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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
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Hey everyone! Been a long time. How are you?
I'm doing pretty well for a change. I decided not to be on for awhile due to some lack of happiness/confidence issues I've been having. I didn't want to subject anyone to it. But I'm going to attempt to update every day now. I feel a lot better mentally. There isn't much else to say, though I do have to go out shopping soon for a coat because of the snow...
~I've Learned~
I've learned that nothing is better than living, because when you live, you can be you.
Age 1
This is the start of the "I've learned" series. My teacher actually does this, and I think its a very good idea. I'm going to go from age one to one hundred with things that you would learn through your years. It's a great way to look back on all the things you've learned and all the things you want to learn.
Later then.....
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all?
~I'm back til whenever~
I'm doing great, though I miss it here. My teachers haven't been givng me a lot of homework lately, so I hope that'll give me some "MyO" time. I was kinda bummed I wasn't on for long enough on Halloween to change my site for the holiday. Even if I wanted to, I was too lazy to mess with it and find something halloweenish, anyways. It'll probably stay like this for awhile... or until Christmas, I suppose it depends.
I've recently been accepted into my School's newest program! The National Art Honors Society. I'm really happy, and I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it. I know the art I have on here is nothing to look at.... but I can do much better with realism stuff! So, maybe I'll do that one day and show you? XD But back to the topic at hand, the National Art Honors Society will provide me with ways to hone my art skills, and scholarships if I happen to want one.
I really do love art, but I wish I had taken it as seriously back then as I do now. Maybe then I'd be soo much better, not that I don't think I'm okay, just... so, so.
That's all that going on with my life right now, and I can think of nothing else besides that joke my Art teacher, Mrs. M, made in class that we were all prsent for. Scroll down to read. If you'd rather not read it, then just smile, wave, and walk away. It's fine, I'll understand.
~Silly Joke/Saying/Qoute of the Day~
"What did the one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?" -Mrs. M
"What?" -We, the pupils
"We're gonna need to get some more support around here or else someone'll think we're nuts." -Mrs. M
There was not a "happy place" to think of left in the room that was not scarred permanently. Though, I do so love my Art teacher. :)
Visiting: Ask of it and it is yours, always.
Thank you all for coming.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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Hey everyone, how are you?
~When your eyes change color~
The day after yesterday, I sat down at dinner and my mom told me my eyes were turning red. I didn't really think anything of it because I had my contacts in and they often have that kind of effect. However, the following morning, my left eye was bright red, and it was really sore. I ended up going to the nurse during first period, and finding out that I had an illness I used to cringe at upon hearing about when I was a child: Pink eye (bacterial infection of the eye that irriates and reddens until cured. Also known scientifically as "Conjunctivitis"). Today I stayed home from school because my eye did not look any better, and the doctor confirmed it.
Now I can't touch my eye and then touch anything, wear my contacts (I'll being breaking that rule since I absolutely can't see without them), apply any make-up that I'm not going to throw away afterwards, and I have to put antibiotic eyedrops in my eyes four times a day. I'm actually kinda relieved. It's a small price to pay, though I am a little worried. Before I was told what it was, when I would put my contacts in, I would wash my hands and then stick them both in without washing my hands inbetween them. Like, I put them in my left, and then without washing my hands used the same hand and finger to put my contact in my right eye. I fear it might have transfered over my finger to my other eye. *shivers* I hope not. Still, I can go to school, which is good. At least I'll be able to make up all the tests I missed.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Ew, Pink Eye. Heh, now I'm going to treat you like you have some horrible disease. Shun! SHUN!!!!"
Have a wonderful day, everyone! *waves as she walks away to continue to study for her make-up tests*
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Hey everyone!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
~Due to Technical Difficulties~
The reason I have not been on to honor my last post: viruses. Lots of them. We ended up having to pay $230 or something like that to get rid of all of them. -_-' Who was to blame? Whose files were infected? due to popular belief: mine. Due to facts and statistics shown by my computer: everyone's BUT mine. I love how my parents blame me, when they're the ones who do these kinds of things. Ugh. It's not an excuse, it's the truth.
I just go into a bit of a fight with my boyfriend. Ugh... I won't even go into details, but I'm super stressed out right now.
You thought I forgot about Halloween, eh? EH?! Hee, no, not at all. *hands out candy* But none for who cause too much mischief.
Anyways, I'm supposed to go over to Britt's in a little bit to help manage the kids we're taking around trick-or-treating. I'm going to get into my costume in a little bit, but I wonder if it's a little too cold? O.o
~Qoute of the Day~
"We can live like Jack and Sally if you want to, Where you can always find me,
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas,
And in the night we'll wish this never ends,
We'll wish this never ends."
~Blink182's "I Miss You"
Have a wonderful Holiday everyone. ^_^ Mind the vampires, they bite.
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Friday, October 19, 2007
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Hey everyone. God, it has been so long!!! I'm really very sorry.
~The Situation~
Right. I'm tired of making promises I obviously can't keep because I'm dumb, and god only knows what else, so I won't say that I will be on every day any more. However, I really want to try. I really do, everyone. My high school teachers have been handing out a lot of homework, tests, and prejoects lately. Sadly, between school,these assignments, my friends,and my boyfriend, I just don't have as much time as I thought I would have. I apologize for this, for I know I did promise, and I apologize for the times when I updated and did not visit back. However, I am changing one thing. As some of you who have PMed me (which is fine) have noticed, I atually am on theO everyday. Not for a very long time, mind you, but I'm still on. So, during this time that I am on and I don't feel like updating, I am still going to visit. I hate not knowing what's going on when I get back, and I also feel like I'm being unfair because I'm busy and too lazy to post. And I know I have the right to a life, but I missed a few important things while I was gone that I would have really liked to know about a little sooner. So... my apologies to you.
~My Birthday~
..Is tomorrow. ^o^ Since it's my sixteenth, we're having a big masquerade/costume party and a sleepover for some of us girls. It promises to be fun, really fun. But there's still so much for me to do since I'm hosting it. Tonight, Matt (his birthday was yesterday) and I are going out to dinner and doing some things alone together until about nine, in which we'll set up for the party tomorrow at five. Yet, my computer is not working at home right now, so I am going to visit those who have updated before 1:49pm, and will probably not update on the weekend unless by some merciful miracle my computer is up and running again. Still... I don't even have a costume... *sweat* Some planner I am, huh?
Here's some pumpkin pie or cake for my birthday. ^_^ *hands you the pie and cake*
~Qoute of the Day~
Me: "This apron makes me look fat when I wear it."
Alex: "This apron makes me look fat when I wear it."
Me: "Stop it."
Alex: "Stop it."
Me: "Alex is dumb."
Alex: "Alex is dumb."
Me: "Alex likes to do things that other people don't normally do."
Alex: "Really? He does?"
Have an excellent day, weekend, and monday everyone. If my computer is not fixed (which I think it will be)by that time, I will probably only visit since I won't have a lot of time to update during school. Goodbye for now.
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Friday, October 5, 2007
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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't been on lately. I wanted to be, but there was just nothing really to say. However, I'm in school right now, so... there's plenty to say, i suppose. ^_^
So homecoming's tomorrow, and I have my dress, my ticket, my boyfriend's questpass (since he's from another school), my heels, and everything else I could need. We're going to go to Five Guys Burgers and Fries right before the dance, and we're going to meet some friends there as well. All in all, it's going to be fun. Britt's really worried about it, but I think as long as we stick together, there really isn't anything that can go wrong. And XheartbrokenX's (aka Britt's) post is prolly going to be demented, because she letting our friends mess with it. XD
~Football game and Peprally~
So basically my school is holding a pep rally, or prep rally, that is. There's really no point to it because no one really particularly enjoys the pep rally anyways, but we still host it, I guess. I'll mostly talk to Brittney the whole entire time, and later on I'm going to go to the football game to see if they got my school spirit shirt that I ordered in, and to hang out with a few friends. Hopefulyl everything goes way today, too.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Rape is unmanly."
-The Vampire Armand
Don't ask, it seemed hilarious at the time. If you read the book, you might understand why.
Well, everyone. The period's almost over and I have to go to Biology. The whole computer lab is quieting down and starting to pack up. I'm sorry if my post is... shallow, or too cheery, or whatever it tends to be. I realize after I post sometimes that I really shouldn't have said half the things that I probably did. But, have a wonderful day, everyone. I will be around to visit later.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^_^ How are you all?
I'm about to go take a nap, so this should only take five minutes. I did some work around the house, cleaning up, doing laundry, etc. No one else is home so I guess it's the perfect opportunity. Also, I sorry I haven't been visiting sites for the past two days. Internet explorer isn't working correctly, and I've had quite a bit of work to do. I hope you understand. There is no qoute of the day, though I probably have one written down somewhere.
Have a wonderful day, guys.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
I haven't been on because there's really not much to tell you. I would have updated sooner but I got stuck making dinner, so I have to balance some time. XD
~Everybody loves English~
Since there really isn't much to say, I'll just tell you about something that happened in English class. *nods satisfactorily* Today, we had to find a good "hook" for our paragraphs on school spirit. We were to come up with a hook and when the teacher called on us, we were to represent it to the class. I didn't really feel all that motivated to do so, and I told that to the girl next to me, who laughed. Well... that is, until I was called on. Here's a recount of that moment:
Other Class members (theirs wasn't exactly like this, but close): "School spirit week during school is a fun event."
Teacher: *mouth pulls into a grim smile before she turns to beam at me* "What about you, Kayla? Why don't you share your hook?"
Me: uh-oh *gulps* "Erm... Student morale in the form of school spirit is an important aspect of any high school and its student body; especially that of the school atended."
Class: "..." O.O "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
Teacher: "EXCELLENT!!! Give her a round of applause!!"
I can't even describe how embarrassed I was! It just sort of... came out, if you know what I mean. I hadn't meant it to sound so.. wonderful(?).. I just wanted to say something that wouldn't make me look stupid.
~Class Rings~
Today we also had someone come to our school for us Sophomores to get school rings, though Britt and I just goofed off the whole period instead of really listening. Besides, we know what we want to get anyways. Too bad the rings cost $300 dollars and up to $450 dollars. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't afford such a pricey ring! So, I'll be going to another store for mine, I guess.
I just got my Driver's manual, so I suppose I'll be taking my Driver's test a few days after my Birthday. I can't wait. I'm ready to learn to drive. ^_^
~Qoute of the Day~
"Global warming?[One ring gives you a tree in a rain forest if you buy it to help this cause] Haven't they ever heard of the Green House effect? If we plant more trees, then it'll just get warmer!"
Have a wonderful day, guys! You pretty much know the drill by now. ^_^
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Monday, September 24, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
I haven't been on because there's really not much to tell you. I would have updated sooner but I got stuck making dinner, so I have to balance some time. XD
~Everybody loves English~
Since there really isn't much to say, I'll just tell you about something that happened in English class. *nods satisfactorily* Today, we had to find a good "hook" for our paragraphs on school spirit. We were to come up with a hook and when the teacher called on us, we were to represent it to the class. I didn't really feel all that motivated to do so, and I told that to the girl next to me, who laughed. Well... that is, until I was called on. Here's a recount of that moment:
Other Class members (theirs wasn't exactly like this, but close): "School spirit week during school is a fun event."
Teacher: *mouth pulls into a grim smile before she turns to beam at me* "What about you, Kayla? Why don't you share your hook?"
Me: uh-oh *gulps* "Erm... Student morale in the form of school spirit is an important aspect of any high school and its student body; especially that of the school atended."
Class: "..." O.O "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
Teacher: "EXCELLENT!!! Give her a round of applause!!"
I can't even describe how embarrassed I was! It just sort of... came out, if you know what I mean. I hadn't meant it to sound so.. wonderful(?).. I just wanted to say something that wouldn't make me look stupid.
~Class Rings~
Today we also had someone come to our school for us Sophomores to get school rings, though Britt and I just goofed off the whole period instead of really listening. Besides, we know what we want to get anyways. Too bad the rings cost $300 dollars and up to $450 dollars. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't afford such a pricey ring! So, I'll be going to another store for mine, I guess.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Global warming?[One ring gives you a tree in a rain forest if you buy it to help this cause] Haven't they ever heard of the Green House effect? If we plant more trees, then it'll just get warmer!"
Have a wonderful day, guys! You pretty much know the drill by now. ^_^
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Nothing, nothing at all!~
There isn't anything to say really, so I'll just go over why I wasn't here. The weekend was hectic, I was pulled in a whole bunch of different directions (not that I minded) and on Monday and Tuesday there just wasn't anything to say. Like today. Heh heh, so there it is. ^_^
I went to try and get my check today at work, but no one was in. O.o It was strange, because when I walked into the store, the door was open and unlocked, and it was all silent and vacant. Which is really irresponsible, considering that our checks are in there and anyone could walk in off the street and take them, but I've learned not to question the way my working environment works, so I won't. I finally found someone and they told me that they had left at 5:00pm (the same time as I walked into the store, which is a pretty miraculous feat since there is only one way out) and that I'd have to come back the next day.
Annnnd... that's it. I'm out of qoute ideas, or the qoutes are too long to be remembered correctly since I take them out of my daily life, so no Qoute of the Day. Though, you can have a cookie! *holds up a plate of your favorite cookies hopefully*
Take care everyone! And, of course, Volo invisam tu.
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