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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
A little sick, just a little *cough cough* Okay, maybe not.
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*yawn* Sorry I didn't update this weekend guys, I was out shopping since 2 on staurday til 12:20, and then I slept 'til about 4:21, because I'm sick. I guess the bug finally made its way around to me.
My day was good, and I feel pretty okay right now because I got to sleep. But that doesn't mean I am okay, I may still miss school tommorow. I woke up wheezing and felt like I was dying.
I bought alot of cool stuff I desperately needed when shopping. I got a long sleeved shirt, a fuzzy fake fur coat, monster feet slippers (my brother wanted me to get them...), and probably more I cannot name. While shopping I did come across something weird, though. They called it a water bra. (fear not, I had no intention of buying that)
Recalling it still makes me laugh a bit. I have no idea what the water would be used for. There were metal parts in it, so you could not stick it in the microwave, like the bras LS mentioned in his post the other day. Nor the Dryer, that is, without possibly burning yourself if you went to put it on right away. *shrugs* Still, it was very strange indeed.
Well, my day was good, and I hope yours was too, have a wonderful rest of the night, everyone.
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Kingdom Hearts
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Hey everyone, how was your day? Mine was good. I'm actually about ready to start playing Kingdom Hearts. lol. I LOVE that game! So, I figured I'd post first, that's why this post is short. It seems I will be going to my friend's house, so I want to get in as much time playing my game as I can. But I will get around to visiting sites too. Well, my day was good, I hope yours was too, have a wonderful rest of the day.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Read my post.
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Hey everyone, how was your day? Mine was okay, and I'm happy to say I'm back to normal. *looks around and sees quizzical stares* Okay, I'll explain that one. Have you noticed that lately, over say, the last 2 months or so, if you visited my site sometime within that time period- which you should have because I update daily- that I have been getting into alot of fights with my friends. Well, that was because for a little while there, I turned into this very moody machine like mirror image of myself.
I had my reasons though, or reason, whatever that may be. But yeah, and now that machine me is gone. So I'm the old me again. That made all my friends very happy. I got so bad actually, that my friends didn't even want to call me. But moving on, there's nothing much more to say, only that I have recieved the strangest test I ever had.
It goes something like this. For a test grade, we're supposed to write a song that talks about the whole digestive process. That to me is pretty weird. lol. My health teacher is just crazy like that. But he's cool, my favorite teacher as it may be.
Well, my day was good, I hope yours is too, have a wonderful rest of the day.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Read my post, even if it is just rambles.
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Sorry guys, I know I told you yesterday "I'll visit all your sites later," but when I went to do that, the computer kicked me off, and I was tired, and I had a horrible night. Yes. A horrible night even though I went to a party. Plus, I had to stay there 'til about 9:30, and I hadn't expected that. Yeah.
But today was okay. Me and my friend are friends again, even though I know I shouldn't have forgiven her so easily, but I'm just a forgiving person like that. My morals, I tell you... Not that I didn't want to be friends with her again, it's just I forgave her so easy it was painful.
Yeah well, I decided to use one of my drawings for my shirt print in art club, which would be Psycho Kitty. You've never seen her though, so of course you have no idea what I am talking about, but maybe one day when I get a scanner you will be able to see her.
I have dance later, so once again, if I don't get to your site now, I will tonight. How do I know I will? Because dance ends at 7:00, and I will have plenty of time to get back on and visit them. I feel like drawing so much my fingers itch. Which is a good sign to end this as quickly as possible, so I cand visit sites and then draw. My day was, like I said, okay, and I hope yours was excellent. Have a marvelous rest of the day.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
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YES! I finally got an anime background up on my site last night! I am so happy! ^_^ And I got a cursor, and a... well, as you can see, I changed alot of the stuff on here. But I like it. I think I'm finally beginning to master how to do it! I'm sorry I won't be able to visit anyone's sites until later tonight though, I have a birthday party to get to.
There's not much more ot say then that, I'm afraid. Oh, but tell me you can see the picture. If not, I guess that's one more thing I'll have to work on.
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Monday, November 7, 2005
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I can see some of you were rather annoyed with how angry I was yesterday, but let me tell you, when you recieve emails from someone who used to be your friend practically cussing you out over something as stupid as what it was, you'd be pretty angry too. I apologize, and maybe I shouldn't have posted at all yesterday. Sorry. Man, I hate when I act like that. Today's alot better, and She left me alone so it was all okay. Well, my day was fine, and getting better by the minute. Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone! ^_^
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
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Ugh. I am so pissed right now, but I don't wanna talk about it. It's so stupid I don't even wanna explain it. ERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! >.< Oh, if ya got a prob with the bad word, pm me, and tell me so I can apologize. I'm not apologizing, I'm tired of apologizing. One of my old friends is now my enemy, so yeah. Well, my day went horrible, and I hope yours was better, hae a wonderful rest of the day.
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey everyone, yeah I know, I made a deadline and I'm always breaking it! Well, things around here are really hectic. Take today for example. I took my friend with me to the mall, and then when we got there, her mom called her and told my friend to meet up with her in The Bonton. So we went. Then when we got there, her mom saw my shirt, which was a tank top with a silver playboy bunny symbol on it, and said to me "Hunny, you're a really pretty girl, and I don't know what you're mom says about that shirt, but I don't think the shirt you are wearing is appropriate for one of MY daughters friends to be wearing. I'm trying to keep her from being approached by perverts, and I don't think that shirt will help."
She is such a bitch! Oh yeah, and if you have a problem with that word, then pm me, cuz right now I don't care, and I won't apologize, I'm that mad! She claims I'm "too nice" well the last time I checked, I didn't need a permit to be polite. She also told my friend that she would not be surprised if my friend came home from school and told her I was knocked up, all because I have a big chest and I like to wear high heels. Stereotype much? And also, I don't even have a boyfriend, and I have places to go with my life besides having a kid, so she is DEAD WRONG there! And also she told britt, my friend, that she isn't allowed to have friend with a bigger bra size then an A cup! God. Sorry guys, and to you girls this post offends, but I'm mad and I need to vent somehow.
So as you can see, I'm not very happy. And neither are my parents. My parents told me that Britt will no longer be coming to my house or anywhere else with us anymore, anf I told Britt the same thing. I'm sorry, but I don't want to have to deal with her mom. Well, I hope your day went well, and have a wonderful rest of the day, I mean night. Ugh. Hopefully watching anime tonight will calm me down.
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Friday, November 4, 2005
GO LIONS!!!!!!
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Hey everyone! Tonight's our football game. YEEEEEAH!!!! GO LIONS! :D lol. I am going to be going to the game and take my friends so we can all hang out. It'll be perfect weather too... 76 degrees... yeah. But my friend is still sick. I found out its because she was allergic to milk and she drank some in school. I wanted to smack her for it because sher knew it was bad for her! -_-'
I'm glad I'm healthy and have no allergies. in fact, I'm a little too healthy. I've never had a cavity, stitches, allergies, broken bones, an overnigth stay in the hospital, more shots then I need, or any of that, although I do need glasses. but that's it. It's strange, but that's okay. ^_^ Well, I had a good day, I hope you did too, have a wonderful rest of the day!
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Half-day!!!!!! Oh, and since, everyone only seems to post when I say this... READ MY POST!!
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Half day eveyone, that's why I'm posting so early! ^_^ Well, my friend wasn't in school today, I think she was sick. I told her yesterday that maybe she should stay home today because she felt really bad. Grr, all my friends are coming down with the cold! And I seem to be the only one whose not. That's saying something too, because I stay outside for an hour in 37 degree weather without a coat. I should be sick... hee hee... but I'm not. I hate being sick anyway.
Anywho, I have never tried this, so now I think I will. I am going to put a quiz result on this... it has never let me before... so I want you guys to tell me if it did, because normally I can't see it.
 u see a cat demon, u are always playful and fun, yet are still shy at times. u kick ass!
who do you see when u look in the mirror brought to you by Quizilla
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