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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
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Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Hey everyone? How are you all? Good, I hope.
~The Skinny~
I AM GOING TO UPDATE EVERYDAY. That is my goal. I'm not sure what time it will be, but I'm going to. Main reason: I miss it here on myO. But, I might just make some rules, too. ^^' *sighs* I don't know. But as far as visiting goes- since I'm back in school and all- I will most likely than not only really try to get to people who have visited me first. It's not a whole bunch of people (thank you to those who do so) so I should be able to get to everyone, but I have had to eat my words before.
School is fine. This year for some reason I'm really ecstatic about doing everything I can to make the best grades I'm capable of. It's odd, because I'm not normally like that and make good grades all the while anyways, but maybe things have changed. *scratches head*
~Qoute of the Day~
"Woohoo, go sophomores!!!!"
-10th graders
Have a wonderful day, guys. ^_^ I'll be around to visit, after work and before I go to bed (about 10). Until then... *walks away muttering about her homework*
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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Hey everyone, this is gonna be really short for now (more details later, hopefully). First of all, I'm really sorry that I have not been on a whole lot lately. I really am. I miss it here on myO, which is why I want to start updating everyday again. It usually blows up in my face, but I'd still like to try. Only thing is, today I started school. It was okay, nothing special; after all, the first day never really is. I have to head out to work in five minutes, though I only just got home.
Take care everyone! I'm posting now so it won't be too late to post later, though I will visit sites. Thanks for visiting, I really appreciate it.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
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*sigh* Hey everyone. This is gonna be real short. How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Schedule Worries~
School's in 6 days, exactly. I got my schedule a few days ago in the mail, and after checking with Brittney, I've found that me and her have the same World History class. It was great, until I called the guidance counselor, though. *sighs* Last year, my math teacher told me I could be in an advanced Geometry class, but I declined, thinking it would be too hard. Well, I thought long and hard about it all summer, and decided that I really should change my math college prep class to the advanced class to help with GPA scoring and credits and such. But after calling the guidance office, I found out the only way that I could possibly change it is if I switched my world history period- the one with Britt (whose like a sister to me)- with my Math period. So, I have to choose. Do I choose to stay in my world history period with Britt so we can study together and have fun, or possibly help out my future high school and college career by taking the more advanced Math class? Ugh, I can't choose!!!! I know that if I take either one, I'll regret it for various reasons, and all the reasons balance out. What if the advanced is too hard and I don't do so hot anyways? What if college prep math is too easy and I ended up cheating myself out? What if I can't study or see Britt a whole bunch in school if I don't take the world history period I already have? What if she feels like I chose myself over our friendship? *sighs* I have until tomorrow to decide. I have to take a note into the school to change my schedule, saying my parents approve of me being in a higher class, but.... *sighs* Maybe I should flip a coin... or something... *sniffs*
(To Britt: Not the case, I just don't know. I'm sorry!!!)
~Qoute of the Day~
"Poppy, have you ever eaten horse?"
-My brother, refering to glue. Poppy is what we call our grandfather.XD
Take care everyone!!!! Have a superb day!
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
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*sighs* It's been such a long time. XD I don't really know what to say... yet there's a lot to say I guess. Maybe I should top it off with why.
But for now, how are you guys? Good, I hope.
~Kayla's horrible explaination~
Well, the explaination is... I don't really have one. Things have been hectic, especially with work, and although I've had plenty of time, I just didn't want to try and make sense of everything that was happening so that I could conduct it into a post that is fit for human eye consumption. So, there it is, why I haven't been here. XD As always, I'm sorry.
~So what do you do again?~
It seems that I've been promoted..... to a prep cook. XD Woohoo food! I'm no longer a cashier, but back in the kitchen. It's a long story, but I think I can shorten it up a little.
I was at work, and I was finally supposed to work the cash register again (they had me down at the picnic area as a runner because all the other runners were on vacations, lucky them) but when I got to work, and even though I was there on time, all the cash registers were taken at 1st base where I normally work. I didn't feel like being a runner again for the seventh time in a row, so I asked one of my GM's if I could work at third, which she agreed to. ....Okay, to get things straight. Working at 3rd base is not fun. I know no one; there are generally zero customers because there is a wider variety of food at 1st; and all the people down there would just stare at me like I was the craziest thing they've ever seen (which, I probably was so no complaints there). Needless to say, I was happy when Liz came up and asked if they could send one of us to work up at 1st in the kitchen as a prep (I make sandwiches. Hurrah for sandwiches. =) ). It was crazy when I got there, so I just did what I normally did and got the food ready, set it out on time, and that was the end of that. However, one of the cooks down at 1st knows my parents, so we started talking and eventually the topic of the younger cooks came to question. They don't work very fast, and they're all the time doing a dissappearing act on us in which the head cook has to go hunt them. It just so happened that the reason I was called down to help out was because of the same reason I'm always called back to the kitchen, even when I'm just a runner: our young cooks, because of their goofing off, are swamped and need someone to help out. It made me kinda mad to know that they would rather goof off and sit around talking to eachother instead of making food, though I think the only reason it makes me so mad is because I've been a cashier and had to apologize for their goofing off, and try to have a reasonable excuse for why a customer has had to wait 10 minutes each food item at a ballgame. So, I started saying about how I wouldn't mind working back in the kitchen all the time (it's really upbeat, and there's always something that needs done) and that if they don't want to work, I'd be more than happy to do the job for them because I knew how it felt to get frustrated when I was forced to wait for them to stop goofing off. So, the head cook heard me and smiled and said, "you like working back here, huh?"
Me: nervous smile. *nods*
Him: Okay. Hey trevor! (manager)
Trevor: *looks up from some manager-official-looking papers* Yea?
Him: Kayla is working back here from now on. We need her back here, so this is where she'll be.
Trevor: *brightens because he gets exhausted from having to try to force the young cooks to stop goofing off and looks at me* You like working back here better than being a cashier?
Me: Both jobs are fine, but this one is a little more fun.
Trevor: Okay! I don't mind that at all! (I always end up taking over the fryer anyways when all the other young cooks back there pull a dissappearing act) Your back here!
So.... I was promoted. It doesn't sound like a promotion, but actaully, it is in a weird fast food business kinda way. Since we do made to order now that the stadium 1st base is totally operating at full capacity, it's been a little hard, but things are fine.
I know that I talk about my job alot. But, it's where I am ALL DAY LONG, for almost everyday, ya know? So... *sweatdrops*
~My sickness~
Before I went up to my family reunion with my boyfriend, Matt, my mom had a sinus infection that she needed antibiotices for. Well, somehow, I caught it also. It wasn't fun at all, in fact, if you ever get one it really sucks, and it doesn't go away easily, I guess. So, I had to go into the doctors and get some too. In fact, I'm still on the stuff. -_-' Speaking of which, I forgot to take my last pill today...
I hope you guys are doing great. I know it's been a long time. I hate not visiting, because then I have no idea what's going on with you all, but I can only blame myself for that one.
~Qoute of the Day~
"BHLOOOPAH!!!!!!!! *D:*"
Have a wonderful day, everyone. ^_^ I will be around to visit sites later.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
There's really not much to say, which is why I haven't really been updating much. Work is fun, if you can have fun at work. XD One of my coworkers quit, however, but I don't know how it is there without him since my supervisor gave me yesterday and today off, along with Monday and the weekend. So, we're all going on Vacation to the beach, I think. This is the only weekend I'll probably have off of work, so we're making the best of it, I guess.
~That's all~
There's nothing else really to tell you, I suppose. ^^' I got my check on Wednesday, and I ended up getting $177.53, the biggest paycheck I've had by far. Exciting, I guess, ha ha.
~Qoute of the Day~
"I got nothin'."
-Ron Stoppable
Lame, I know.
Volo invisam tu. (I will visit you.
Later, guys. ^_^ Have a wonderful day!
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^_^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Falling apart~
Harry potter is coming out on Friday and we're all going to Borders to stand outside and wait for it. However, I'm having a bit of a problem: our plans are falling apart. Well, the basics are okay, but now my cousin called me and told me that she wants me to go to Washington D.C. with her on Saturday early in the morning to the Zoo. Well, I went and reserved a prisoner's outfit at the local costume store to dress as Sirius Black for the costume contest (As him coming from prison since he's my favorite character) and I bought a whole bunch of other stuff to use for it. Only problem is, I have to return it Saturday, and I don't think they're open as early as she wants to go. Plus, Ashley needs to spend the night afterwards. It seemed it could be easily resolved, but the only way would be if she went along, and I'm not sure her parents would go for that, and I can't call her back to ask cuz she's not allowed anymore time on the phone right now. Plus, my cousin wants me boyfriend to go along, and he lives a good 40 minutes from here. *sweatdrops* I want to go to Washington because my cousin wants me to go, but I don't know about it.... *sighs*
I know that sounded rushed, and its because I have to call everyone and let them know about this latest development. Plus, I haven't been able to talk to Matt yet today about ANYTHING!!! Because in the morning when I woke up I couldn't find my phone, and then he called again and I couldn't answer because I had to clean up the house. We were supposed to do something today, but I think I ruined that, too.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Hey chicka!"
That's all for now. ^_^ Thanks for visiting, and have a wonderful day, everyone!
Volo invisam tu. (I will visit you.)
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Friday, July 13, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^_^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Lobster me~
I realize this is very overdue. ^_^ However, my work week ran longer without me having a break and I ran a double-shift the other day on account I had two games in which I had to be at, so of course I was very tired, and all that. Plus, we went to see the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie, and various other things that I'll be getting to in a moment.
*ahem* *opens mouth to speak then closes it*
I have a boyfriend. >///> There! It's been said, okay?! XD Ha ha, just kidding. But yea, I do. But Matt seems to be... different... than any boyfriend I've ever had, in a good way. ^^ So, I'm happy, and a little shy of the matter.
Everyone: so.... that's it.
Me: Uhmh.... yea. ^///^
Everyone: >:( You got us all curious for nothing?
Me: Well, I did say it seems different than ever before... >.> doesn't that count for anything? And, really, who would have guessed
Me: Guys?
Me: Anyone?
Heh. ^_^ Yea, I realize it's really not that big a deal, but I don't know why, I'm's just... it seems so different than anything I'm used to, I guess. *blushes nervously*
~Crazy Dream~
I had a dream the other night, and it was kinda scary. It was about an inevitable thing that borders on the horizon for me, unless I take a direct action to stop it, which I won't. Probably a few years later than now, but it's still there. It's gotten me a littl riled up and I guess if I don't want to do anything to solve it, I'll have to live with it being imminent in my future. I won't go into details, because I think it would be a little too, too-much-information for everyone. So, I do it for your own good. XD
~Blonde Moment of the Male Kind~
Kay, to truly get the story across, this is going to be told in play/story mode. This is actually something that happened to me earlier today.
Okay, so I had to reschedule for the hospital to be today since my work ran over the normal time I go in to volunteer, so my dad and mom came to pick me up, finally cash my latest two checks at the bank, and then drop me off there. The only problem was, my little brother wanted to go along. He's currently trying to sneak out of the house, making me stay up to make sure that he is inside (which is another reason I've been way too tired to update), so I'm not happy with him to begin with, but that's a whole other story, really, and has nothing to do with this.
*breathes* Back on topic, eh?
So, he climbs in and we're heading out. (Skips over a whole bunch of boring car ride conversation)We're almost there, when my dad ends up in the wrong lane. This didn't make my mom happy, since it would make me late for volunteering, so she harried my dad to get into the right lane. He got angry, and retorted: "I have to wait, Kell. I don't want to get hit by another car!"
And then it happened, the most hilarious blonde moment I have ever witnessed.
Shawn (who is blonde): "Dad, you got hit by a car?!"
I laughed the whole way to the hospital. What my dad really meant was that he didn't want to hit another car with his own car. Shawn didn't know this. My brother thought my dad has actually been hit. By a car. You know, "AH GOD!!! THAT JOGGER GUY JUST GOT TOTALLY SLAMMED INTO ON THE HIGHWAY, THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHEREEEE!!!! AW, MAN!!! DUDE, THAT WAS SICK!!!" kinda "hit by a car." *snickers* Hee hee.... <3
Or maybe you had to be there and hear the way he said it. >.>
~Qoute of the Day~
"I’ll breed a cactus and croquet mallet together. And then, we will have a prickly croquet mallet. It saves time, and energy if you think about it."
Take care, everyone!!!
Volo invisam tu. (I will visit you)
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
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~Happy Birthday!~
Okay, technically the birthday was yesterday, so it's belated. But I still count it as the third cuz its nighttime. Anyways, HAPPEH BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!!! ^_^ Yes, that's right. Yesterday/Today is SesshysBride2Be's b-day! So, if you know her and get the chance, pm her and say happy birthday. I'm sure she'd like that. :)
I didn't even get to call her today. I feel awful about it cuz she always calls on my b-day. :( But, I was busy, and I hope she understands.
~Since when have you been busy?~
Since.... awhile... *blushes like a love-crazed school girl* >///> Uhm.... Next topic!
~Where were you?~
I'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I had work and... other things >///>.... and, well, I was tired a lot and was just too lazy to post. *shrugs* it happens. But, did anything happen while I was away?
That's about everything. XD It would be less dull but.... I'll wait until later to talk about why. >///< (Darn me and my procrastination!!!! D:)
For we Americans, that is. :3
~Qoute of the Day~
"Did her parents hug and cuddle him?"
-Brittney's mom
Have a wonderful day, everyone. ^_^
Volo invisam tu. ( I will visit you)
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Avatar trouble~
XD I'm beginning to grow frustrated, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Now, everytime I try and change it, another picture of the same file pops up instead. Like, Riku is "gif" and everytime I try and change it to another "gif" file, it just keeps Riku up. -_-' I hope myO fixes it soon.
Yea, I know, I'm a job freak. *sweatdrops* But, I'm leaving soon, so I just thought I'd let you all know like I normally do that since I work late, I'll have to visit late night like.
~Harley Davidson~
My dad works at Harley, and they've got a special clothing store there. Every one in awhile, it will open up for friends or family that the people who work there bring along. I've wanted a certain shirt for awhile, but I couldn't get it because it was too expensive. But, since my Dad has a discount there, he took me along. ^_^ It was pretty fun.
~Knee races~
As I said yesterday, I went with Brittney to her grandparents' pool. Well, we were in there, when I decided to do a piroutte on my knee by balancing on the top of my knee while holding my foot up so that it was possible, and spinning in circles by paddling with one arm. It was kinda funny, and a momentary "Let's do something stupid" moment. But soon, brittney grabbed ahold of both her feet and pulled them behind her and started walking on her knees! XD It was really hard, but it didn't hurt, seeing as the water is bouyant and all. Eventually we decided we'd hold knee races where we would race toward a certain spot in the pool even though we moved very slowly. Yes.... but... *looks at you sheepishly* Silly, but fun.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Yes. Me and myself. We're having a problem, you see. I love another woman. So, I'm currently very upset and I feel betrayed."
I'm not sure if you guys will get this. XD But Daryl is a guy.
Have a peachy day, everyone. ^_^
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Friday, June 29, 2007
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*yawns* Hi, guys. ^_^ How are you, all?
~Swimming :)~
I went swimming at my best friend, Xheartbroken's grandma's house the other day. It was awesome! Everyone is so nice, and they practically made me feel like family. Which is good, because I'm easily intimidated when meeting someone face to face, even though I've met her family before.
Brittney's cousin Matt is back from France! :D Woohoo! He got chocolate there and gave a bar to me, along with some rocks from Normandy (where the U.S. soldiers battled and all). I felt bad because I know how strongly he feels about Normandy, and I took two rocks that he got from there instead of one! D: So, if I can't find someone in my family who is in the military and would appreciate a rock, I'm going to give it back to him. As for the chocolate, I'm going to try and savor it as much as possible, and eat it little by little. I usually like to eat food I get as a gift slowly because it has sentimental value to an extent. I guess I treasure my gifts. XD
~As for Tonight~
I got invited to go to Brittney's grandmother's house on Saturday, but I can't because I have work (your grandparents rock, Brittney! I wish I could come!) and I promised my cousin that I would go to her house because of her babie's birthday party. *shrugs* It'll still be fun!
~MyO trouble
Is anyone else having trouble uploading a new avatar to their site? Brittney tried earlier today, and I just tried myself, but nothing seems to be happening! I don't know if it has anything to do with the theme that we're using, because me and Brittney are sharing a theme that I put together for the upcoming release of Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, or what.
~Speaking of Which~
The counter on my site is the countdown for the book. We're [Brittney, Ashley, Bethany, Trisha, and I] all big fans, so yea, we're a little psyched. But only a little. :)
~Qoute of the Day~
"I thought you were a dream."
"You're not that creative."
-New Moon, Stephenie Meyers
Have a glorious day, all of you. ^^
^_^ (I will visit you.)
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