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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Monday, March 19, 2007
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Hey everyone! How are you all? good I hope.
I'm talking to a friend on AIM, and, sadly, he's very hyper tonight for some reason. Therefore, this post could take awhile to type. Please excuse any error mistakes. Everytime I to minimize the window, it pops up again. XD
Nothing happened, really. I did get that My Chemical Romance hoodie I wanted. The one with the skeleton on the back of the CD case on the front. *nods vigorously* And a red top to wear under it. My mom got it for me. I guess it was kinda like a shopping spree spur-of-the-moment thing. *shrugs*
Yet, otherwise I was bored. XD Still, I think something's going to happen tomorrow. Maybe it'll finally give me something to talk about.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Walking this road...without remake forgotten promises...and meet you at road's end."
-Kingdom Hearts ???
I'm guessing Chains of memories, but since that one wasn't for PS2, I never played it.
Well, have a wonderful day everyone. I'll be around to visit sites later.
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
We went to the play Thursday night, the one we painted sets for, and it rocked! Alex was in the back doing stage crew. I only wish he had seen it with us... *stares off into space with a worried/sad expression* Hmm? Oh, that's right! The post. ^^
Not much has happened other than that. As opposed to our 82 degrees (And yes, that is fahrenheit, if I knew what it would be as opposed to celcius, I would tell you. I don't sadly) today we had a foot and a half of snow. So, we were stranded. In our houses.
I wonder what... nevermind....
Anyways, my posts are short lately, aren't they? Hopefully something eventful will happen that I'll be able to tell you about.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Geez oh Petes, what're you doin'?!"
-Tamahome, Fushigi Yugi
Have a wonderful day everyone. I will be around to visit sites later.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good I hope.
Today it reached 82 degrees in temperature! Woohoo! I'm tired of the cold. But, there's a storm brewing, so I don't know how long it'll last...
~ Interveiw~
Today I have an interveiw. It's to work at a ball park. I guess you can say its more like a job fair, but hey. Hopefully, I can get a job there for over the summer. ^^ I had to come home and get ready really early because I had swimming today and my hair was a mess. My mom told me I'm supposed to try and look as professional as possible... *rolls eyes*
This time there really isn't much to say. XD
~Qoute of the Day~
"I'll look to like, if looking liking more."
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare.
Well, have a wonderful day, everyone. ^^ I will be around to visit sites later.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
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Hey everyone? How are you all? God I hope.
I have a science project due today, but I won't be able to hand it in. I was supposed to send it by email to my science teacher, but it won't let me. I don't have it on the school computer, so I'm pretty much screwed. It kept saying something about an "error" but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find how to fix it. I'm a perfectionist, and a student with high expectation of myself and high grades to accompany it, so I didn't give up easily. As a result, my father woke up to find me sitting in front of the computer, balling my eyes out, and shaking the computer screen at 1 in the morning. Now, I'm played out, and can't sleep. Plus, I gave up. I'll work on it during lunch period or something and hope to god it gets finished. If it doesn't, I'll explain the situation to my teacher and hope she understands. If not, it's only a 5 point deduction, and I have a study hall today during eighth period. I'll be able to hand it in tomorrow. I can still get an A. I hope....
~Can't Sleep~
Because of all my late night stress, I'm wide awake and can't sleep. Then again, I can never sleep on mondays, so there really isn't much of a difference. I'm going to regret this, seeing as I have a few tests tomorrow. Like my math test, my social studies test, and my latin test. All periods 1,2, and 3. Then I have to skip lunch and work on that project during 4 period. Needless to say, I'll be brain dead during 5th period, in which I'm going to be playing Romeo from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Hopefully I can at least add a bit of enthusiasm in there.
I think everyone secretly got a kick out of the fact that I wanted to play Romeo when I'm a girl. But, cuz of that nasty rumor last year, everyone already thinks I like girls, so what the hell. Even though I have a boyfriend. Perverts. The last time I checked, Alex was not a girl. Gossip is a nasty thing, and mostly isn't true. Not that I have a problem with people who do like girls. I just... don't. In that way.
I'm going to get my ass kicked tomorrow. No, correction, someone who thinks that they're capable of kicking my ass is going to get their ass kicked tomorrow. I was doing a favor for a friend, and some people dissapproved of it. Big time. Even though it really wasn't that big a deal. I was asked to see if a certain guy was staring at a certain girl. Still, that part is irrelevant. All I know is that guy's friends (some of which used to be mine in darker, more depressing days), are now murderous and out for my blood. Bah. I say let them try. Most of them are scared of me anyway, and I haven't done anything to them but smile and be kind. Still, maybe somewhere along the line I drew a line in the sand and told them not to cross, if you know what I mean. In case you didn't, I mean I probably showed them a bit of a temper towards them a few times. *shrugs* Things should be eventful tomorrow, to say the least. Actaully, I'm betting the most they'll do is shoot crude comments my way when I walk past them in the halls. They're too cowardly to do much else. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to fight, but the whole year has been building up to this moment, I suppose, and I've gotten a bit bitter, as you can tell.
~Qoute of the Day~
"There's a wocket in my pocket, how about YOU?"
Well, have a wonderful day everyone. I will be around to visit sites later. ^^
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
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Hey everyone! I'm back! ^^
~Home Sweet Home~
Well, I'm back from my cousin's. I had a lot of fun! We stayed up all night watching Fushigi yuugi (she owns every season and the OAV's), and now we have a whole bunch of wonderful new inside jokes to laugh about. ^^ I'm very happy, but there's still that science paper to write.... -_-'. There is no justice in life. (I'm kidding)
Ya know that annoying song that comes on on my site? One you probably don't like, but I do? Well, I came up with a solution. I noticed a lot of people have play lists, and I decided that rather than getting rid of the music, I'd get one too. So, I joined Imeem (had a panic attack because my last name was on the site for awhile, allowing god only knows who to see it) and made a play list. There are 39 songs, a few are anime. So, if you want to listen to music, you can scan through those and listen to them anytime you like. ^^ If you have a few requests, I'll add it to my play list. I want my site to be enjoyable as possible, not annoying.
~To have nothing at all to say~
Yea. I really don't have anything to say. My day was fun, but not much to tell you about. I got into a huge fight with my mom because we went to a restaurant and the lady forgot to give our order to the chef. She apologized profusely, and told us she'd tell the manager of her mistake, but my mom didn't let it drop, and so, neither did I. She was angry at the waitress, and kept saying rude, nasty things about her. Now, I believe in justice, and forgiveness. I was prepared to forgive the waitress, because she had apologized, and promised to make up for her mistake. So, I became angry with my mother. I told her I feel ashamed and embarrassed when she talks about someone so rudely when they are in earshot, because I know that it probably hurts them to hear things like that. She got really mad at me and told me I was "big-mouthing her". Its frustrating! All because I wanted her to know how I feel about her when she's talking about someone like that. And I do feel that way. Embarrassed and ashamed that my mother can't keep a civil tongue in her mouth. And then she says "I was talking to your father, not you. I can't even talk to your father with getting interrupted." >.< I felt like showing her exactly what a "big-mouth" I can get, but you don't bite the hand that feeds you, I suppose. And, I felt I would be a hypocrite, even though there was the key difference that I was saying it to her face.
~Qoute of the Day~
"Silly Goose."
Well, have a wonderful day, everyone. ^^ I will be around to visit sites later.
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Friday, March 9, 2007
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Hey guys! Once again, I'm here! Woohoo! But, this should be short cuz I'm super tired.
~Alex and the Weights~
I talked about my boyfriend yesterday, right? So yea. Alex is my boyfriend. But, I'm not getting into all that fluffy, happy stuff. Wednesday, he stayed after painting to join into stage crew for the musical. Well, during stage crew, he was messing with the curtain weights, and at least 60 pounds of weights fell down on top of his head!!! O.O I didn't know about this until Lunch, and I have to say, when your boyfriend tells you "Oh yea, I dropped 60 pounds of weights directly unto my head the day before last, possibly harming my brain and neck vertebrae, but don't worry," you worry. A LOT. So, at the end of the day, his mom called to argue with him about going to the emergency room to get a catscan to see if he had something wrong with his brain. He didn't want to go, but had to anyway (I wanted him to go, and his mom did too), and we've found out he has a concussion. Not a severe one, but he has to stay away from contact sports, and flying projectiles whallopping him in the head. And I swear, if anyone even ACTS like they're going to hit him in the head, I will punch them. I worry about him, and his health. I just... don't want him to get hurt, ya know?
I will be going to my cousin's tomorrow after school, which is why I'm staying up so late to type this again. I haven't seen her in awhile, so it should be fun. She's picking me up to drive me to her house, where I will spend the night and we will watch fushigi yuugi and every other anime we can get our hands on until we're drunken with lack of sleep and pass out. So, I don't know what time I'll be posting Sunday. I guess it depends if I stay an extra night. *shrugs*
~Qoute of the Day~
"Eat your pants~"
Well, have a wonderful day everyone. I don't think I'll be around to visit sites. Thanks for coming anyway. ^^
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
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I have RETURNED!!! *throws arms up into the air triumphantly*
~Excuses, excuses....~
I'm SO sorry about my long absence everyone. The truth is, I've had a hec of a lot of stuff to do. Between having to be at school from 6-9 p.m. every night for set painting, hanging out with Alex *heart* (My boyfriend, whom I'm painting with a long with Nikki), hanging out with friends, getting ready for a school dance that I was going to with Alex, and homework and tests, I haven't had a lot of free time on my hands. I feel excruciatingly bad about it, but what can I do? I've made a commitment to a lot of things lately. I'm sure once things start balancing out I'll be on a lot more. Still, in the days to come, I plan to be posting. BUT! It will be after 7 because I have to stay after school to work on sets. They switched the times from 6-9 to right after school to 6. I also might be joining stage crew with my boyfriend, but it's not likely. Then I'd have to stay from after school to 9 at night. I can't be in school that long, I'll die. I love my boyfriend, but I need at least 14 hours of out of school time.
~My day~
Yes, I'm going to bore you again with what's happening in my day.
Today was a snow day. I didn't have school, which is what I wanted. But, now I have a math test today, and another one too, I think. I also wanted to work on my 9 paragraph essay I have to write about potassium (atomic symbol, K, number of protons and electrons, 19, number of nuetrons, 20, period, 1, akali metal, regulates oxygen flow to the brain, as you can see, I've learned a lot). It's due next week, and I'm actually looking forward to it. I've done a lot of research and I know everything I need to know to write a great 7 body paragraphs.
I didn't talk to Alex today. Although I saw him yesterday, I already miss him. *sniffles* I hope soon I'll be able to go on another date with him. That would be great. :D My friends say I'm whipped.... heh heh, I'd have to say they're right. I wonder how he's doing.... ah well, I'll find out tomorrow. ^_^
~Qoute of the Day~
"There's no answer to the riddle. You try and face it, and you get torn down. You ignore it, it keeps coming back. You avoid the problem, it shows up wherever you go. You deny it, it eats at you from the inside until the truth comes out. You try and fix it, they call you crazy. you're numb to it, they talk about you and send you mixed messages. Nothing works, so what can you do? Nothing. You just have to deal with it."
It's a long qoute, but it's one of my favorites, and one of my friends said it.
I wish I didn't have to go...
Well, I really have to get going. Time waits for no man, or teenage girl in my case, and I really should be getting to bed so I can get up tomorrow. Plus, if my dad ctaches me up he'll eat me alive.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll be around to visit sites later.
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
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Sorry guys, my day was going really well, up until a little while ago. Now, I'm so mad, I don't even know what to do. *tears at hair* Nothing much happened, and I have homework to do, so I better go, but I will be around later to visit sites, kay?
That boy... ruining her day is one thing... but MINE too.... he's gone to far!
(I don't expect you guys to understand what I mean by that, I'll explain later)
I have questions you can answer in response to my short post if you want to:
1. If someone did something very wrong to your friend, and then tried to make their life living hell afterwards, what would you do?
2. Suppose you were in highschool/junior highschool/elementary school again. Is there anything you'd want to do that you hadn't been able to do the first time? Would you try and make up for it by doing it now?
3. How would you describe the world today? Are there things that could be better? Are there things that should stay the same?
"Abite, molestus!" Latin for, "Go away, you pest!"
I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll be around to visit.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
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Hey everyone. I can't be on long, so let's hope I can compell myself to keep this short.
I fixed the problem with the link I put in my site. I forgot to add the title. Her is Brittney's/Nikki's site:
My mom needs the computer for a class, and I have work I need to do for social studies, and whatnot.
Unfortunately, I lost my school planner and I'm keeping all my various homework assignments through this week and into next week in my head until I can get a new one. This caused me to forget that I had a vocab test in latin. It shouldn't matter though, my grade is very high in that class, and I only missed a few. So no worries.
I'm trying to convince my dad that we really need to run to Wal-mart to get one. Unfortunately, he's not listening. -_-'. Not good! I have a whole bunch of finals this week and next week, and the only way I'll remember to study is by writing it down in my planner. Otherwise, I'll write it down and lose the paper (that's happened three times now). Either way I'll fail. -_-' I really need to study this weekend.
I think Alex called. I have to find the phone. He does that this early, usually, but I can't find my phone. (So, alex, if your reading this, I'm looking for it as I speak. Sorry!!! This is like the hundredth time something like this happened, maybe I should just call you from now on). The last thing I remember I took it out of my backpack and laid it down somewhere. *scratches head*
Wow, this wasn't that short, huh?
Well, I'll try to be around to visit sites, I can't make any garantees tonight, unfortunately.
"O me miseram!" Latin for: "Poor me!"
Have a wonderful night everyone!
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
First off, thank you all for you all for your comments yesterday, about me and Alex. *hands each of you a peice of cake* There, do with it what you must. X3
Nothing much happened today, me and Alex goofed off with Brittney, and everyone else. I had alot of zone out periods, that puzzled Alex, I think. It was just me thinking though, either that or my brain was malfunctioning.
Brittney (Nikki, we call eachother different things), as of yesterday, is now, like Ashley, part of theO. XD *hops around in delight* Here is a link to her site:
We bought a fish a coupla days ago, but I never got around to telling you about it. >.>'. Well, they bought it while I was at the hospital (I volunteer there, guys, don't have a heart attack on me or anything). It's a goldfish, a big, fat, white, gold, and black one. Unfortunately for the fish, fish don't last long in this house. I've learned that. Either my mom kills it, or my brother overfeeds and kills it.
Anyways, they named it Charlie, but I call it "Dead Fish". XD My brother got really mad at me (he's the one who picked out and named the fish), and demanded that I call him Charlie. I only responded saying that if it lasts two weeks, I'll call it "Death Defying Fish".
*looks around at the glares from everyone* What? You gotta admit that it'll be lucky to live at least two weeks. My brother already started over feeding it (no wonder its so fat), and it's had a run-in with death already. They put chemically clean water in the tank, when its best in tap water. For those who don't know, algae puts more oxygen for it to breathe in the water, but the chemical water killed algae, so it would have eventually suffocated, and, of course, died. Fortunately for the fish, my mom called the pet ladie (apparantly the fish, for being a fish, wasn't looking too good) and she told them to mistake. They fixed it. Lazy, dead fish. I pity thoust. *pets charlie's tank* Er... I mean, dead fishes tank... >.>...
Well, that's about it. XD Not very eventful, huh? I have to go watch the food for supper anyways. -_-'
"Videt tu!" Latin for: "See you!"
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