, and that's also up there. I would like to put up you guys' buttons if you would like, so if you have a button, please tell me in your comment.
Well, that's just about it. ^^ Have a wonderful day everyone! I wil ltry to be around to vist sites.
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