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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Monday, January 8, 2007
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~This Just In~
Ashley: What?
... ,,>.>,,
Brittney: What?!
Ashley: I think she's broken.
Brittney: Shut up, I think she's trying to say something.
Ah... umh...
Brittney: Well, spit it out.
I... have to tell my club... that I can't be a part of them anymore... for now... ,,>.>,,
Ashley: o.O *looks up at what her club is about*
Brittney: O.o *follows suit*
Ashley: Oh god.
Brittney: You mean... :D
Ashley and Brittney: Alex asked you out?
,,-.-,, *nods, and clutches at her heart*
Brittney: Yay!
Ashley: I shall have to meet him.
Sh..shut up guys.
Both: ^o^!!! *loud cheers*
Yea, you pretty much get the idea. And I'm sure you all know what my answer was, or is going to be. (I still need to call him)
O.O....... I'm.... speechless.... yet... jumping for joy... on the inside....
That's.... all I can tell you guys for now... I'm too... ,,>.<,, *blushes furiously before running away*
But I will be around to visit sites... ,,^.^,, Yea.
"Vos amo" : Latin for, I love you
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
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Hey everyone! *waves frantically* How are you all? Good, I hope.
It was wonderful to hear from some of you guys yesterday. It let me know you weren't dead or anything... *laughs*. Especially you, N.O.A.F, considering you almost died. XD
Uhm, not much happened. I didn't get up, but my brother tried to rouse me around 10, and I screamed at him, so they let me go. One of my bro's friends are over, and he seems to constantly be on the forage for food. *scratches head* Like a vole or something. But today was boring. My mom ran into this pet store and saw this cute little dog. She was thinking up names for it and everything. I think she was teasing me though. I love dogs and would gladly get another, but they don't want one. -_-'. I was kinda annoyed by it, to say the least. If you don't want one, then why put someone who does through the torture of you acting like you do.
Well, that was it. I will be around to visit sites later!!!!
"Curare, meus amicae!"
Latin for: Take care, my friends!
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
I'm back, and you were missed!
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Hey everyone. God, I am soooo sorry. I haven't updated in forever. Seriously.
To be totally and completely honest with you guys, I don't really have one. An explaination, I mean. I have missed you all terribly, but things have been hectic. Terribly hectic. The whole holiday theme has blown off the scheme of things, unfortunately. There are things I can tell you simply though without lodging into an entire random conversation with which would have no meaning but to tell you about a life that is absolutely boring:
1. Chapter six of my story is up on fanfic, but seriously, how many of you think I should just start putting it on theO for you to read?
2. My holiday was okay, I'm sorry to see it end, I didn't want to go back to school, yet I did.
Yea... not a whole bunch of stuff. I've had a lot of tests, like, one everyday or something like that.
Tomorrow something is expected of me that NO ONE and I repeat, NO ONE shoulder ever expect from me: to get up. At 8am. On a weekend. It's one of those things that just doesn't happen unless the apocalypse is coming. So if it happens, go hide somewhere safe, or something. *scratches head*
~How Are you?~
I'm going to take the time to ask you guys hoe you are, how your vacation went, what's happening in your life that you may want me to know, but I've been away, so I don't know... that whole thing. But I seriously mean it when I say I missed you guys :<. I'm back, for good. Hopefully.
Well, that's it for today. Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
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Hi everyone!!! It has been such a LONG time!!! I'm so sorry about that! But with the holidays and all, I've had alot to do. And Alex and I went to the movies... yea, details in a pm cuz I'm sure you guys are curious about that.
But I'm really in a rush, I need to get some things done before tomorrow. Alot of things, actually...
So, MERRY CHANUKWA everyone! (Mix of all the holidays)
Oh, and ch. 6 of me story is up on fanfic, just to let you guys know!
Have a wonderful night, everyone!!!!!
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
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Hi everyone. How are you lately? good, I hope. It's been soooo long! :< Oh well, stuff happens.
So Little To Say, So Much Time To Waste
Yea, I'm just going to sum it all up in thsi one, maybe big paragraph. Not alot has happened to me.
My mom's car finally bit the bullet, and we got a new (VERY nice) car. It's a metallic purple, 'nough said. The color actually looks pretty good. It's got heated seats, sun roof, leather interior and is less than a year old. The only thing is it has 10,000 miles on it, btu hey, who's counting?
My friend, Alex, has an account on theO now. Once he gives me the password, I'm going to get on his and fix it up as best I can. He's confuzzled. XD Muahahahaha... now to find Rouroni Kenshin things for his theme....
I HAVE FINALLY ENTERED A FANART!!! Please go look at it. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Yeesh! *nods*
Oh! and I have a club. ^^ It's the Parallel Universe club. Pm me if you wanna join, or anything. It's the luverly green photo on my site.
My teacher also said something really nice today. ^^ We were talking about reindeer, and why Santa's reindeer have to be female, and all the kids didn't know what the reason was, so I told everyone. I am also known to recite definitions word for word from the book without looking at it, and I am at the head of the class with the only A, I am also able to answer all her questions completely and correctly at all times, even when i'm not paying attention, or have been absent the day before. So, she looks at me as we're walking out and says, "Kayla, I'm beginning to believe there is nothing you do not know." Not to be nerdy, but that made me feel happy. I love Mrs. Wlesh, she rox! ^^
Going Away
Okay, so I lied. I wasn't just going to sum it up there, but this is it, I swear. This weekend I will be going up to the mountains, which alot of you that have been my friends for awhile pretty much recognize that I do this every winter season without fail, so I will not be on. Sorry guys.
Well, that's it. Have a wonderful day, everyone! ^^ I will be around to visit sites later.
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
Well, I finally got my monologue to work on for the play. I have to audition Monday so I'll need to practice tomorrow and today. I still need to sing a song.... I don't know which one I want to do. Ah well. ^^
~Free Hugs~
Yesterday in Art, my friend Jesse was walking around asking people for hugs. No one obliged, so he asked me. lol. That was the awkwardest hug I've ever been given. He totally grabbed me around the neck and latched on for 1 minute in front of the whole class. I could literally see all the questions forming in each one of my classmate's eyes. XD Alex, whose also in my art class, got one too. Oh well. That was the highlight of my day yesterday.
~Today thus far~
I got woken up early in the morning so we could go out to eat and then to the mall, where I bought pajamas. Their like the kind Full Moon from Full Moon O Sagashite wears, but they're a deep blue with stars and owls all over them. ^^ I guess that was the only reason we went, because we left soon. Well, at least I got some pajamas after a week of nagging.
~ New Chapter~
On fanfiction I have posted a new chapter of my story. Yay! So, if any of you guys read my story, the url is below.
Come Back to Me
You should just be able to click on it. ^^
Well, that's about it. Take care everyone! I will be around to visit sites later! ^^
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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Hey everyone! ^^ How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Fight The Good Fight~
Not a whole bunch happened today.... but my friend Trisha wanted to talk to, Brittney, Britny, me and Alex (of course, since there's no getting me alone without also getting him). Well, it seems that all the guys, which is the only population as to which our little group of girls (now guys and girls) is growing, have a crush on me. And this new girl, Jess, knows that (I didn't), and she told me so. So now I know, but I don't believe it since there are like, 4 guys there on a regular basis, moving on.
Okay, so Trisha hates Jess. I personally have nothing wrong with her, but I guess that's what the conversation was about. The one she so depserately needed us to be alone with her for. Jess tried to listen in, and here's the scene:
:Trisha drags me, Brittney, and Britny away. Alex, who was preoccupied talking to Justin automatically looks up to look for me (he always seems to know when I'm going somewhere) and, spotting me, trots up to me, but remains out of our little circle. Trisha regards him, before pulling him a little closer into our circle by the arm:
Trisha, sighing: "You too, I guess."
:Alex gives me an odd look, I shrug. Trisha begins talking, but then she spots Jess, who has pushed her way into the circle too:
Trisha, coldly: "I'm sorry, Skanks aren't allowed here."
:Jess sends her a death glare. Me, seeking to keep myself, Brittney, and Britny out of a fight and to prevent one, opens my mouth to speak:
Me: "Now, Trisha, that's--"
Jess: "Yea, well if I'm a skank, what's she doing here?"
:Jess points at me. I stare at her bewildered and confused. I had been about to defend her and now she was calling me a skank, which I didn't know where this accusation was coming from at that point. Britny starts laughing, and Jess laughs too:
Jess, patting my shoulder (I'm still in shock): "I'm just kidding, hunny. You know that, don't you?"
Me, smiles brightly :"I know."
Her: "I really was. But seriously, I know what this conversation's about. It's about me. You think I'm a slut, don't you, Trisha? I don't even know why."
Trisha: "Cuz you are! I hate you!"
Me, quiet and politely: "Now you two, why do you not like eachother? I mean, can't we get along?"
:Jess, looks at me and smiles before pointing her thumb at Trisha:
Jess: "Personally, I think she's a *edited language*"
Trisha, angry now: "I'm leaving. Don't expect me to be back if she's here."
:She storms off, Alex leaves, justin leaves. Me and Brittney scream our goodbyes at them as they scuttle off. I want to go after Trisha, but I stay with Brittney, knowing it wouldn't help:
Trisha kept true to her word and didn't come back. Oh well. It worries me, cuz it's more drama that I have to deal with, but eh. It's a funny thing, Irony, she was mean and rude, so she got the same in return.
~Fetch the Stick, Alex!~
Okay, *breathes* I HAVE to say it. I feel like Gernal Mayes Hughes, cuz I talk so much about my little brother. Well, now I'm going to talk about Alex, cuz I can't keep it cooped up anymore.
Alex reminds me of a puppy. SOOOOOOOO bad, it's not funny. XD I think I've said this before, but it's something I have to repeat. Brittney has a dog named Duce, and he is the most affectionate golden retreiver anywhere. Duce loves me, XD. He puts his paw on my hand just so I'll hold it, and if I remove it, he'll do it again, so I'll be there holding his hand, er, paw, for 30 minutes. XD What does this have to do with Alex? Well, everytime I look at Alex staring at me, I imagine Duce, tail wagging, looking up at me with soft lovey-dovey eyes. XD It's hilarious. It's gotten to the point that everytime he makes me laugh (and that makes him REALLY happy) I can imagine him having Duces tail and it wagging ferociously, which makes me laugh harder. I also have the weirdest urge to scratch his stomach and see if he falls to the floor on his back, like a dog would. One of these days, I might just end up calling him Duce... yea. lol. or Dalex. XD
Well, it's long, but that's it! Have a wonderful day everyone! ^^ I'll be around to visit sites later! Oh, and is my song working?
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Monday, November 27, 2006
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Hey everyone. ^^ how are you all? Good, I hope. XD
Well, this is my new theme! I'm proud of it, that I am. ^^ I think it looks great. I'm going to try and find out how to just make a text box though and style it. I don't know why, but it's hard for me... *scratches head* Ah well.
Well, it's pretty late. Uhm, almost 1 am? But I'm not sleepy. The fact that I'm going back to school the day after tomorrow makes me stay awake all night. That's probably my reason for usually staying up all Sunday night. The fear of school. I don't like school. Too much drama, too much responsibility. It's enough to make me want to hide under my bed and never come out. I HAVE to get all A's on my report card this time. My parents, my dignity, and my future job plans won't accept any lower than that. -_-' Too bad that I think that's just the problem. It causes me too much dread, and when I'm worried, I don't do things the way they should be done. Like studying. I have to study tomorrow, for a test I never even knew I was having on Tuesday. In fact, we might not even having a test, I only heard the teacher say the words "test" "study" and "tuesday" and not even all at once. *sweats*
SesshysBride2Be: *ahem* Kayla's currently going into hysterics, and I have taken away her keyboard. She'll probably spell check and fancifie this after I'm done, but oh well.
Me: Okay, I'm done. Yea. God only knows what other unsuspected tests lurk waiting for me to return to school. But worse! Tests I haven't studied for.... *shivers*
SesshysBride2Be: Kayla T_T
Me: *cowers* Okay, just don't hurt me! And anyways, *gasps* Ashley's got a....
*SesshysBride2Be hurries and covers her mouth*
SesshysBride2Be: Be quiet!
Me: *smacks her hand away*
Well, that was a bit of unplanned discussion. And I think that's it. ^^ Have a wonderful day everyone! I will be around to visit sites later!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
~My Thanksgiving~
I'm sorry I haven't been on in a bit, or able to visit some of the people who visited me. For I WAS planning on coming home and doing just that. Well, until I went up to my Aunt Pamie's. Don't get me wrong, I love my Aunt and I like going up there and being around her, but there was one person I hadn't counted on seeing there. Her name is Kaitlyn, my little cousin who thinks I'm the absolute best cousin she's ever had and will have. Really, I'm flattered that she would think this, and I do like her, but we have different interests. Like, she likes cheerleading (I hate it, there's nothing cute about going out on a football feild and dancing slutty so that every girl's boyfriend stops paying attention to them and looks at you) and I like Anime, which she doesn't take kindly too. But that's not the whole problem. Everytime I see her, she drags me around. It's like I can't be with anyone else or even paying attention to anyone else when she's with me. I can't even talk to Kyle, her brother, about something important without her grabbing me by the arm and dragging me away (she pretty strong, for only being ten). Of course, you would think me being older I'd be able to stop her from doing these things, but I'm a very "give-everyone-what-they-want-so-they're-all-happy" kinda person, and if I don't let her do what she wants, she gets mad. And I mean REALLY mad, to the point she's cussing me out, and I don't have the patience for that kind of thing. Well, anyways, this time she wanted me to spend the night at her house (a.k.a, the house of constant torment) and I had to try to think up a way to make it so I couldn't. Cruel and mean, I know, but when it means coming home and getting on theO instead of playing Barbie dolls all night long (god please, anything but that) I was ready to do anything. My Dad knew that she drug me around like a dog on a tight leash, and he also knew I hated it, so he helped me in my escape attempt.
Then, my cousin Lizzy asked if I would spend the night at her house. Now, she may have gone down a dark path, and not paid me so much as a bit of attention since she was 15 (she's 19 now), but she's still Lizzy to me. She's my favorite cousin beyond anything. She helped me learn the basics to drawing anime, and she was the one who introduced me to Inuyasha for the first time ever. So, she got me into anime, something I am eternally grateful to her for. So, I asked my father if I could stay up, in which he sighed (also knowing what was going to happen, I bet) and said I could. Well, of course, where ever I stay, Katie stays. But, Katie doesn't like Lizzy, and Lizzy was going somewhere at nighttime and she didn't want me to go, so she tried to command me to stay. It didn't work. I went with lizzy, knowing Katie would be mad, but oh well. I enjoyed it. We talked about things we hadn't talked about in a long time. Anime included. Katie wasn't mad when I got back, so problem solved. And that was the whole thing.
~Night of the Blown Out Tire~
I was sitting on my computer trying my hardest to proof read and type my story, in which I now still have six pages to do, when my mom called. At 1:30 in the morning. She told me to get my dad, who was sleeping, I was the only one up of course, and she told me she had a flat. Okay, now get this. She blew her tire, drove a little ways to a Rutter's, and then drove back to try to find what she ran over. This was totally unnecessary, and ruined her tire completely, so my dad and brother had to get up, call my grandma to come in and get his jack from their house, then run out to Rutter's and fix my mom's tire. Even after they put the dummy tire on, she drove like a complete maniac, and I was afraid the whole time that she would get it blown and get herself killed. Luckily that didn't happen.
And that's it. Have a wonderful day everyone, I will be around to visit sites later!
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
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Well, it's Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~Thus Far~
I didn't even start typing my chapter yet. -_-'. But I did get it done. Aw well, tomorrow night it is. Anyways, my stomach ache has gone away and I'm feeling much better. So now I can stuff myself full of turkey, candied sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, filling, and gravy, like my normal self. XD We're going to be going to my grandma and poppy's first today, and I'm going to stuff myself there, and then to my Aunt Pamie's, where I will HAVE myself stuffed. If I don't, my aunt will think I'm sick or something, which I would have been, but I'm not. And I don't want her to think that I don't like her cooking (anyone who says she sucks at it needs to get their tastebuds checked) cuz it isn't true. She's the one who had heart surgery. She basically had to get a whole new heart. It's ironic, since that's the type of surgery I want to do when I become a podiatrist (fancy word for a surgeon). Yea. But I plan on gaining like 5 pounds tomorrow. lol.
I never really played on gaiaonline too much, until this week. I wondered what it would be like, so I got on. ^^ I've met quite a few cool people, in fact, all the people I've come to talk to like anime. No surprise there, tho. lol. But seriously, I'm really getting the knack of playing around on there. So much, I've spent most of my afternoon on the computer. ^^' Probably not a good thing. lol.
Well, have a wonderful day guys, I will be around to visit sites later!
~Qoute Of The Day~
"Turkey lurkey do and turkey lurkey diggle, I wish turkey only cost a nickel..." - Adam Sandler
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