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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
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student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
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Hi everyone. How are you?
I was a little late to visiting everyone yesterday, and that was because my father was doing the taxes. That's one thing I really never want to do when I get older, but will have to unless I want to go to jail. *sigh*
We had a substitue today, and to tell the truth, she was really mean. This one kid was told to do something, I forget what it was, and talked back. He got sent to the office, and got a 6 day suspension. While another kid caught moking in the bathroom got a three day suspension. I don't understand my school system...... -_-'....
An out of the blue Question
You are stranded on a deserted island in the middle of some unknown sea. You find a magic bottle. The bottle tells you that he will bring you three things, as long as it involves staying on the island. One thing must be a material item of your choice, Another a person, and the last something that you will need to survive. What would they be?
Have a great day everyone! ^^
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Story at the bottom! ^^ The post is long, you may want to read that first.
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Hello everyone. Heh, I'm upset again. I am failing math. Yes, failing it. But its not because I am academically impaired in the subject. As you may or may not recall, I said I was admired for my academic skill. The reason is stupid. Oh hec, I might as well tell you the whole story. I was sick one Friday. I'm sure everyone here knows that, because I posted saying so that day. Now, before I go any farther, I would like to make a clarification. I am a very forgetful person. So forgetful, I even forget what I am getting when I go to get something from a different part in the house. This is where the walls come crashing down. I had to turn in an excuse blank. I was given a day to do this. I forgot. And I lost all credit for all the work that was to be done on Friday. I was supposed to have a nasty midterm that day. You can guess what happened. My math teacher was good about it, he gave me half credit, but since I only originally had an 85% (I didn't study), you can approximate where that left me. To top it off, the teacher I gave the excuse blank to got B*tchy with me about why I didn't turn it in. She assumed I knew that I only had 4 days. I have never been absent to Jr. High before. I did not know how that worked. Nor did I look it up in my student handbook becuase I thought I would never need to know. I even forgot I had to turn one in until sunday of the following week. I was so upset, I started to cry in math (Silently, I didn't want to make a scene), and hyperventilate in the hallway. I didn't cry to get my grade changed, I hate it when I cry cuz I feel like I'm doing it to get my way, even though I don't do that. Luckily, Queen Of Darkness got me to calm down a little. Thanks Mel. Sorry its so long. Have a nice day!
Anyways, Story. ^^
chapter one: part one:
"Trinah," I whispered into the heavy silence that surrounded me, "Trinah of the blank abyss."
I took a few shriveled, scab red rose petals and sprinkled them unto the pure, clear lake of the blank abyss. Only the rose petals and lake weren't there. The were gone, or had never been there to begin with.
It had been a long time since I had visited here, and I had forgotten how utterly big and lonely the blank abyss could be. What, with its colorless, and endless white vastness, and sense of pity when you realized that even its owner would not care for it. That owner being me.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
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Hello everyone! I know, I haven't been on for a bit, and I'm sorry, but I'm back now. ^^ How is everyone?
I realized something pretty strange today. I've noticed that I am completely ignored at school by the other kids, but really, the kids admire me for my talents. Mostly my art, and creativity and my academics. They just have it in their minds not to tell me so. I found out when this one girl ran up to the substitute earlier and asked if she was good at art. I was getting a pass from her. Then another said, "No, I meant that girl," and pointed at me. I was shocked. lol. I guess they think my isolation from everyone is my desire, cuz I never talk to many children unless I've known them for many years and I consider know well.them "friend". It's not, its just hard to start a conversation with another I do not know well. Oh. sorry I went on forever about that. >.>
I realize that last week, on Friday, I was supposed to have my story ch.1. part 1 up. But I was sick. That will be up TOMMORROW! Back to Wednesday =P. lol.
Well, have an awesome day everyone.
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Friday, February 3, 2006
Sick -_-'.
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Random things
Hey guys. How are you all? Well, I'm sick today. That's why I'm posting early, so I can sleep the rest of the day. I just have to make sure my brother doesn't know I got away with staying out of school sick or he'll want to, too. You know how I told you me and him have a Sango and Kohaku brother and sister relationship, well, I also forgot to mention that everything I do, he has to do too. I'm a role model for him I suppose. lol..... I feel like General Mayes Hughes....
On site visitation
If I don't visit you every time you update, then this is why. I update in alphabetical order, and spend at least 7 minutes on every site, sometimes more if the post is a long one. I update as soon as I get home from school, around 3:40, and stay on to update until dinner is ready around 5:00. Then I am made to get off, and I try to get back on around 9:00 that evening to continue my updation. Sometimes I don't make it to get back on, then I apologize for not visiting everyone.
Well, I'm going to stop there, because I need to cook my brother some food (I won't get germs in it, I'm sick but his immune system is like an iron vault), but I hope everyone has an awesome day.
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Hair straightener. ..... That;'s actaully not a random subject either.
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Hey everyone. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday.
I will be on today to visit and comment. Even now, there's not much to say. lol. My life has hit a dull spot as it normally does.
As I told you, I was very upset the other day, and it caused me not to post alot of my boring rambling like everyone is so used to hearing in these posts. Although I won't say what it was, I will tell you that I'm a little better. Thank you guys for being concerned. ^^
Well, there isn't much else to say. I decided to do something for school today I have never done before, however. Wear sweat pants to school. Bleh. This ought to be hilariously funny for my friends there.
Have a Thrilling Thursday. ^^
Personal comment for all who visit SesshysBride2Be's site:
You will notice that me and SesshysBride2Be's song is the same. Don't flip on me about "stealing", and I'll tell you why. This is because I'm the one who put up her music. I decided I liked it too, so I also put it up. No big deal. I do almost all her things. Her post style, her cursor, and now her music, but only because I'm sure she didn't know where to get it herself. I also taught her all she knows about putting things on her site. So I think I deserve to be able to have the same song up. I wouldn't have put this last bit up, but I thought it was important.
Have an awesome day.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
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Hey everyone. I'm not very happy today. Frankly, I'm quite upset. So there won't be much to this post. I would just like to reinstate that Chapter One Part One of The World Of Worlds, my story, will be up Friday for those who have not read it.
If you didn't get what was going on in "A Silly Love Story," Its okay. The main reason you didn't is because it doesn't start explaining what's going on until a little farther in. Its a for fun type of thing. Well, I hope you guys have an awesome day.
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Hey everyone.
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Hello everyone. ^^ How are you today? I hope good. Today was pretty boring so far with nothing to talk about really. I wore this sweater my grandparent's got me (I hate it, I'm never wearing it again!!!!!!), and I'm amazed at the power it held on Guy's eyes. It's a turtle neck, and it was knit, so I don't know why they were staring at it. Maybe they thought it was weird or something. *shrugs* That was the highlight of my day. It certainly caused alot of thinking.
Well, I hope you guys have a good day. ^^
Short, yea, I know. So here's something for the guys who visit my friends site. (SesshysBride2Be)
WARNING: Beyond this point there will be many profanities that alot of people may not like. If this is the case for you, don't read it. You've been warned.
A Silly Love Story
by AnimeFire03 and SesshysBride2Be
"Mikura, you damn cat, get down from that tree" Called an 18 year old she-wolf named Sakairi.
"No bitch, I'm trying to sleep. Damn Sakairi, leve me alone," Mikura, an 18 year old tigress, snapped. Her red eyes sparkled
malevolently as she glanced down at Sakairi before
rolling over. Sakairi wasn't all that bad, but sometimes she just didn't know when to give in. Mikura's tail twitched in agitation, as she thought about all the times she had been woken up by the she-wolf with dark blue waist length hair and amber eyes below her.
Sakairi's eyebrow twitched,and her white, chest
pocketed, long collared, boys t-shirt, rested on her holed up blue denim jeans, which were rolled up over floppy, untied, white sneakers rustled as she clapped her hands together. The tree the orange and black short-haired feline had taken refuge in swayed violently and was surrounded by a yellow light for only a second before blowing up; sending bits of timber everywhere. Mikura landed flat on her face. Gritting her teeth against the pain, Mikura stared up and pointed her finger at Sakairi.
"How dare you, you bitch! Why don't you go get fucked by your damn dog boy Hano?!You had no right to do that! I ought to rip your pretty little silver tail right out!" yelled Mikura, clenching her claws into fists and baring her teeth at the still calm figure of Sakairi, as she examined the damage inflicted on the tree with satisfaction in her eyes.
"Me? YOU have no right," said Sakairi calmly, "If you even think about ripping out my tail, I'll rip yours out just to spite you!"
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
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My job went well yesterday. Thanks everybody! ^^ I did scrape a wheelchair against the wall when someone was in it, and got it caught on a garbage bag that had no business being there in the first place, but that was also because I also had to hold onto an IV pole too. That's really hard
-_-'. And then someone's foot against a plant. Lightly, that is, as I tried to back into an elevator. I apologized for both, but somehow they both knew I was new. From the first patient (with the IV pole) I got told where to push her. It was embarrassing, but she seemed patient, even if a little annoyed.
lol. As you can see, I changed my layout. This months character is Inuyasha, although it should be Miroku, since he's a pervert and the month of Valentine's would suit him better. *shrugs* Anywho, I tried my best to make it love-like. Hope you guys like it. This song I think suits Inuyasha well. It's "What's My Age Again?" By Blink182. About "A Silly Love Story".
The cutoff was my fault, if you go to my friend's site, you may know what I'm talking about. I went back and fixed it up, since there were some mistakes to it. While on my computer it tells me its all there, it really isn't. So, I apologize.
Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
First day of work. ^^
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Today is my first day of work. ^^ And I really should be sleeping cuz I have to go in early, but I feel all nervous and jittery. The hospital is a big and complicated place, and I don't know my way around the building, since they didn't cover that in the basic training. I got a big handbook on what to do and what not to do and all, but I hadn't even had the chance to look through it!!! So, I'll be up early wit that yet. I did listen at training though, so I have no doubts it will all be okay.... I have Patient Transport, so of course, out of irony, not knowing my way around the building is a big problem. Well, wish me luck! ^^ I'll be around to visit people when I get home from work, most likely. Have a wonderful day everyone. ^^
^^' Omg...It's like 1:37 am right now....
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
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Hey everyone. I'm sorry about the other day when I didn't come to visit your sites, especially when so many of you came to mine. And, like so many times before, I'm not going to bore you to death with an excuse, and know that I truely am sorry. I WILL make it today though!!! I won't promise however, because they, at times, have a high tendency to break. Not that I don't want to keep them, but I'm sure you know how it goes.
Something that really wants to make me cry is what is going to happen to our gas prices yet to come. I recently heard from a teacher that oil will soon reach $100 a barrel where I live and gas could shoot up to over $5. That means no borders, which means no anime or manga. V.V I don't know if I'll survive...
You notice the subject of this post reads "Inuyasha". Well, I was watching the show Tuesday night instead of what I should have been doing, which was sleeping... and realized something. I thought back to when I first started watching the show about 6 years ago now, and realized how far the it had come. Through all the reruns and cartoon network taking it off the air, and how somehow, I still found myself being patient and watching it. Also, what had happened to my view of the characters since then.
Kagome: At first, I was a Kagome fan. She was like, my idol. This is mainly because at the start, she reminded me of myself, and everyone told me so. But now, I'm not so much of a Kagome fan as I used to be, instead, at times, I find her and Inuyasha's "I like you, but I'll pretend not to" phase very annoying. It was cute for the first 80 episodes, then it got old. Very old.
Kikyo: I'll be painfully honest. I down right hated kikyo *dodges rocks being thrown at her*. And this was because (big surprise since I told you I was a kagome fan) I thought it was wrong that she was trying to take Inuyasha from Kagome. Now, I respect kikyo and I'm kind of sorry that she's dead. Because, I suppose, I finally see things from her point of veiw.
Inuyasha: lol. He's still an idiot at times, but hes alot calmer and lovable now. Its like he's become mellowed out after Kikyo died. To be honest, he's acting like he's committed. Guys get all weird when they're committed, that's my personal opinion, ladies and gentlemen, so take no offense. I'm not sure I like the change.
Miroku: Even though he's still a pervert, he's still pretty loyal to the person that the series is suggesting he loves. Sango. I like that. ^^
Sango: Sango seems to be rather clueless about Miroku liking her or whatever Miroku's feelings for her are. Even though at times she lets on she's very aware of it. But her silence on the subject annoys me. I know she's more into finding her brother, but still.
Shippo: I'm sorry to say this about the cute and cuddly little fox demon. But I'm dissapointed in him. I knew in some ways he would turn out to be like Miroku, but not when it came to women. *shakes head*
Naraku: Where is he anyway? I've noticed that Naraku plays a vital role in keeping the story to a point. Generally, when he faded out of the picture, I lost my interest the show for a time. Because I think, and this is my thought, that the episodes in between were filler episodes. Some to which had no meaning at all.
Have a great day everyone. ^^
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