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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hey guys.
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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been here in a bit. It was a pretty busy week for me. Well, rather than give you a long and utterly boring list of why I wasn't here, I'll just continue on with my even more utterly long and boring things that pertain to now.

As of the last time I posted, I talked about how I would be reposting all the chapters I'd already posted in pervious posts. This is mainly because, unlike LS, I don't have another site in which to put it that you can go to and read it. So, on a chosen day I will be posting up a part of chapter one. Only it will be much shorter, and include a post for people who have already read it. Of the people who answered my day question, I wasn't given a specific. So I have chosen Friday. so, Next friday will be Chapter 1 part one of the Story. Don't worry. If this is getting boring, I won't be posting story much longer. I will get about to chapter 7, and then I'll stop. But I do have to ask this. Do you guys like it so far? Its the first story I've gotten so far on. Not to sound conceited and all, but I think I did a good job. Not as good as some of the other excellent writers on here such as SugarCone, LS, and AnimeGirl501, but still pretty good.

Oops ^x^'. Sorry, I didn't mean to go on forever like that. Anyways, how is everyone. I hope you have a wonderful day. ^^
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Sorry I didn't visit yesterday.... Here's yesterday's post because it's important.
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I'm sorry. I know I said yesterday I'd put up part five of my story. So if anyone wanted to read it, and it wasn't up yesterday, I'm sorry.
I've given it alot of thought lately, and I've decided on something. I don't remember which chapters I need to send people. That's why I haven't been sending them. So I thought, "Hey, I'll just do a rewrite, like Inuyasha does constantly on AdultSwim." So that's just what I'm going to do. I will repost all the chapters I have written, only in shorter bits and peices, so that for all who have already read it, they can have something to post on. But I am going to let you vote on the day of the week you would like me to post it up each week. If I won't be here a certain day, then I'll let you know. So, if you could please pick a day you would like to read it or whatever, that would be extremely helpful. ^__^
I changed up my sitea little, but only a little. I hope you like it. Well, have a wonderful day everyone! ^__^
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
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I'm sorry. I know I said yesterday I'd put up part five of my story. So if anyone wanted to read it, and it wasn't up yesterday, I'm sorry.
I've given it alot of thought lately, and I've decided on something. I don't remember which chapters I need to send people. That's why I haven't been sending them. So I thought, "Hey, I'll just do a rewrite, like Inuyasha does constantly on AdultSwim." So that's just what I'm going to do. I will repost all the chapters I have written, only in shorter bits and peices, so that for all who have already read it, they can have something to post on. But I am going to let you vote on the day of the week you would like me to post it up each week. If I won't be here a certain day, then I'll let you know. So, if you could please pick a day you would like to read it or whatever, that would be extremely helpful. ^__^
I changed up my sitea little, but only a little. I hope you like it. Well, have a wonderful day everyone! ^__^
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Monday, January 16, 2006
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Hey guys. I'm back. ^^ How is everyone?
Well, I got the problem to work later on, so I did get to visit peoples' sites.
I had fun, and it turns out I will possibly be going back in 2 weeks. ^^ So, I possibly won't be here the... ooh. Nevermind. I'll be here. I have work Saturday for the first time, and I won't miss that. lol.
Well, I think my 5th chapter will be the last one of the story I have on here. Although its far from over.
Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Hey Guys! This is Important!
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Yeah, I know I promised I'd be back for awhile, but as things go, I won't be on this weekend, for I'm going to be visiting family and they live far from here.
Ironic enough, I can not see anyone's site, so I won't be around. I'd send a private message instead, but that is included in one of the tihings I cannot see. Friday the 13th indeed. -_-'.
So if I'm not around, I haven't forgotten, I'm just not here. I just hope myO will run for me when I come back so I can visit them later on in the long run.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day. ^^
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
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I made this up to go to the tune of "I Miss You" By Blink182. I think its pretty catchy actually.
Hello there,
My backstabber beyond compare.
The liar, the one using all those charming words.
The ever unsuspected taker,
Of all the respect I ever harboured.
Would you be happy if I was murdered?
Is that what you want?
Well, you'll never get me,
And you'll never see me again.
I promise I'll be the one laughing in the end.
Laughing in the end.
Don't ever think of me,
You're only,
Lying to me anyway.
(I won't miss you, I won't)
Don't ever think of me,
You're only,
Lying to me anyway.
(I won't miss you,
I won't.)
What's wrong with you?
For once I'm not sorry.
I can finally sleep,
Resting my poor eyes.
From when they looked upon you,
Telling all my secrets.
Just get out,
And don't ever come back again,
Don't come back again.
Don't ever think of me,
You're only,
Lying to me anyway.
(I won't miss You, I won't)
Don't ever think of me,
You're only,
Lying to me anyway.
(I won't miss you, I won't)
Don't ever think of me,
You're only,
Lying to me anyway.
(I won't miss you, I won't)
^^ What? Nothing happened to me today to make me think that up. Now, this is not originally my song. It was thought up off of "I Miss You" by Blink182.
To the point, I'm not really in the mood to talk about it. So decipher what you can from the song. I know, I have the weirdest ways of showing how I feel. *Rolls eyes* I hope you guys have a wonderful day.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
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Hey guys. ^^
What's up? Well, I stayed up last night to watch last nights episode of Inuyasha... and then 30 minutes from Inuyasha start time... I got this brilliant idea I'd turn off the lights and rest my eyes. The nec=xt thing I know, my alram is going off and I have to get up for school! And I'm really late!!! >_< I could have kicked myself! I hate it when I do that stuff.
In case anyone missed it:
My story, Chapter... 5, will be up next
Wednesday. One reson is I'm too lazy to type it up and put it on today. Oh well, I'm sure no one minds. Well, have a good day everyone ^^
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Read this first please.
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Hey guys. Do you remember how I was in a good mood yesterday? Well, that faded really fast, like I told you before, it always does.
I'm not going to say why though. I'll be posting again later, I just wanted to give everyone the announcement below.
Part 5 of my story will be up next Wednesday, for all who want to read it. So, if you don't, you know the drill.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
HOLA! Ah, It's a beautiful day around here. ^^
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Hey everyone how was your day? Today was miraculous. Alot of the things that happened today were really rare. Especially on a Monday. First I got a ride to the bus stop, second, the bus driver dropped us off right where the sidewalk into the school was, and I had no troubles today. ^^ The only thing I didn't like was the fact I had to get a shot. I don't like shots. But it didn't hurt as bad as I thought, so it was all good. Oh, and it's 68 degrees outside. ^^
Something I also find miraculous is that I basically have my whole career path planned. I don't know why this impresses me, but it does. ^^ Heheh, as you all know, I want to be a doctor, so you can only imagine how I managed to plan this out... ^^ I think its pretty cool though.
Well, my day was good, I hope yours is too, have a wonderful rest of the day everyone. ^^
Bleh, I'm not sure if the kingdom keys for the backroom, my gb, and my quiz results are too bland or not. What do you guys think?
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
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Hey everyone. I'm back for good this time, at least for awhile. How is everyone? I'm good. I woke up not too long ago though (See SesshysBride2Be? I got sleep), and now I'm bored. Maybe I can get my dad to take me to Borders, but probably only if I help clean. Bleh =P. I used to love to clean, but then it got to be too much hassle(Once again, shut up SesshysBride2Be). So once again today, I'll be around to visit sites. ^^ I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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