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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
hello..... read my post... please...
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Hello everyone. Today was okay, only I was really angry at my friend today and was not speaking to her for most of it. Because she told me to "stfu" on the internet, and I WILL NOT be sweared at in such a way. I just snapped, and I wasn't going to let it go so I did something about it. It turns out it was her brother who said it. *sigh* Well, that's pretty much all I have to say, other than that my shirt in art is getting nowhere fast because of the stupid knives we have to use for cutting. Why cut with a knife instead of scissors? Don't ask me. Well, that's pretty much it. My day was fine, I hope yours was better. Have a wonderful rest of the day.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
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Hello Everyone, how are you today?
My day was good, so far. My friend is being happy instead of mean and angry like every other day so it was really nice. I miss that side of her. Last night I went trick or treating near my cousin's and wound up talking to them. We then went back to their place to watch Haunted Live. It was live, but it wasn't all that Haunted. You couldn't see any ghosts this showing, but my one cousin said the last time she watched it, it had been pretty scary. Oh well. Just our luck. I think they were looking for Jack The Ripper. Who knows, maybe they did find his ghost or something, but we got bored and turned it so we wouldn't know. All they did was talk so... yeah.
In other news, tomorrow I have art club and dance, so I ought to have fun. Anyway, today was good... and I really have to stop everyone whose in the living room raiding my candy bag -_-'....
I hope yours is too. Have a wonderful rest of they day! ^_^
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Hee hee Halloween! :D
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Hey everyone, today's Halloween! *Cheers* My favorite holiday because you get to be someone other than you for a day, which is kinda cool, if I do say so myself. For Halloween today I wore crazy purple and black striped stockings, with black and pink-laced sneakers, a black skirt, and a yellow shirt with a pink happy bunny on it. I won't say what it says because it might be offensive and I still don't entirely know what it means... Yes, I wore this to school but... Hee hee, anyway,
does everyone like my new back ground? I was finally able to figure out how to put one up by myself! ^_^ Well, kinda. My friend gave me an email telling me how to do it, but when I tried that technique and it failed I had to take matters into my own hands. This took a good month. But... hey, it's done now, and I know how to do it so... you know.
Starting over new before running out of time,
Trying to make some money, but I haven't got a dime.
Coming out of the dark and finally into the light.
Fighting for what I'm worth, with all of my might.
Guided when I'm scared by someone whom I trust,
Never giving up, I know that is a must.
Forgiving all those I have come to know to hurt me...
I'm trying so hard to find out who I should be.
These are all things I must eventually do,
And trust me, if you were me, you'd do them too.
It's something different I wrote. It was inspired by a dream I had. All of those things except the money thing, kinda, were in the dream. Yep. But I think it's cool.
Now for a holiday poem, as I've been doing them all along.
Halloween, halloween!
But I'm stuck in between...
The biggest decision of my life,
(And it really caused me quite some strife)
What is it I should be?
Maybe a man eating tree?
A mummy, or a cat?
Frankenstein, a bat?
There's too many to chose,
And time is what I'm beginning to lose.
Maybe a mad hatter minus the hat?
Hmm... I really hadn't thought of that...
Argh, what the hec...
Hey wait a sec,
How about the old costume?
The one hanging in my room?
The one my mom bought for me,
And best of all it's free!
So let's run home and see,
Howe bad could it possibly be?
Oh, what costume was it again?
Oh... that's right >.<... a giant ink pen.
Brrrrr..... that really would be a scary costume...
lol. Well, I had a good day, I hope you do too, happy halloween everyone! ^_^
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Onward to Halloween
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Hey everyone. I'm back! lol. I'm having a good day, I went to a parade my friend is in and got to talk with her mom (her mom is like a teenager so this is very lol. And typing is very hard to do when you're brother is trying to tickle you to death. lol. Anyway, while we were at the parade, a group of people pushed my friends brother and called him a freak. Luckily, he kept his temper in check. How rude. Hmph. People these days, I swear... Well, I had a pretty good day, and I hope you did too. Have a wonderful rest of the day!
Tomorrow's the 31st,
And I won't be the first,
To wish you all in a wonderful way,
A very happy halloween holiday!
So grab a costume, and a bag,
Hee hee, I'm gonna be dressed up as a hag!
Go out and have yourself some fun!
And that once again goes for everyone! ^_^
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
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My friend is coming to get me,
I'm really running late,
So there won't be very much,
To this update.
I know you'reprobably wondering
How right now I canv rhyme,
lol. I don't know,
But it's easiest at this time.
Last night went okay,
We went to Jason's woods,
All it was was funny,
Not very scary I have to say.
I'll visit all your the sites who updated,
I'll make it to as many as I can,
I wish I could make it to more,
But I guess that's the way it's fated -_-'.
Well, I'm having a good day,
I hope you are too,
Oh, and one more thing,
Have a wonderful day! ^_^
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Friday, October 28, 2005
sorry again
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Hey guys, sorry I know, once agin I'm late. But I try, I really do, it's just things have been chaotic lately. Yesterday with the dance, and today is trick or treat night for us, and my friends keep calling and asking if I have plans. Which I do, I am going to a scary place thing (what are they called?) Anyway, that's why I'm a bit late. then I had my chores to do.
Well, yeah so tonight ought to be pretty fun, but since I live on the border or two towns, trick or treat is tonight, and then again tomorrow. So I will be going to the one tomorrow. *Shrugs* It would be better tonight probably because it's warmer but oh well.
Hmm, what else to report... I guess there isn't much, is there? Well, I had a great day, and I hope you do too. Have a wonderful rest of the day! ^_^
Trick or treat
Gum's on your seat,
Hey, you gave me something nasty to eat!
If you don't back down I swear,
I'll hang you by your underwear!
Whoa, peeps don't stare! >.<
I guess what I want to say,
Is have a very wonderful day,
In a scary kind of way!
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
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Whoa, sorry everyone. I know, I know, I missed my deadline. Don't hurt me *hides behind something*. Things got a bit choatic after the dance. My dad forgot to pick us up and I had to call on my handy dandy cell phone. That's why I'm home late. My dad always forgets
-_-'. Yeah. I felt violated. One of the teachers came up to me and I was wearing a tank top and the stupid teacher was looking down my shirt! Ewwwwww! I know, tmi, but still! >.< Our teachers are such perverts!
Well, my day was pretty great (except the teacher-looking-down-my-shirt part), I hope yous is too. Have a wonderful rest of the day! ^_^ Oh, and yesterday I got six comments not including my own. A new record! Thanks everyone who commented! Oh, and voted for the time I post! *bows to you*
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Alright, here's the result.
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Hmm, well everyone, I had a pretty tough decision to make. All in all, with the votes from yesterday added up, 5pm won. Only thing is, someone who also voted for 4pm gave me a pretty good reason why it should be at 4. So I had to decide whether or not to pick 5 for quantity, or 4 for quality (I know it doesn't make sense, just pretend it does).
I chose to go with 4 only because 5 is only an hour after it, and it wouldn't really matter. If you guys would like to comment or read the posts at 5, it would already be up. Grr, I hate going against my first decision, (which would in this case be going with the quantity of votes) but I didn't know what else to do. There was no way around the 4pm reason. So... yeah. Not complaining, just saying.
so the time is 4PM. ok?
I had art club today in which I am making a T-shirt. I don't know how we're going to do it, I'm guessing a press *shrugs*. Hee hee, I'm doing it for a dare. ^_~ I also have dance class tonight, and a dance tomorrow until four. So I may be posting a teeny bit late tomorrow, but only by a good 15 min or so. That includes the time it takes me to write this.
I had an awesome day, and I hope you did too. Have a wonderful rest of the day!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Read the postio.
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Alright, yesterday I asked you to comment on my post and tell me the time you want me to post. The choices were 4:00pm, 5:00p, and 9:00pm. I asked you to pick one. Now I'm going to ask again. Pick one, even if you DON'T care. Just pick one. I will then tell you the time that won the next day on the designated time. I also told you I'd keep asking until I got at least one post saying a time, and I am very stubborn, so don't go thinking I won't. I will, and I am.
*Ahem* My day was okay, and I'm hoping yours is to. So, have a wonderful day everyone.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
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Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't get to comment on everyone's site yesterday! As you can see from my double entry down below, theO was running slow, and it wouldn't let my comments through (my pc didn't help, they tag teamed me). If you got them, for the few I could do, then great! But if you didn't, I'm very sorry. On the bright side, its running better today so I should be able to today.
I have decided that maybe I should start to post at a certain time each day instead of jumping around like I normally do. The times will either be 4:00pm, 5:00pm, or 9:00pm, I leave the choice up to you. Comment and tell me which would be better, or just pick one if both are okay. I'll then count the votes up and pick the time, which I will tell you tomorrow on the designated time. Or if there is a tie, I will have to redo votes. Trust me, people, please comment, cuz you don't want me to redo the votes.
My day was okay, there was surprisingly no drama in my life today, which is probably a good thing. I do have to ask my dad to take a couple of friends home after a dance we're having at school (halloween one) on Thursday, but he has never said no before so I don't see why he couldn't. Yeah, so that ought to be fun. But all my friends have changed, and no for the better so I don't know how it will go Well, this is where I have to start wrapping tihngs up. See ya later everyone! ^_^ Oh, and just to let you know, the times up above are to be in eastern time frame, okay?
Have a wonderful day everyone!
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