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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
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student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!! ^_^ Normally I'd put up a poem for a holiday, since that's what I did for Halloween, but I can't think of one. *sigh* Guess that's how it goes. Anyway, my mom is cooking turkey, a natural recipe for disaster, and I'm in the line of fire -_-'. So if I don't post by tomorrow, you know what happened. lol. I told my friend she can call me today, cuz she went to Thanksgiving dinner in a place she didn't like, and she didn't. That kind of makes me worried, since she told me she was going into the woods and there are bobcats up there. That's the last thing I need, her getting mauled by a bobcat, or worse, eaten. (Yeah, you know who you are if you're reading this, and I'm sure some others might know you too). Anyway, my day was fine and I just got back from my grandma's. That's always fun. Have a marvelous Turkey Day! ^__^
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Konichiwa and Happy Thanksgiving!
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Today was pretty boring. I woke up around 3:30, and that's pretty much it. I finished Twilight last night, and I'm sad that I'm done reading it, because it was an excellent novel. I should have read it slower. *sigh* Oh well, time to reread it. lol. Have a good day everyone! Oh, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^__^
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
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I'm sooo happy! It's Thanksgiving Vacation! XD I've wanted a break from school for sooo long. I've really needed a break, so I finished my homework early and now I can laze about reading my lovely book all the live long days I have off. In fact, I was so happy, me and my friends were singing at lunch and I felt like dancing in the hallways. breaks don't come around often where I live you see. So as you can see, my day was really, really, marvelous! I hope yours will be too! have a marvelous day everyone! ^___^
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Monday, November 21, 2005
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Hey everyone, i've finally taken some time off my reading to post. It's late, as usual, but hey. I know, I know, I said "I promise I'll visit sites." And I meant to, really i did. But my computer had other plans. -_-' It kept saying there was and Illegal operation or someting and shut me down every 5 minutes, so I gave up. But I hope to get there today. If my computer will permit it. It's being cruel to me lately.
Well, I read about more than 200 pages yesterday of my book. Like I said, I couldn't put it down. It's awesome.
Well, I had a good day, and I hope you did too, have a wonderful rest of the day. Oops. There's my annoying little brother (aka, my dinner bell) I'll be back on later to visit, kay?
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Guten Tag! (i think thats how you say it)
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Hey everyone. Sorry, I know, late post. But I don't have much to say, even now I'm afraid. I'll still visit sites though. Yes. I haven't put my new book down all day it is soooo awesome! (Twilight by Stephanie Meyers) And its easily becming my favorite book of all time. Well, hope you guys had a good day!!
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
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Hey everyone, how was your day? Mine was good. One of best friends slept over so, naturally, that meant a trip to the mall. She had showed me this awesome book called Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. So, we went to the bookstore to buy it. But, they told us that even though they're pc told them they had 2 in stock, (the exact amount we needed since we both wanted the book) they couldn't find it. Determined we searched the store and found them on the "Just Published" wall. Its strange they don't know where they're books are. since their the ones selling them.
As of now, I'm eating ramen and waiting for Naruto to come on. Also, I'm rearranging my room, making it a total mess. Ah, good times. lol.
As for you who may want to read chapter 2 of my story, tt should either be up tomorrow, or another time this week.
Well, my day was good, and I hope yours was too, have a wonderfully satisfiying Saturday.
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Thanks guys.
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Hey everyone. How was your day? Mine was fine, but I have alot of homework to do for the upcoming break. It seems everyone was happy today and nice for once in school, but it won't last long now that the weekend is here. Oh joy, can't I wait. -_-'.
I see quite a few of you read the story and liked it. Thanks guys!!! ^__^ And here's more, if you wanted to read more.
The World of Worlds
Chapter 1 continured....
For, that is when I met my friend Aamiya. Don't ask me how Aamiya and I happened to become friends, for I cannot entirely answer that myself, but we became friends no less. And as if someone had turned on the lights in a very dark room, the world became a much brighter place for me.
Which is to say that after awhile, with a lot of urging from Aamiya, I became very obliged to show and talk about how I actually felt. Also not to mention that I then stood up for myself against the criticisms of preps, really dressy, know-it-all snobs that try to kill anything alien to their groups like pesticides to insects.
But to the point, as any sensible person would hopefully guess, I gradually stopped visting my world, until I needed it not. I found that I simply had nothing to "let go" of anymore, but everything to hold on to, you see.
So, along with everything else, including who I was the past year, the blank abyss became a memory in the past. I memory I was sure I would never have to revisit. But you know? I was terribly wrong.
I know, its a little stranger this time and confusing, and short, but bear with it. Hopefully it will make sense if I post up chapter 2. The terribly wrong thing I mean. If you have not read the story, and would like to, the start is in yesterday's post. Well, hope you liked it, and have a very fantastic friday! ^__^
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Please please read.
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Okay, I put this up yesterday, but it was late, so now I'll post it again.
| feel like sharing my creativity, so I figured that I would put one of my own made-up stories on. Why? Because I want you're opinion. Please? There won't be alot. I swear! Then you can tell if you liked it and maybe want to read more.
Okay. This story was made quite a bit ago... okay, almost 2 years ago, by me. With only a few little corrections present time here and there. Well, hope you like it.
chapter one:
"Trinah," I whispered into the heavy silence that surrounded me, "Trinah of the blank abyss."
I took a few shriveled, scab red rose petals and sprinkled them unto the the pure, clear lake of the blank abyss. Only the rose petals and lake weren't there. The were gone, or had never been there to begin with.
It had been a long time since I had visited here, and I had forgotten how utterly big and lonely the blank abyss could be. What, with its colorless, and endless white vastness, and sense of pity when you realized that even its owner would not care for it. That owner being me.
I am Trinah, although there need be no need for introduction. I just would like to let you know that you are in my world, my thinking place, my abyss. This place, this range of total whiteness that betrays all color, belongs to me, and I feel no regrets for it, either.
I had created this abyss when I was but a child. Heh, and lookng back on it now, I don't even think child is the proper word for what I was. More like the empty shell of one. I was only a nine year old raven haired, very dark brown eyed, skinny, pale nothing. I showed no emotion. Why should I have? It was all meaningless in the end, anyway. That's what you get when you move your daughter to a new house, and a new school; leaving her at the mercy of her fellow peers.
In fact, I guess it might have been their neglect that sent me over the deep end into creating the blank abyss. You know, as a way of getting out of this reality, this Earth, where my spirit could find nothing but emotional treuma. Since, because of them, I did my best to hide my true self behind that lump of flesh that I called my body, a way had to be created for me to release all the anger I harbored at such a young age. So, as mentioned, the blank abyss had been created, as a place to unwind, if you will, to let it all out. In howls of anger, pain, sorrow, maons, and sobs. Sometimes the whole place would be quivering and quaking, almost roaring in anguish itself, in spite of me.
On the other hand, I would also go there for answers. I would just lie down, and stare up at the thick, blank, spotless white walls of my own beloved world, and be lost to everything, but my hopes for the future.
If it seemed bad, don't assume it got worse, for it did get better when I turned ten.
Sorry guys, I didn't want to leave you off there( at a bad part I mean). Well, anyway. not a very happy girl, that my character wasn't. Well, have a good day everyone,and don't forget to tell me what you thought of it please, and if you want to read more.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Please read.
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Sorry it took so long to post, my bro just had to talk to his friend. The one who got him in trouble no less. -_-', and then my dad had business to attend to online, so it took a while. Anyways, to the point.
| feel like sharing my creativity, so I figured that I would put one of my own made-up stories on. Why? Because I want you're opinion. Please? There won't be alot. I swear! Then you can tell if you liked it and maybe want to read more.
Okay. This story was made quite a bit ago... okay, almost 2 years ago, by me. With only a few little corrections present time here and there. Well, hope you like it.
chapter one:
"Trinah," I whispered into the heavy silence that surrounded me, "Trinah of the blank abyss."
I took a few shriveled, scab red rose petals and sprinkled them unto the the pure, clear lake of the blank abyss. Only the rose petals and lake weren't there. The were gone, or had never been there to begin with.
It had been a long time since I had visited here, and I had forgotten how utterly big and lonely the blank abyss could be. What, with its colorless, and endless white vastness, and sense of pity when you realized that even its owner would not care for it. That owner being me.
I am Trinah, although there need be no need for introduction. I just would like to let you know that you are in my world, my thinking place, my abyss. This place, this range of total whiteness that betrays all color, belongs to me, and I feel no regrets for it, either.
I had created this abyss when I was but a child. Heh, and lookng back on it now, I don't even think child is the proper word for what I was. More like the empty shell of one. I was only a nine year old raven haired, very dark brown eyed, skinny, pale nothing. I showed no emotion. Why should I have? It was all meaningless in the end, anyway. That's what you get when you move your daughter to a new house, and a new school; leaving her at the mercy of her fellow peers.
In fact, I guess it might have been their neglect that sent me over the deep end into creating the blank abyss. You know, as a way of getting out of this reality, this Earth, where my spirit could find nothing but emotional treuma. Since, because of them, I did my best to hide my true self behind that lump of flesh that I called my body, a way had to be created for me to release all the anger I harbored at such a young age. So, as mentioned, the blank abyss had been created, as a place to unwind, if you will, to let it all out. In howls of anger, pain, sorrow, maons, and sobs. Sometimes the whole place would be quivering and quaking, almost roaring in anguish itself, in spite of me.
On the other hand, I would also go there for answers. I would just lie down, and stare up at the thick, blank, spotless white walls of my own beloved world, and be lost to everything, but my hopes for the future.
If it seemed bad, don't assume it got worse, for it did get better when I turned ten.
Sorry guys, I didn't want to leave you off there (at a bad part I mean). Well, anyway. not a very happy girl, that my character wasn't. Well, have a good day everyone,and don't forget to tell me what you thought of it please.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
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Hey everyone, sorry I didn't post the other day, my dad was expecting a business call, and I was not allowed on all night. But, on the bright side, during that time, I was able to be Kingdom Hearts!!! *Does a silly dance* The ending was really touching, and sad in some ways, but I liked it. I can't wait until Kingdom Hearts II comes out. I heard from someone there is a second one on the way, but I'm not sure if that is totally accurate.
*Shrugs* Well, not much else to report, other then the fact that my brother got into some bad trouble. BIG trouble. Because of one of his friends. I won't tell you why, because its private business, sorry. Yeah but for the record, I love my little brother dearly, (we have a Sango and Kohaku type of brotherly sisterly relationship) but I was very upset, not just with him, but with his friend, for 2 reasons.
1) It could have seriously hurt him, and I don't want that for him.
2) I went through alot of trouble to protect him from this stuff, and he goes behind my back and tries it.
But you know, it seems to have made our understanding of eachother a little deeper. Even though he's being totally mean to me right now. -_-' I guess that's what I get when my dad puts him in a bad mood....
Well, my day was good, and I hope yours is too, have a wonderful rest of the day everyone!
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