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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Friday, September 30, 2005
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And I said "Let there be music!" and so there was. lol. Hope ya like it. Today was a great day. I passed my health test which I did not study for, got called, amazing, and am once again instilling drama on my friends. lol. I almost had it out of them that time, too. About them liking eachother that is.
Anywho, if I'm lucky, i'll have alot of this stuff on my site changed soon. ^_^. Well, I better get to work... have a good day!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
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THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FAIRYHR!!! lol. Thanks to you, I can now make all the changes on my site by myself without supervision (machines hate me).
Anywho, to everyone else, as you may or may not have noticed by the moving of some of the things on my vitals, I am slowly starting the reconstruction. lol. So, hopefully that will be done soon. I owe it all to FairyHr who showed me how. Yay! So, without further ado, I hope you all have a netherworldly night. (trying to pick "n" words for the times of day and all that good stuff. lol.)
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Love Problems... big time...
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Well, the drama took a drastic turn to horror all in ten minutes. My one friend, the girl, Brittney (Who for this event is like Kagome), started talking about her friend Malachi (Who is like Koga in this one, besides the fact Malachi doesn't like Brittney) and made Bobby (like Inuyasha) mad. Bobby told Brittney that if she went to see Malachi ever again, he would kill her. So, you guessed it, he hates Malachi, and, unfortunately, is very protective of Brittney. Yet he claims to be "just her best friend". ^_^' Everything's fine now, I cleared it up. It was rather interesting. Hmm, I wonder who I would be in this thing... ah, I would be Shippo! lol. I think...
Once again, I have been rambling, so, once again, back to business. Some things have set it back, so now I have absolutely no clue when the site will get updated. Not that anyone cares, so moving on... Also, with my life, I had a pretty good day. It turns out my last science test which I thought I flunked, turned out to not only be passed, but passed with a high B. Omg, Britt's on. Here we go again.. *rolls eyes*. Anyway, I hope you all have a good day!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
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Today I'm pretty busy trying to get 2 of my friends hooked up with one another. I am almost positive they like eachother. So I am playing my part as the one in the middle and am meddling. Hee hee hee, a little of this here... and a little of that there... and BOOM! instant drama. I know it doesn't seem right of me, but I am getting tired of this little "I'll pretend to not like you.... but I really do like you," it's worse than Inuyasha and Kagome, and that's saying something. Anyway, bac to business. I had another horrible day, but feel good for the most. lol. And I am hoping you have a good day too!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
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lol. hey there. Today was horrible, but like before, that is okay. more than okay, It's great. I don't know why, but I feel absolutely wonderful. Maybe it has something to do with it being my friend's birthday. lol. Maybe, just maybe. Or maybe that I have a feeling tomorrow and this weekend are going to be great. Who can really say.
Anyway, I have a coupla things to say here. Whether they are important or not... well, you choose.
A) My site is being reconstructed (bg, avatar, all that good stuff will change) I'm hoping to put some new stuff on to make it look better. But when it will be up, I don't know.
B) I haven't been around to alot of people's sites lately, but I am going to be visiting today.
C) I hope you have a good day.
D) whether you like my poems or not, here's another one:
What Good Is It Anyway?
Maybe I am sad,
But you will never know.
Maybe I am cold,
But then again it didn't snow.
Maybe I am tired,
Or maybe I am all,
There are still too many secrets,
The tales are really tall.
In fact why should I tell you how I feel today?
You'll just say something not so nice,
So what good is it anyway?
That poem has nothing to do with anything, I just like the way it sounds. Some parts may not make sense, but since when does anything I say make sense?
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
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Well, today was good. I finally was able to get my mind off all the things that were stressing me and also got two shirts out of the deal. So yeah, I guess I made out pretty good for one day. But I'm not expecting it to last too long. This was a rather short post but, anyways, I hope you have a good night.
Personal Matters:
1)Thanks for worrying about me, Missy. Don't be mad at me, I'm stressed is all.
2) I will have music on here soon, in case some of you are getting bored of my tunelessness here.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
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Hi, I haven't said this before... but now I think I will... if you are on my friends list, and that is almost everyone who signs my gb, and visits my site every once in awhile (Thanks guys!) feel free to e-mail or aim me at any time. Just a friendly statement. Yep. You may even figure out my mysterious last name! *bum, bum, bum* Iffens I wanna tell you. Trust me, I'm not gonna murder you, although I may bore you with useless talk... heh heh. Pretty much all the harm I can do to you there. Bore you to death.
Anywho, felt it needed to be said. My day was fine... I talked to my latest ex... who I found misses me as much as I miss him :( .Stupid, I know, but he doesn't wanna think our relationship has a time limit. Well, hope ya have a good day!
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Monday, September 19, 2005
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Well, today is a bit better... but not by much. I will be able to get to people's sites today to make up for yesterday. Yay. Well... heh... I guess that's it for now.
Yesterday's trouble was with a guy... It was a break-up, but it wasn't for the reasons you think. It wasn't that he didn't love me anymore... there were just certain adds stacked against us that would have crushed our relationship like a bug. But I didn't really understand... now I do... just a bit. I think it was stupid... the reason we broke-up. He told me that I would be angry sooner or later at some of the things he said... I have to say, he was right. But he said he just doesn't run into a relationship.... so what did I expect. I guess I'm waiting for him to call and tell me how much he screwed up. Not that it will happen... I know him too well for that. But what can I do, I think I need another confirmation that what happened actually did. Heh, stupid me. Anyways, now that I'm done rambling and filling you in on yesterday... I hope you have a good day.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
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I am so sad right now... I don't even wanna talk about it, I just... it's a long story... maybe I'll tell you tomorrow, I just don't wanna think about it, or talk about it right now... cuz I guess... well, I guess I'm just in shock... I don't know how this could have happened... guess I screwed up somewhere... and i am sorry... usually i would at least try to get to some people's site to look at their updates... but tonight... well, I hope you understand...
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Friday, September 16, 2005
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Yay! I am so excited! I am finally going to get to go to the fair! lol. But this time I might be going with someone I didn't really expect to go with... heh heh, that would be my friend Mike. Yes, your probably all tired of hearing about him, so *ahem* moving on....
My day was good, I'm hoping yours was the same.
I got in trouble for the 2nd time in a row for passing notes in class, and it had some pretty juicey bits of information in them... such as crushes, weekend plans, yada yada, you know the drill. So I am looking for a lecture next period 4. lol. How fun. I'm not really worried though, and I shouldn't be... I think. lol.
My aunt had to go to the memorial hospital to get those stint thingymajiggies put in her heart. She had blockage in the lower part of her heart, and a deformity where the two arteries cross.
Well, hope you have a good day.
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