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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
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student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Friday, December 16, 2005
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Hey guys. What's up? My day was good, and I got into a little fight about religion. lol. That's a battle no one was going to win... and everyone was going to lose. Luckily, we got over it. lol. I realize alot of you were pressed for time and couldn't read the chapter. Sorry. I know that it was long. Read it anytime you like, and if you want, I can even pm it to you. (I'll send chapter 1 to you today chocolate devil, okay?) Well, I hope you guys have a good day. ^^
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Chapter 3 continued of story.... enjoy ^_^
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okay guys, I know. I never gave much warning. And i'm realy, really, really, sorry. It's long too, I also apologize for that. but I had fun writing it, and I hope you have fun reading it. So, without further ado,The World Of Worlds
Chapter 3 continued....
Aamiya raised her eyebrows and stared at me.
"Why am I sending you back? Because you have to make sure no one sets these disasters into action. Even though i have no facts behind this possibility... if anyone messes with another's world... the original crator might be pulled back in to fix the damage," She looked at me anxiously, "Also, they are given a time limit in which to fix it and if they don't... they are stuck there in the worlds... permanently."
A shiver ran up my spine as the last word she said resounded in my mind over and over again.
"R-roger that," I said, trying to sound unaffected by her last staement, even though I knew it didn't show on my face, "But why do I have suction cups on my forehead?"
Of course, this was only to distract her so she wouldn't tell me any more creepy details on my little visit back to my abyss, but that didn't mean i still wasn't curious as to why the suction cups were there. I plucked at one of them, accidentally pulling it off, and examined it. What I saw once again made me uneasy. It looked exactly like one of those things that stuck a stuffed animal to the glass of a car. Hoewever this one was white and had a wire exposed at the end with inly a thin layer of pink rubber around it so thin, I could see every detail of the wire through it. Trying with all my might to control shivering, I glanced up at Aamiya, who tugged the wire out of my hand and reattached it to my forehead. Before I could protest, Aamiya answered my question.
"Because," she finally replied, "older chilren that have already reached adolescenec seem to have trouble reaching their worlds because they have become more mature and less imaginative while they were gone from it. This will give you a small little shock, more like a poke than anything really, to get your brainwaves that created the world up and kicking."
I watched her forlornly as she turned on the colossal mechanical doodad that the suction cups stuck to my forehead were attached to. I felt a small force, semi like the one Aamiya had so breifly described. Only this one was larger and harder. I also felt a small pulsation that seemed to jerk all my nerve endings into a sort of tap dance along my spinal cord all the way up to my skull. After a couple of short moments, even though I really didnt' have the excess energy to think about it thanks to my dancing nerves, Aamiya turned the machine off.
At once, I felt all my creative genius from my childhood rushing to greet me. I closed my eyes and exhaled,letting the waves of it wash over me. Instantly I felt it getting to work, creating narrative upon narrative, bodies, concluding sentences, titles.. all with happy endings depite my dark nature of my childhood. I stood there dazed for several minutes as I marveled with satisfaction at how my mind had such a strange knack of for creating.
I was so dazed, that I barely boticed Aamiya striding towards me and placing a headset on my left ear. I gazed up at her, as if realizing she was there for the first time since I had reached her house.
I stared at her, cocking my head to one side, then asked, pointing to hte headset, "What is this for?"
Aamiya didn't answer. I observed as she took out her laptop and punched at the keys. I tapped my foot impatiently.
She sighed and looked at me, my desired result, and answered, "You're going into your world. This headset allows us to communicate while you're in your world, being as I am unable to come to your world, and that I am needed here. While you are in your world the headset can also double as a phenomenon reader, alerting you to any unordinary power surges, or supernatural happenings in your world. This is so that you can delete them. The headset also allows me to see into your mind by reacting to your brainwaves, and see into your world on my computer. And..." Her eyes flitted to the screen of her computer for a moment, then back up to meet my awestruck gaze, "you're just going to love what you're new, bright, creative mind is doing."
With all that said, aamiya ushered me to the back of her "lab", and into a chair. The chair was black, and had a liquidy feeling to it, much like ias if I had been lying in a puddle of water after a new fresh April rain.
" I designed this chair to help your body relax so it doesn't become stiff if you stay in the world over a day or so..." She looked down at her feet, "or become stuck in the worlds."
I felt another chill run up my spine. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut about that?
"But that's not really a possibility is it?" I tried, growing panicked when she didn't answer, "Well? IS IT?!?"
"That won't happen," She said reassuredly, but with a half smile spread across her face, as I failed to notice, " Let's get started. Now, I need you to close your eyes and focus on your world."
I squeezed my eyes shut tight. As soon as total darkness eclipsed my mind, I began sorting through my memory banks for anything that looked remotely similar to my world. After 5 minutes, I found it at the very back of my mind, shimmering against the darkness like a lamp in a dark forest.
As I nodded, Aamiya continued, "Good. There will be a momentary feeling of the floor dropping out frok under you with a sudden stop, but try not to scream. In order to make sure you don't fall off of the chair, I am going to buckle you inot the chair as it rises a little bit off the floor."
I felt a heavy leather belt, more like a snake than anything else, being drawln across my shins, stomach, and chest. After a minute, I heard the loud click of the buckle as it snapped into place somewhere along the side of the seat, as the seat finaly began to rise. I focused on the Blank Abyss and let out a short gasp as the falling feeling flowed over me, waited for the sudden stop.
Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Pc was down. Here's Cahpter 3 continued of the story. I hope you liked it. By a matter of opinion, who here likes Aamiya? Anyway, my day was good. I got out early because of snow. And if i'm lucky, or unlucky in the case of my science report, I will have off school tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I will be around to visit sites later, I promise.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Bad alarm clock!
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Okay, right now its 6:23 in the morning. What am I doing on this early? I should be sleeping til about another 14 minutes? Your right, I should. But my alarm clock thought otherwise.... -_-'. It woke me up at 5:36, and you know how you are when you're tired, you see things the wrong way. So, I thought it said 6:36, and that I had a limited amount of time to get ready. so I zoomed out of bed, got ready, and without a secone look, raced out the door on my way to the bus stop.
What hit me first was how dark it has. The other day it had been light out on my way to the bus stop, but this time it was pitch black. I thought nothing of it though, until I got to the bus stop. It was pitch black up that road as well. When the cars went by, I noticed no one standing at the bus stop. Odd, for how late I was. So, I took out my handy dandy cell phone and looked at it....... it read 6:04. I could have smacked myself. So, I trudged home and after laying down and finding I couldn't regain sleep, here I sit. I'm kinda glad I went though, because I got to see a shooting star. Right when I walked up near the bus stop, a pretty line of white light that I recognized to be a shooting star, went across the sky.
Well, I hope you guys have a wonderful day... and me for that matter... lol. Hmm.... It's still dark out there... O.o
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Read the post, even if its not very important.
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Hey guys. There's not much to say about today. I'm just glad nothing bad happened.... yet. lol. It's amazing how things always go bad for me everyday, in some way, inbetween the times I post, or after them. Anyway, I have to go shopping for my friend soon. It's her birthday Wednesday... and I'm... not gonna tell you what I'm getting her! (HA! Thought you were going to get off easy, did you Missy) Hee hee ^.~ She's part of theO too, so I can't give anything away. lol. Well, I hope you guys have a wonderful day.
Oh, and "Chapter 3 continued..." of the story will be up this wednesday, if you want to read it.
If you don't read stories, you know what to do, hopefully. Example, tell me how your day went.
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Hello everyone! ^-^
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Hey everyone! How was your day? mine was good. I was at a friends, and now hopefully, I will be able to go shopping later. That ought to be fun, now that I know what I'm looking for. ^_^ I have to buy a whole bunch of presents for my friends. I just want to get it over with so I don't haveb to rush later.
Next things next, cookies! *nibbles on her own cookie*
Animegirl501: *Hands you a Peanut Butter Cookie* There you go! ^_^
NarutoBlackMail: Hmm, you never said a specific so you can have all three if you would like! *hands you all three kinds of cookies*
Lordsesshomaru: lol. Here's a Peanut Butter Cookie for you, too!
*hands you the cookie*
PsychoChaosNinja: Hmm, you never said a specific either, so you may have all kinds too! ^_^ *gives out all three kinds of cookies to you also*
Some of you gave me cards. Such as Inuyasha311 and PsychoChoasNinja (Thanks guys!! ^_^) Which I put at the top of my page. If it bothers you that they're up there, just tell me and I will take them down, okay?
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day! ^-^
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
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Hmm, I see alot of people posted today, does that mean that theO is not running as slow anymore? I'm hoping so... lol. That way I can visit you all.
There's not much to say. I really would have updated at 4 guys, but I was sleeping 'til about 4:30. I had a long night, and a rough one. lol. Then there were cookies laying on the table so I helped myself to one of them. lol. We had peanut butter cookies, and sugar cookies, and raisin and oatmeal cookies. Would anyone like one? Anyway, have a wonderful day everyone! ^_^
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Friday, December 9, 2005
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!
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lol. As our teachers had told us, today was most likely going ot be a snow day. So, to no one's surprise, it was. 5 minutes after my alarm clock went off, my dad opened my door and told me it was a snow day. By which time I called all my friends I could and said that it was a snow day so that they wouldn't get up and go to the bus stop for school. Then, with much appreciation, I went back to bed until around 1:30.
I love snow, but I think there is a little too much out there for my liking. At least it got me out of going to Gym 1st period, or going to school at all though.
Anyway, how was your day everyone?
I decided that for each month of the year, I will be putting up Inuyasha backgrounds honoring a certain character each month up until next December, in which I will honor FMA characters. This month it was Sesshomaru. If you have any requests for next months, please tell me when you comment.
TheO is working alot better for me, so hopefully I will be able to visit all your sites today. Have a wonderful day everyone! ^_^
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
This is most likely what I look like at the moment.
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Okay everyone. In case anyone missed the memo, and my post yesterday (myO is being a pain so that could be alot of you) Chapter 3 of my story was up yesterday. If you want to read it, go to yesterday's post.
I won't tell you how my day went, I'm so livid right now I'd just yell and get really angry and feel like hitting someone. I only told two people, and they were KagomeMom and nurika. I hope you guys had a good day.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Chapter 3. Enjoy! ^_^
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The World Of Worlds
Chapter: 3
As soon as I told Aamiya about what I had experienced, I instantly regretted it. Aamiya is tall, blonde, extremely thin, blue-eyed, and wild. She's a great person to be around, until you discover that is she is intelligent, and she has an uncanny knack for always being right. Always. Unfortunately, today just happened to be the day that she was the most intelligent. So, naturally, she found the situation to be more complex.
The results she gave me that day I seriously believed to be insane, but as I said, Aamiya is almost always right, and we explored her theory at her house after school the following day.
"What you experienced in the world you created is actually not just an imagination run wild," She lectured me matter of factly as we sat in her "lab" which was actually more of a room in her basement, "it's actually a whole different dimension made by brain waves. But if you study this theory properly, you would discover that the different dimensions are all tightly knit together by the same brain waves coming off of different children."
I scowled at her. Only she was the type of teenager that would use the term 'children' most of the time in place of 'kids'. She ignored my looks stuck some deranged looking suction cups to my forehead.
"And how does this relate back to my problem?" I yawned, still scowling at her.
She sighed impatiently, apparently annoyed that she needed to explain something so 'simple', " When I say 'tightly knit' I mean that the dimensions or small worlds form together to form a great one. This means that one world fuses to another, and another. However, the person from the other worlds can not get through to yet another world without using a portal. These portals open every hour or so. So, it allows other people into your abyss aka world to put anything up or raid it. Unortunately enough, there is no time limit to how long they can stay in one world. They can stay there as long as they like."
I snorted and rolled my eyes. She was basically explaining to me that this whole thing was a waste of my time. My world was completely blank. What would anyone want with a blank world? It all seemed incredibly confusing to me.
"So what? I say let them. Besides, even if they did decide to raid it, they'd be sadly dissapointed. It's as blank as a dusty white peice of parchment. It's not like I ever bothered putting anything up they would ever want. Who cares anyhow? I don't use it after all, why not let them have their fun?" I asked, trying to deepen my scowl.
Aamiya seemed taken aback by my lack of interest, but soon recovered and began to lecture me once more.
"Because," she scoffed, "nobody besides the real designer of the world is supposed to mess with its makeup. To mess with another world's design besides your own could clash with the designings of the world you tampered with. This could cause it to detroy itself, trap the person who messed up the world in their own world, or trap everyone in all the worlds, generally the ones of their own creation. Plus, if the world destroys itself, it could destroy the entire World of Worlds. If such a thing were to happen, the people who own the worlds could become mentally destroyed."
Pausing, I winced at her words, "Then if it's so dangerous... why are you sending me back?"
Cliff hanger! Sorry guys, it would have been too long otherwise. So there you go. I personally like this chapter. It shows you what a brat Trinah can actually be. Aamiya is really based on one of my friends named Amanda, who claims not to be smart but actually is. I hope you enjoy you're day! ^_^
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Hmm... topic... topic... Wait, it's so random ther is none.
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Okay, about my Story. That will be up tomorrow if you want to read it. TOMORROW. Yes. I know, stories can get boring and annoying, depending on if you like them or not, but I want to show some of my creative side. I don't have a scanner you know, so that rules out my art. I also have dance, and I need to have something ready and waiting for me to put up here so I post on time. *ahem* So, if you don't want to read it, you still have options. Tell me how your doing for instance. Something funny you heard, it can be as random as you want, I'm random too, and I won't care if it is.
The holiday season is coming and apparently the guys in school are starting to pick and choose the girls they want to ask out. Alot of relationships in our school that happen happen around spring, and the guys like to have a head start so they get to know the girls. So, of course, the flirting began... guys tripping girls in the hallway, others threatening to take girls' money while playfully shaking their fists... (personal experience from today that that was...). *sigh* How eventful this will be... lol. Well, hope you guys have a wonderful day! ^_^
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