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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
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Okay! Tomorrow I officially start having time to be here!!! Wahoo! I can't wait. I've missed myO so much!
I have a "how to" speech tomorrow, so I decided I'd do a "how to make onigiri" speech. Onigiri is riceballs. It should be fun. I already have them all made, all 26 of them. :) I'm glad, it took forever. I've never even made onigiri before... my grandma taught me over the phone so.... I'm not exactly sure how good they are. ^^' Should be interesting. *hands one to you all, though she hasn't taste tested them herself* I'm expecting squinched "ew" faces tomorrow.
Well, that's pretty much it. Seeya guys later! I'm going to be visiting sites tonight! :)
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Monday, June 4, 2007
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Hey everyone. This is gonna be really short, but hey, at least it's something. ^^
Things have been going pretty good. I have my finals this week, so hopefully that all goes well. My Math and English ones were today, and my History and Science ones tomorrow.
Gah. -_- It took me two days of all but little sleep to make a study guide for Social Studies, since my teacher is stupid and gave us 76 topics to study without even giving us a study guide. But hey, that's life I guess. It's thirteen pages long, and I'll probably have to look over it ten times or so, and then my science ones ten times to get all the info down. But, once all this is done, and school is finally over on Friday, I'll finally be able to be on myO everyday instead of just twice a month.
Well, have a good day, everyone. I will be around to visit sites later. ^^
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Friday, May 25, 2007
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Hey guys. *sigh* it's been so long. I wish it wasn't, but it doesn't seem like I can do much about it.
Yep, that's right! My first year of high school is almost over! XD I'm kinda psyched about it. It's been a rough, hard year on me and everyone of my friends. Also, I'm looking forward to being able to update on theO more often (yes, I know, I say that all the time nowadays... but hopefully I'll be able to fulfill it).
......... Maybe I should tell you about my day. lol. XP Well, today I got an award for volunteering at the Hospital. 100-199 hours of commitment. Go me! I was the ONLY freshmen to get an award at the essembly, in fact, Freshmen really weren't actually allowed to go to the assembly either. But to get my award, I had to be allowed. So, I went. It was the most boring thing I've ever experienced, and I really wish I had just gone to homeroom. But, I guess it was rewarding in the end. I was the only one of all 3 students who work at the hospital in my school to have worked that many hours there. The other 2 were in their Sophomore and Senior years, and hadn't worked half as many hours. *sweatdrop* Later though, I found out that the person who had given me my award was my friend Tai's dad. That was my surprise of the day. :) And... that was the total of everything I guess.
Pirates 3
I went to see the new Pirates of the Carribbean 3 yesterday, but the ending really upset me (don't wanna spoil it for you, so my mouth is going to stay shut) so I don't really wanna talk about it. If you already saw the movie, know that I am a girl, which will probably lead you to conclude why. *sigh*
Well, that's about it. Not a whole lot of exciting things, not that I would make it sound very exciting even if it was exciting anyways. XD Maybe that's why I haven't been updating lately. *shrugs* My life is very drool. I wake up, I go through the daily routine, I sleep. I guess it bores me, there will always be the assembly line-like consistency until the summer, perhaps.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Do you have knuckle babies?"
Have a wonderful day everyone! I'm off to visit sites. ^^
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Friday, April 27, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^^ how are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
~By Force~
The Ultimate Thing that I hate and see no point to: Myspace.
Really, there is no point to my being there at all. Personally, I would rather stay away from that site after watching that one show on how people can find out where you live, exactly where you are, and kidnap you merely by visiting your "space." Plus, I have a site here, and theO is so much more wonderful. ^^ However, I have to join myspace. Not by choice. My friend is forcing me. He says if I don't get a myspace, he'll make one for me. And I know that he'll fill out everything, and put up where I live. So, instead of living in fear of someone coming to get me thanks to him, I'd rather make one myself so I can be in control of the information that's put up in the *gulps distastfully* "space." *gags* Yet, it's a loosing battle. ^^ Because I'll never use it. I can't even update on theO everyday, let alone update on two sites. And theO is higher up on my priority list. Maybe I'll just lie and say I'm making a myspace page. Maybe.... maybe....
~Homg!!! Guest what!!!~
I dunno. lol. Had ya going there for a second, huh? (There was something in that piece of pie I ate. I think my parents drugged it, so don't mind me :)) No, but to go to this dance-a-thon thing at my school, which is an all-night lock-in my school where you party and aren't allow to stop dancing, you have to raise a hundred dollars. D: I was psyched about going, because you can dance anywhere in the school. In the pool, in the gym, in the classrooms, in the bathroom, anywhere!!! But when I heard about the 100 dollars, I deflated like a balloon. My family's poor. I can't afford to go to a one day hundred dollar party!!! Even if it is for kids with cancer. I can't ask my parents for a hundred dollars to go to a one night thing. They'd have a heart attack!!! So.... I dunno. I'm going to try to raise money, cuz brittney wants to go and if she goes I want to go with her, but I'm not sure. 100 dollar fundraising, and trying to get sponsors is asking a lot of me. I don't enjoy talking to adults I don't know. Too shy. *sigh* This is a hopeless case.
Meanwhile, MCR is coming to a town near ours soon!!!! So, my boyfriend's comtemplating whether or not we're going to go to their concert. He says if I go, he'll go, even though he's the one who brought up the idea. Yet, we'll need chaperones, and I'm not sure if my cousin Lizzy (the one who got me into anime) will be up to the challenge. I'll ask my dad if he'll take us if that fails. *shrugs* I'm sure my brother will want to go. He loves MCR, and Brittney too. ^^ Oughta be fun, if we can figure out what we're doing.
Well, that's all. Have a wonderful day, everyone! I will be around to visit sites later!
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Friday, April 20, 2007
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~Mad about at Alex~
I got angry at Alex today. It's because every time I try and talk to him lately, he's been blowing everything I say off like it's not important to him. Like he doesn't care. He just says "whatever". I felt like I couldn't say anything to him, because even if I did, it wouldn't matter to him anyways and he'd just drown it out. As his girlfriend, I am/was upset about this. Today I was finally able to tell him about it, and I feel a lot better because he actually listened to me. If only he would have realized that I'm a lot happier when I'm able to vent to him and have him listen and tell me how he feels about what I'm going through, or what he would do instead of "whatever" or "Yea, sure", it would have spared him getting yelled at and me a great deal of stress. And it was really driving a stake through our relationship, or at least how I felt in the relationship. But now I feel tons better, and I realize how depressed I've been feeling lately because of that problem of no communication. Needless to say, I'm feeling a lot better and will probably be on theO a lot more. Not that I said anything about being upset lately, so you couldn't have known.... >.>
(Thanks Alex, for listening to me. Tu Amo. :) )
~Male outage~
My brother and Dad have gone away for the weekend, leaving we women to ourselves. That is, my mom and me. So, we're going shopping soon. ^^ This ought to be fun.
~Quote of the Day~
"I cut class, you cut class, he, she, it cuts class. We cut class. They cut class. We all cut class. I do not know how to say this in spanish, for a was not in spanish today. Gracias a dios. Hasta luego." - Melinda, Speak
Bye everyone! I will most definitely be around to sites tonight! Have a wonderful day!
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
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Hey everyone. ^^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Making Things Short~
Today has been pretty boring, actually. I'm horribly tired, and can't wait for it to end. But, I probably won't be able to sleep because as soon as I get home from school, we're going to the mall or something. I think. So, yea, I'm still at school. And, since there's really nothing else interesting to talk about, I'll launch into yesterday.
~Day of Silence~
Yesterday, my school had a day of silence to support Gay, Lesbian, Transexual, and Bisexual students/ and or people. If you wanted to participate, you had to go to the guidance office. I was totally psyched about not talking and the cause, so, I did it. XD It was really hard not talking, but I was faithful to the cause, and only spoke if a teacher called on me. However, I had to stop myself from beating the **** out of a kid who called me a fag. Which, is fine with me, cuz people who love the same gender and/or both genders rock my socks! :)
No qoute today!
Bye guys, I'll try and be around to visit sites later!!!!!! XD
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
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Hey everyone! Gawd it's been awhile, hasn't it? :o How are you all? Good, I hope. *smiles*
~Camera Attack!
Ever heard someone call your name as you were walking somewhere, and no matter how many times you looked around, you didn't see anyone. Well, I had that today. I had been able to persuade my science teacher to let me out of class to go to the bathroom, ya know, just to do my usual hair inspection..... T_T Okay, let me alone. I live in a town of perfectionists, and if I hadn't fixed it, someone else would have tried to do it for me. Anyways, I was headed for the bathroom when all of a sudden, I heard my name. Stopping for a second, I looked to the left, looked to the right, and saw nothing. So, I kept walking. Then, I heard it again. So, I stopped, looked to the left, looked to the right, saw nothing, and moved on again. Then, it became louder and I turn around and saw my friend Scott walking casually toward me down the hall. I smiled, and as usual, said a snide little uncalled for comment that could only be used without insult if I was joking. Which, I was, so it was all good. What I wasn't prepared for, was the camera at his side. Now, me and my friends have the secret fear of being spotted by a camera. Because, most likely, everything you say, or are doing at that point, ends up on the morning announcements. Thus, this little fact was greeted by a string of cusses aimed at him along with a few "keep that thing away from me"'s. Of course, being Scott, he only smirked, and lasoed me by the shoulder with his arm and shoved it in my face. That was the longest walk of my life. EVER. I was chewing gum, and grinning like an idiot because of all the jokes that I had been throwing at him before I noticed the camera. So, needless to say, the camera probably got a good look at me and my chewing gum. Very unladylike. But, I've learned to laugh at myself recently, so if I get made fun of, I'll just laugh it off. I've found that High school's made me strong in that way. Like, in situation's like below:
~Anime Club~
Anime Club was the same as usual. Everyone was running around like little goobers; throwing things at eachother, cussing really loud, screaming and, of course, watching an anime called Spiral. At least, that's what me and my friends were doing. On this one particular occasion, though, my friend Jesse and one of his buds came to sit with us. So, while we were caring like lunatics, he was playing with my hair. At one point in time, though, Justin got ahold of a note between me and Brittney. In a desperate attempt to get it back, I had to lean around Jesse and towards Justin on my stool to try and get him to give it back. The jerk refused and I made a grab for it; leaning over too far and BAM!!!!! My stool tipped and sent me flying to the floor with an outburst of laughter from Brittney. It was like the room froze over. Everyone was looking at me like I was the most retarded thing they'd ever seen, considering a few were guilty of worse. Still, it didn't bother me quite as much because at the moment I hit the floor, I instantly began laughing with Brittney like an idiot. Jesse petted my head, a Senior picked up my chair, and offered me his hand to help me up. He was trying to be nice I guess and I hope I didn't hurt his feelings by saying that I was okay and getting up myself.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd...... that was my day. ^^ I had this huge definition for something in Science, and a lot my classmates think I'm a know-it-all (even though I have the highest grade in the class) because the sub (Mrs. Welsh had to get surgery :( She's my fav, so I hope she gets better soon) thought it was excellent and had me repeat it. But other than that, nothing else really happened. Plus, I'll soon be off to try and get my hands on a limited edition version of Avril Lavigne's new CD. I'm also thinking of fixing up my site a bit. What do you think? Something new?
~Qoute of the Day~
"Behold! I am Kayla, destroyer of tissues! Watch me as I devour your soft, cushy goodness! X3" -Brittney
Have a wonderful day everyone! I will be around to visit sites later!
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
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~Happy Easter Everyone!!!~
A lot of things have been happening again, so I haven't been on. However, I'll be on tomorrow. ^^ If that's a good thing. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the Holiday!
Also, I will be visiting sites later!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
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Hey everyone, how are you all? Good, I hope. I realize this post is a bit late.... ^^'
Three words: It was crazy. I was so out of it today. Things were just so hectic. My friends and I were carrying on as usual at lunch, and there was something about stew.... (you'll have to see the qoute at the end, it pretty much explains it). Anyways, we were laughing and having a wonderful merry old time. Yet, my brain was funky all day. However, I did get my awesome science teacher to sign my course selection sheet for next year. So, I'll be in Honors Biology next year. She told me I definitely needed to be in that class, which made me feel really happy.
Then, next period, all HELL (pardon my french) broke lose. You see...I went to swim class. -_-' This might not seem too bad, but I have contacts. I've had them for awhile now, and I refuse to take them out. Because if I do, I won't be able to see anything above the surface of the water. Therefore, I have to close my eyes when I swim. So, my direction isn't too well, you can guess, since I can't see. As for Today, we had this test. And in the test, we had to swim the length of the pool. All I remember is stepping up to the side of the pool, and leaping in. The rest was darkness for awhile, until I came up. As it turns out, where everyone swam straight, I swam diagonal and nearly slammed into the pool wall. My swim teacher was so mad at me. But, my dad and friend, Scott, says its perfectly normal. Yet, I can't figure out why he was so mad. Oh well, grumpy old swim teacher... looks like a walrus anyways. >.<
My grandma totally rox my sox!! She's buying me sketch books :D. I've been wanting one for weeks now, ever since I ran out of space in my other one, but I never was able to get one. I can't wait! >w<
~Qoute of the Day~
"Cabbage Stew!!!" >w<
Well, have a wonderful day, everyone. I'll be around to visit sites later. ^^
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Replay AIM~
It was hysterical trying to talking to him while he was hyper and writing a post at the same time. XD Every time I'd minimize the window and type three words into my post, the window would pop back up.
I'm hungry...
*random song lyrics*
What'cha doin?
Why aren't you answering yet?
Kayla? Kayla?!
Please, don't leave me alone!!!! *dies*
Oh, look! A beetle! :P
Answer me?
I'm not even kidding you. Like, he was spewing out messages left and right, and I couldn't keep up with them all. In a course of a minute, there were four messages for me to reply to. He mellowed out a bit later, but we were talking about something serious, and my computer shut me down just as his last message popped up, so, I didn't get to read it. *shrugs* Ah well, I'm sure it can wait.
~My Day~
I AM SO TIRED. >.< I'm at school right now during study hall period. I don't have anything to do and I didn't feel like going to the Lunchroom and playing cards with all my friends. So, I figured I'd update a tad early. Not quite sure if I'm allowed to do anything other than research on the school computers, but oh well. It feels like this week is going on forever, but maybe it's just because of the break. God only knows, but I need some rest before I conk out in the middle of the hallway and Alex and Brittney have to come and save me. Actually, that would be kinda fun. *conks out* XD
~Qoute of the Day~
"Not this kinda touchy *wiggles hands like Willy Wonka*, but this kinda touchy *puts arm around friend*, right?"
-Brittney (different one)
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