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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Monday, June 25, 2007
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Hey everyone! ^_^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Bed Time~
Last night I didn't get to sleep until around 5:30 in the morning because I had to write something on the computer. XD It was really bright, which is why it surprised me that I could even sleep. But, I didn't wake up until 3:45pm. So, I missed dinner, and everything. Which is okay, but I was supposed to do something with Brittney today. ....I'll have to call her. *nods*
~So, How are you?~
Considering that today has been very.... droll, I have nothing more to tell you. XD So, how is everyone? (I asked you this earlier, didn't I?)
So, erm, here are some questions!
What's the latest you've ever gone to bed in the morning, and what time did you wake up?
Have you ever had to cancel plans or had your plans ruined because you overslept?
Has anyone ever eaten sea salt ice cream (Ahem: random! :D)?
~Qoute of the day~
"So go home. I can do it myself, you know."
Have a wonderful day, everyone! I will be around to visit sites, naturally. :D
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
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Hey everyone? How are you all? Good, I hope.
I'm so sorry!!! ;_; I wanted to visit everyone when I got home from work, but I ended up staying later than everyone else, and then SesshysBride2Be asked me over to her house to spend the night. I haven't seen her in so long to instead of going home, I went over there. I wasn't counting on that, so I couldn't visit. But! I do know I'm going no where tonight, so I will visit tonight.
~So Thank You~
Thanks for coming to visit, even though I found myself incapable of visiting yesterday.
Yea, I have a headache. It's more or less because as soon as I got in the door from Ashley's, my dad was griping about something. I don't care what he says, he only really ever gripes at me. Not that I really care, I can deal with it....
Now I'm griping. Geez, it's become contagious.... -_-'
Like yesterday, I have work today, but tomorrow and I think the rest of the week until maybe Wednesday I'm off. ^_^ I stayed late yesterday because I was the only paid employee working at the stand I was working at. The rest were people working there for a cause, and my boss asked me if I would count up our lost profit (or the food we couldn't sell) at the end of the night. That took awhile, considering the pans of the hotdogs were really hot (we pile them on top of eachother and put them in a warmer already wrapped at third base, like I described yesterday) and there were a lot of pans. It was fun though, I enjoy working with numbers and such, even if I am only counting.
~Qoute of the Day~
"You make a better door than a window."
Have a spectacular day/evening, guys. ^_^
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Friday, June 22, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all today? Good, I hope. ^_^
I don't have a lot of time, because I have to go to work and all. *sweatdrop* It was fun yesterday though, and I made a friend. Her name is Kayla too *laughs amusedly*. There are only 3 fifteen year old girls, and they're all named Kayla. Go figure. It wasn't so bad yesterday because it was kinda rainy and it cooled things off. Also, we were positioned by the freezers. XD We were up to our ears in customers, and only one manager showed up, so it was hectic. But, we joked the whole time about a whole bunch of stuff.
I was cashier yesterday, and she was my "runner" which means she went to get me my food that I needed. The only thing that wasn't fun about that was we got this really rude lady (I guess the game wasn't going her way, or whatever) and it was taking us 10 minutes-- god forbid!-- to make her food because the cooks had just put on what she wanted. We told her there would be a wait, and she glared at us and was all like, "Fine, you know, just give me my money back! I'll go over to the other stand because I know they have them."
I just laughed quietly to myself and gave it back and watched her stalk off before turning to Kayla and saying, "Wow, if only she Knew where they get them from. They get them from us. She can stay over there, 'cause I garantee she won't be happy with the one she gets." XD Because we make all the food 3rd base has because they don't have a kitchen, and what makes it even more hilarious is that their hotdogs are "pre-wrapped" by us, and so, soggy as hell.
Master hiko: I work at a ball park at a concession stand, and I pretty much handle everything from money, to dishes, the the grills. My job changes day to day so there's no telling what I'll be doing a tomorrow, or next week. ^_^ It's interesting.
~Computer Trouble~
This thing popped up on our computer last night, and we couldn't get it off. It froze everything up and was totally ruining everything so that we couldn't use it. So, what did we do? We called technical support! :D It directed us to this guy in India, whom, might I add, we did not understand at all. It took us forty minutes on the phone with him to even know what we had to do. He wanted us to totally erase everything in the computer. 40 minutes to tell us to just do that. -_-' Well, we have stuff in our computer we need, like my mom has her college work and everything. So, we got off the phone with him, telling him we'd call him back if that's what we decided to do. Not wanting to lose any of my stuff either, I sat down at the computer and worked like mad to try and get it off. I got it off halfway before my dad came home. My dad isn't any computer technician, but he knows his stuff I guess, so I called him into the kitchen (where our computer is) and had him sit down in front of it. It took him 5 minutes to correct the problem. XD That kinda makes me laugh, considering the one whose supposed to know how to fix our computer took 40 minutes of our time just to tell us to erase everything, when my father comes home, sits down in front of it for 5 minutes, and gets rid of the problem without having to erase anything. I told him about it, and he looked at me coldly and said. "And I see he did nothing." Oh well, I guess the people on technical support can't know everything.
~Qoute/convo of the day~
Kayla: The lettuce looks like leaves on these burgers.
Me: *examines lettuce, and then smiles mischeviously at her* "We must have a lettuce tree in the back."
Have a terrific day, everyone. ^_^ As per usual, I will be around to visit sites later.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all today? Good, I hope. ^_^
Was anyone besides me surprised by it? It's Simple and Clean sung with someone playing an Electric guitar! I think it's awesome, and I nearly jumped up and down with joy when I found it. ^_^ If you get the time, you might want to listen to it. It's pretty amazing. Or does it automaticaly start once you come here? lol. I'm not sure.
~Mall Fiasco~
The mall was a complete disaster, but I really don't feel like talking about it. Remember when I said yesterday I had the feeling something bad was going to happen? Let's just say it did. Big time. -_-'
I have to get ready for work soon. XD I kinda.... don't feel like it, but I have to. I just can't believe I'm not getting paid until about another week or two. >.> But we get paid every other two weeks. I'm kinda wary not knowing when I'm getting paid and working my butt off when I'm not sure that I'm actually earning the amount of money that I should be getting for all my hours. Centerplate is trustworthy, but still, you never know. If they took about $20 of my paycheck, it's not like I would notice until it was too late. I'm just a dunce like that. XD
~Qoute of the Day~
"It's a smelly world, and you just live in it."
-Me (to my brother at the breakfast table)
Have a wonderful day, guys. I will be around to visit sites for a little right now, and then later on tonight. :)
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^_^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
Today just feels like that kinda day, if you know what I mean. Where everything goes wrong despite your best efforts. Well, it's not like anything actually went wrong. Yet. I just get that feeling. *frowns* Odd...
~Waiting for Mom~
My mom has to take me to get black pants for work. 100 degrees outside, and I have to wear black pants (preferably jeans, by my manager) and see a white shirt which will probably get quite a bit see-through from sweat. My female manager made a joke about us girls having to look "Sexy for the guys" and that I'd "look great." -_-' I'm sure she was kidding, but the way its looking right now, I'm not doubting that she could have been serious. I'm going to attempt to find a thicker white shirt while I'm at the mall, that way it shouldn't be so bad. I'll roast, but it's better than nothing.
Magnus: I work from 3pm to 10:30 pm at night. ^_^ Sorry, I wasn't too clear on that. Tomorrow I work at 4:30pm, which won't be so bad.
I'm not complaining though, so don't get the wrong impression. I'm just a little... bemused at the attire in which we have to wear, considering its going to be hot this week.
~Happy Birthday!~
I was off Monday, Tuesday, and Today (I didn't know this until I got my schedule late on Sunday). Monday I slept all day, taking a long nap and so on, but Tuesday was my mom's Birthday. ^_^ We really didn't do much. I wish we could have, but what was there really that I could do until I finally get my first paycheck? I'll have to give her a late birthday present or something.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Happy Belated Birthday!"
-To My Mom
Have an awesome day, everyone. ^_^ I will be around to visit sites later.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
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Hey everyone, how are you? Good, I hope.
Well, it's fun, and I'm extremely busy doing something while I'm there, but I don't know many people, and the people I do speak to I don't even know the names of. They don't know mine, either though. So, I feel.... uniform, like I have no name somewhat. But, it was the first day, and things were crazy, so maybe that's why? I found out at the end of the day that I was working at the wrong stand, too. It was pretty annoying because two days before we went to work, they gave us a schedule, and on that schedule, they gave us a job and where we would be working; in the stands at third, or in the stands at first. Well, I was a food prep, first base on that paper. But, when I got there, not only were the tents no where in site (they said there would be tents right out front of the stadium for us workers), but when I finally found them, my job had changed to runner at third. Gee, I'm glad I was told. *rolls eyes*
~The point?~
*ahem* But to get straight to the point I'm trying to make. I work really early in the day, around three, and I have to get ready around two, and then I work until ten thirty at night. Naturally, this makes it extremely hard to get on theO and check out everyone's sites, especially since I don't get up very early to begin with (around 12:00). It even makes it hard to post. So, if I don't, and don't have much time to visit, please bare with me!!! It's only for a little while, while I get used to this new way of doing things. I should be able to visit around 11:00pm, but that's really late and I'm not sure how I'll do with that. It's very possible I'll do fine. I've done it before. I might even do it this way: visit me first, then I will check who visited, and visit you back. It's horrible to say that, but there's not much else I can do right now until my schedule gets somewhat under way. Please understand.
I mentioned how Brittney was taking me with her to help her look for clothes for her cousin, Matt. Well, I also spent the night. ^_^ It was really fun, though her dog, Duce, had a little bit of trouble with his eye. It turned out fine, though.
~Qoute of the Day~
Have a wonderful day everyone. ^_^ Like I said, I will attempt visiting, and I should be able to. So, don't worry. Take care!
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
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*yawns* Hey everyone? How are you all? Good, I hope.
For everyone who commented yesterday: my computer wouldn't let me comment anyone's site yesterday. :( Sorry. I was around, but it wouldn't let me say anything.
Yea, it's late right now. *shrugs* Normally I update during the day, but lately that has proved a mistake considering I didn't update on Wednesday because during the day I have no time. XD So.... tonight it is. I'm kinda tired, but I decided it would be nice if I could improve and tidy my site up a little. So, I have. There are now links at the bottom of this blog, above the comment box, that you can click if you're too lazy to go back up to the top of the page to get out of here. It's kina nice, and I've made sure they all work, so no problems there. :) It should clean the top of my sight out a bit. I don't like the little pictures up there any more. Heh heh. Ah well, enjoy. ^^
~Yea Toast!~
I'm pretty sure you all heard it when you came onto my site. The Toast song. XD I think it's hilarious, really, and it's kinda an inside joke. The same as Ginoceros, and.... various other things.... ,,>.>,, I'll be quiet now.
~Mall Shopping
I'm going with Brittney and her cousin, Matt, shopping tomorrow. It should prove fruitful.... but I really can't say much about it now. I'm really worried, and nervous, but hopefully things will be okay. ^_^ I really can't say much about that either.....*worried glance around*
I.... broke up with Alex. Though.... I'm not sure... how I feel about it.... I supposed.... relieved.....
~Qoute of the Day~
"Wouldn't it be gross if someone made a vibrating sock?"
Have a wonderful day, guys. I will be around to visit sites. ^_^
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
I apologize for not being on the past three days. The reasons are this: I was dragged along to see a family relation I never knew I had and I came home at too late a time to update; After working at the hospital, my parents picked me up instead of taking me home, bringing me home at too late a time to update, and yesterday I slept in real late and we went away right after I got up. *shrugs* It happens.
Brittney's going to be spending the night. ^_^ She was here a little bit ago, but we got her around four and she forgot she had guitar lessons tonight, so her dad came and got her and is going to bring her back. She hasn't spent the night in soooo long, therefore it should be fun. My little brother is spending the night over at his friend Chris's and my parents work late so we're going to have the house to ourselves. My room's a wreck though, so while she's away maybe I'll clean up..... lol.
~Food Shortage~
We have nothing to eat in this house besides chicken patties and tater tots. This could be a problem because I eat chicken patties for lunch everyday and feel no desire to eat one for dinner also, and I hate tater tots. Seriously, every time I eat them I can feel the grease that comes with them sliding down my throat. bleh. -_- So, when Brittney gets back, I was thinking maybe I'd have us go down to Marcello's to eat. This is seeing as I mowed the grass at my grandparents' the other day and earned a good ten bucks. I was gonna save it to help buy the Final Fantasy VII Limited Edition DVD Box Set, but I can always mow the grass next week for the same amount of money. Plus, I'll have my paycheck from working at the ball field to go along with it. *shrugs* I'll probably have to buy it online anyway, since no one around here carries it.
~Qoute of the day~
"It's kinda like the time when Anna Nicole Smith claimed that a ghost went up her pants and had sex with her; not only that, it was good sex, the best she's ever had. This is when God decides that some people need to die."
Have a wonderful day guys!!! ^_^ I'll be around to visit sites later, though it might be a limited number.
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Friday, June 8, 2007
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Hey everyone! ^^ How are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
~Last Day~
Yep! It was totally the last day of school today! I'm not sure how happy I am about that, I suppose very, but then again not. I've found throughout the day that despite prejudgements, it was actually my male teachers that were more emotional. Mr. Yost almost cried (I wanted to give him a hug, but didn't...), Mr. Grim was very upset, and all my Female teachers were like: "Yea, get the hec outta here, you crazy teenagers. You and your raging hormones. I need a break."
But it's over. The first year that to me is the hardest. It's the year in which you have to adapt, and I've done my fair share of that. This year has changed me, for the better when I reflect on it. I don't care what people think of me anymore and I feel self-confidence that I never had before. It's all thanks to my friends, and my teachers, and everyone here, too. ^_^ So I say again, thank you. Not to get all sappy or anything.
Today is my Aunt Stacey's wedding, though my mom did not take me to go get a dress like I wanted, but hey. What can you do? So, I'm going to be dressed poorly because I don't have any others. Or, I can go looking totally goth in my blood red and black mesh dress I wore for the King of Hearts dance. Not appropriate for a wedding, but then again, my Aunt probably won't care. I'm not even sure if my mom wants to go. Mean as it sounds (she doesn't want to go to her sister's wedding). Ah well, what will be, will be.
I'm eating some kind of lunchmeat that tastes suspiciously like hotdogs. *shrugs* Still, it's pretty good. :)
~Qoute of the Day~
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Head
Have a wonderful day, guys! I will be around to visit sites as per usual. ^_^
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
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Hi everyone? How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Late Posts, and Absent Days at School~
I'm sorry about the late posts, but until school is officially over tomorrow, I can't post too early. But! This is the last one, so yippee! ^_^
Today, I was sick with some stomach bug type thig that gave me a headache, so.... heh heh. I couldn't go. However, I still have to do my "How to" speech tomorrow. So, I'm handing out riceballs tomorrow. *hands out another score of riceballs* Don't eat them too fast, I think that's what made me sick last night (I made more and actually ate some of them ^^').
Now my mom's harrying me about doing this test for the hospital. -_-'. Oh! And did I tell you? I got a job at a ball park! My first real job. *nods satisfactorily* I'm going to be a hostess or something in the food area. I have training for that on the 13th at 6pm, and then my first day is the 15th. I'm real excited.... and nervous. It ought to go well. I hope Brittney can get that job at Texas Roadhouse too. I know she'll have fun if she does!!!
~Qoute of the Day~
"And you! You're just as lazy as he is."
-Riku, Kingdom Hearts
Well, that's just about it! Have a wonderful day guys, and I will be around to visit sites later. ^_^
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