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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
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Hey guys. I'm sorry that I'm not on much. How are you all? Extremely well I hope.
As you may have guessed, I am now in Track. ^^ It's everyday after school, until 5:30. That's why my usual posting time of 4:00 will no longer be able to work. If I can, I will post at 12:00 everynight now. But if I can't it will be at 6:00.
Sorry if that does not work for everyone, but it's all I can do.
All my former problems seem to have ended for the time being, and everything has gone back to normal. However, I did have my cellphone confiscated by a teacher because I forgot to turn it on silent and my father called in the middle of class. It was on the loudest volume setting it could be. I felt lke dying, and tried to muffle the sound. Not an easy thing to do.
Random Question of the Day
If someone told you they loved you, and you've known them a long time but have never really seen them, what would you say? Would you be able to say anything at all?
TAKE CARE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
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Monday, March 13, 2006
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Well, it's 12:51 right here, and I don't want to sleep. I have to settle things with my friend tomorrow. She called after I posted last time to bitch at me and say how worried she was at how I left, and that she didn't know where I was at. Well, I couldn't say anything. I felt like someone had glued my throat shut. So I didn't say barely a word. And she got even more pissed, hung up, after I told her I had to go to sleep cuz I had work tomorrow. I told her Id talk to her Monday. I missed my contact appointment. And I have to wait until Wednesday. I wish I could just close my eyes and go to sleep and when I wke up everything will be okay again. I won't want to go to a different school, I won't hate myself everytime I look in a mirror, I won't have failing grades, it will be summer and my friends will be outside in their parents' cars waiting for me so that we can all go to eachothers houses for a swim, the one I love will not be ignoring me and we'll be together, and I'll be happy. But stuff like that never comes true. Not in this world. *sigh* Well, have a wonderful day guys. Take Care.
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
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Hey guys. Yea, I know, I'm back later than I said, but I've had a bad week. I'll sum it up as quick as I can.
Tuesday: Sick.
Wednesday: Could've went to get my contacts, but I didn't make it.
Thursday: Had a math test. I got 100% I didn't study. My grade is still a C. My grades are going down.
Friday: Got ignored by a friend cuz all her other friends were around in town. Complained about it to another friend. Left without telling her I was leaving. She called the other friend up. The other friend told her how I said she was ignoring me. Got me in big trouble. now I will have to smooth things over with her. I can barely smooth over everything esle going on in my life, and I just don't have the time. *sigh* Went to the doctors.
And I have work tomorrow. I don't like my job anymore. I don't know where I'm going, or what I'm doing because the hospital is so big, I'm just that forgetful. I almost had a nervous breakdown last time, because I couldn't find my way out and back to my work center. I just kept going in circles and circles. I couldn't remember how to get out.
I go for my contacts Sunday. Later than I wanted to.
The only good thing was Thursday. I went to a dance with a friend and actually danced for once. It was fun, and she seems to be the only one besides one of my best friends whose keeping my glue together, and helping me so that I don't fall to peices. Paying me compliments, and all. I don't like school. It's just another place where my existance is ignored.
Random Question of the Day
When you feel hopeless, what do you do to feel better?
Take care, peoples.
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
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Well, I'm back again. ^^ Until this weekend, when I'll be going to visit family yet again in the mountains. So it's kind of a short stay. It's been a week I think. As such, I will be visiting sites. I also apologize because the last time I was on, I did not get to visit the people who commented on my site. I would send out an apology PM, but I don't know exactly who all commented. So, sorry!!!!!!
My Day
My day is pretty bland so far. I'm actually irritable, and crabby. Not sure why though. It might have been that my existence was ignored like usual at school. And everyone was being very loud while I was trying to do my work. Two times today I was tempted to yell "Everyone, SHUT UP!!!!!!!" But I really didn't feel like having to listen to the retorts my classmates would have conjured up.
On Tuesday I went to the eye doctors. The news wasn't good. My eyes are 30% worse. It's actually so bad, that my eyes aren't any better off when I am wearing glasses than they were when the eye doctor decided I first needed them. So my glasses aren't helping my eyes. But the good news is that I'm going to be getting contacts next week XD! No more glasses!!!! No more having to worry about them getting knocked off my nose!!!! ^^
Random Question
If you had to pay to send emails, but aims were free, would you be angry at your internet service?
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
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Hello Everyone
Hello everyone. How are you? Good I hope. As for me, I am fine. And that's all I have to say about that. XD.
*singing*Just like it would, Irony got me good....
One of my best friends, who then transferred to being my rival, is now going to be my friend again. I just hope it works this time. she's talked crap on me, I've talked crap on her (mainly because I found out about the crap she was talking on me). But she sent me a note, reminding me of good times, and how stupidly we ended our friendship over something I agree to be.... well, stupid. So, yea. I'm not saying it won't be awkward at first, but hopefully we'll make up for lost time and be able to be what we once were. Her mother hates me. So, this won't be easy.... and I mean it REALLY won't be easy.
Math test
O.O I am so going to study more often. I aced my math test. I mean, totally aced it! I got the highest grade I could possibly get, an A+. Whoo-hoo! Just one more like that and I'll be up to an A again! Not to mention it was fun. ^^
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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Hello everyone. ^^ How are you? Good, I hope. Well, there's not much to say. Um, if I was around a little late yesterday, it's because I went to a friend's house so we could crack down on studying for a math test, otherwise I would have totally flunked it today. I did good though. *gulps* I hope.
It really looks like its going to rain today. But I like rain, so that ought to be just fine.
Personal conversations
First off, did someone delete a comment made to me yesterday? There were five.... now there isn't.
Mimiruss and Jennie14: Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to keep it in mind!! ^^
Obnoxious: The farther up your ear you go, the more it hurts. If you pierce it for the first time, it does not hurt, like a mild beesting at most, but if you do it a second time it stings and throbs for a minute.
Everyone who commented yesterday: Thanks for the compliments on my new theme!! *bows* ^^
Chapter 1 Part 2
The World Of Worlds
I am Trinah, although there need be no need for introduction. I just would like to let you know that you are in my world, my thinking place, my abyss. This place, this range of total whiteness that betrays all color, belongs to me, and I feel no regrets for it, either.
I had created this abyss when I was but a child. Heh, and lookng back on it now, I don't even think child is the proper word for what I was. More like the empty shell of one. I was only a nine year old raven haired, very dark brown eyed, skinny, pale nothing. I showed no emotion. Why should I have? It was all meaningless in the end, anyway. That's what you get when you move your daughter to a new house, and a new school; leaving her at the mercy of her fellow peers.
I don't know exactly where I left off, so I hope I got it right.
HAVE AN AWESOME DAY EVERYONE!!! I'll be around to visit later! ^^
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Back again for the 50th time. lol.
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Seesh, I've been gone awhile, haven't I? How is everyone? Good I hope.
Last weekend was pretty fun for me, even though I was sick for a bit. I went to the mall and got my ears peirced for the second time. ^^ Yay! Then I picked out shirts for my little bro to buy. *Shrugs* Apparently to him I'm an expert when it comes to clothes. lol. Oh, and my dad bought a Harley!!! ^^ I can't wait to ride on it. He's going to be getting it sometime soon, and he's getting me and my bro silver helmets. I hate cars, so hopefully this will be an improvement, it I don't fall off the back. ^^'
I finally decided on Sango for this month. *sighs contentedly* I think I put the most work into setting all this up, and I think out of every thing this one looks the best yet. Of course, that's my opinion. I couldn't find a Sango layout got my post, however, which made me pretty sad, but its okay. The DNAngel Dark one is pink so it kinda fits.
I know there has not been much fair warning, but Chapter 1 part 2 will be up TOMORROW. All normal rules apply. Which means there will be a post, there will be the story, and if you have read it, you can comment on the post, if you are just reading it, do whatever. Tell me if you liked it, comment on my post, blah, blah blah. Either way, I won't mind. Positive feedback would be good, but its not something I'm going to stay up all night crying over.
Random Question
If you were one people of the only two last people on earth, who would you absolutely NOT want to be stuck with?
Kidding, I will. ^^
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
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Bleh. -_-'. I'm sick! *sigh* so I can't go to school.... *cry*. PSSA test..... I.... I'm not going to get to finish. *sigh* Then I'll have to do it another time. I can't believe this, I'm been on and off sick for god knows how many weeks now. The school is probably getting pretty suspicious. They have nothing to get suspicious about. Hey, that's my messed up school for you though.
Yesterday's post
In yesterday's post, I said about how one of the girl's was talking about suicide on herself. I just thought I'd say this. A comment said about selfishness. Trust me, there was no one more selfish then this girl. I mean, she screamed down the hall b*tch, and would have run right into my friend and I had we not moved one minute before. And all she would have done was scream a string of curses and smack us.
All I have to say about that is that the new 7th graders are over dramatic. I don't like drama, unless its in a movie theater.
New Theme
For my theme for march I'm kind of at a standstill. I'm not sure if the new theme should be for Kikyo, or Sango. *sigh*
Random Question
If you could have anything you wanted, what would be the top three things?
Have an awesome day everyone. ^^
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Hi everyone.
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Hi everyone, what's up? I just got back from the school dance, so... yea. It was boring. I barely danced, but when I did I had fun. Then it was over. One of the girls was crying over something and this one girl was talking about commiting suicide in the bathroom. I hate to say it, but she brought what happened to her on herself. She called a girl a slut. And the girl retorted, and that's an understatement, believe me. Normally I would have tried to talk her out of it, but it wasn't my place and she was screaming profanities at anyone who came too close. She didn't do it, and I'm sure her sister will have her parents deal with it when she gets home. On a better note, I at least got to relax a little. I have pssa testing alot lately, so I haven't had much time for that. But it made me kind of sad, seeing everyone slow dance together, when I didn't have any to slow dance with. *shrugs* lol. Story of my life. Well, have an awesome day everyone. ^^
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Monday, February 13, 2006
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I said a long time ago that I would put up poems that I wrote for holidays.... that is, if I could think of one. And it just so happens that this one has something to do with love, so yea. I hope you guys enjoy it.
It's big and lonely in this bed,
All alone I rest my head.
Dream do I of when you'll come back to me,
Until that day apart are we.
Often I asked why this is so.
You'd just smile;you don't know.
Then I'd sigh and look away.
How I wish you'd finally stay.
But once again you're gone.
That horrid plane I watched you get upon.
I'm alone once more.
Before you come back from across this shore.
I lay by this tree.
Remembering the days when we used to be...
Hold on, I think I see you!
Is it possible? Do you miss me me too?
Have you finally come back for me?
I see your shape under the shade of that tree.
You see what's happening to me?!
It's taking over... your mere memory.
I close my eyes as they blur with tears.
You'll never come back, it's my greatest fear.
Your mom says you've sent a letter.
It doesn't mean things will get better.
No, they will, you told me so.
I trust you still, just so you know.
So I grin, wipe away my tears and get bolder.
I await you, my traveling soldier.
3 guesses what that was all about.
Another Random Question:
It's Valentine's Day, and you're getting ready to go to the big Valentine's day dance. As your just finishing putting the final touches to your dress/tux, cupid suddenly appears in your room. He's looking kind of desperate, and you can't help but wonder what's wrong. Cupid tells you he's lost his ability to be cupid for the day because he's on parol for stealing teeth from the toothfairy. He also wants you to fill in for him. Would you help him, or go to the dance and why.
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