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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
~My Day~
Well, I was off school, which was pretty cool, but right now I'm feeling very very sick. I have a bad stomach cramp and a headacher. X( I came home and laid down in the middle of the kitchen on the floor (which is always what I do when I get sick) cuz my dog always comes over and lays down with me there when I'm not feeling good, and eventually I feel better. But today I think she feels bad too, cuz she's laying down and is in a sullen mood. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I hope this doesn't last. I'm sure it won't, but still. We don't have any medicine, so I just kinda have to bear with it.
My story chapter is really late on Fanfic.... lol. I'm almost done, but I've had a bit of writer's block. I'm hoping to just type and finish it up on my computer tonight, and have it up either late tonight, or the day after tomorrow. That is my goal. XP I hope I can acheive it.
Well, have a wonderful day guys. I will be around to visit sites later! ^^
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Friday, November 17, 2006
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Hey everyone! How was your day? Good, I hope. ^^
~My Day~
Yea, it was... okay. *shrugs* I dunno. I was indifferent. My stomach mussles also hurt from doing so many push-ups. XD They would hurt even worse if I hadn't got bored once more and stopped. I love getting bored and just stopping what I'm doing in gym class, it makes the coaches mad. XD
I had 2 tests today. A math one, which I think I did pretty good on, and a Science test, which I should get at least a 98% on. I didn't study for it, but it was on force, which is easy for me. XD Before the test, our teacher asked us for the definition of Newton's Second Law Of Motion, and I was the ONLY one who put my hand up, and I gave her the EXACT definition from the textbook. That makes me kinda proud of myself, no matter how nerdy it sounds. I felt like Hermione Granger. Alex followed me around today, but today he gave me a hug for the first time, and nearly killed me, then he gave Brittney, Marjorie, and I a group hug that nearly killed all of us. XD He was all like "GRR!!!" *squeezes us like an python*. It was really fun.
I'm glad to be out of school though, cuz I'm very tired, and I don't know why. It could be I was up all night fixing up SesshysBride2Be's site(my fault, lol). It made her happy, tho, so I'm also very glad about that. *glomps bff* But, yea. Maybe I'll go up to visit my cousin since I missed her B'day on the 8th, and I forgot to say "Happy Birthday". *sigh* I meant to call her when I got home from school that day, but I forgot. She's the one that got me into anime. ^^
Well, have a wonderful day, guys! I will be around to visit sites later!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
~My Day~
Okay, to your great delight probably, today's post is going to be a fair amount shorter than yesterdays. ^^
Not alot went on today, to say the least, that's probably why this is short. Alex followed me around as per usual, but gym class was alot more fun than average. XD I was talking to my friend Bethany (the one with the short punk haircut), cuz she shares my gym period and its impossible not to talk to her cuz she rox! But... anyways, lol, before I get too off topic, she was staring at me weird all period. Eventually when we got to an awkward silence, she gave me an odd, serious "I'm going to break this to you slowly" look, before saying "Kayla, you look so much like Aerith (sp?) with your hair up, it's not even funny." All I could do was stare at her for a minute before saying "Seriously?!" Aerith is my favorite character ever! From Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. And, actually, that's not the first time someone told me that I looked like her. It's really funny though, cuz Bethany looks like a Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy character. Only, I don't remember her name. XD In Kingdom Hearts, it's that little flying fairy one with Grey short hair. Yea, but Beth looks like her, only with brown and blonde hair. XD So, Beth's mom makes clothes, so she's going to make me an outfit like Aerith's, make me wear it, and drag me to the next anime convention up this way. XP That ought to be fun.
It rained REALLY REALLY hard today. It felt like Hail stones if you went outside. At the end of the day I stayed in cuz of it, and alex went out. Two minutes after saying goodbye to me forlornly, he crawled back inside looking like a drowned cat. He was soaked, but only on top of his clothes. I only know that cuz he lifted his hoodie to show me that his stomach wasn't wet. XD. I was so wet when I got home, that I felt like I'd gained 10 pounds of water weight. I don't know about this rest of you, but I get mean when I'm wet. I can run in the rain, but I can't get all-out drenched. It bothers the crud out of me, so I was in a really bad mood. Then I sat down to watch Final Fantasy VII (Thanks LS) and I feel better. ^^
Annnd... that's it.
Have a wonderful day, guys! I will be around to visit sites later!
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope. ^^ I have alot to tell you, so I'll make it snappy.
~New Computer~
Yea, our new computer that we ordered 5 days ago is here. XD In fact, that's the one I'm on right now. We got it yesterday, and my dad was hooking it up, so that's why I wasn't on. It's a Dell. ^^ It came with a 17 inch flat screen, hightech monitor, and scanner/printer/copier. Since my old scanner thing broke, and we hadn't gotten another one yet, we have one now. XD So, fanart! Yeesh! *nods* It cost at least 2,000 dollars. I hope my mom doesn't turn the screen green. lmao. And.... *drum roll* I get the old one.
~Final Fantasy VII~
I'm not good with roman numerals, but I think that's right. I bought FF7 on Monday, and watched it while my dad was busy with the computer. I thought alot of parts were kinda. BUT! And this is really cool, the little boy that lives with Tifa looks EXACTLY like my little brother. ^^ Even more than my little bro looks like Edward. I was like "OMG!!!! Shawn c'mere!" But seriously. The hair is right, the physique is right. The eyes are right. It's awesome! I was sad when it ended. It was great. XD
~The Bad Side of My Day~
Yea, my friend is having trouble with this one ex of hers, he's the one who really hurt her, and crap. She still loves him, but she's trying to move on by dating someone new. I don't blame her for that, it's been 8 months. In fact, I've never blamed her at all. She's tried to make amends with him ever since they broke up, but he kept telling her to "f*** off" and stuff, so she gave up. But now that she's dating someone, someone told her that he's not eating, and crap like that because of her. And she got drug up to him to apologize for the millionth time. First, she didn't have anything to apologize for, I still mainly blame him. Then, he runs away and she chases him until their alone. When she finds him, he's hiding and silently crying and demanding that she apologize. It's so stupid. She's already told him that she still loved him, but he'd laugh in her face and be like, "Yea, and I'd never date you again. Your a b****, and I hate you. So f** off." And it was okay for him to have a girlfriend, but when she finally feels like it's okay to move on cuz she doesn't want to feel hurt anymore, everyone rushes up to her saying "Guess what! Malachi cried the other day when he found out that your dating someone. He stills wants to talk to you, and likes you, but he just doesn't know how to talk to you. He's also not eating."
Excuse me, but W. T. F ?!?!?
Yea, "F*** off." Is definitely a sign saying "Oh! I wanna talk to you. I really like you even though I won't say it."
*rolls eyes* *sigh* and I had to write a long note that cramped up my hand cuz I have small handwriting to explain to her that it wasn't her fault. Cuz today she looked like she was gonna cry. I swear, one more excuse to make sure he does a nose dive into his locker.
~The Good Side of My Day~
I dunno if I already said this, but my friend Alex follows me EVERYWHERE! He's like my shadow. lol. He calls himself, with pride, my Man Stalker XD. He's only kidding though. Today we were walking to the library, him hovering behind like a little lost puppy as always, since he had that class too. We were running really late, cuz I couldn't get my locker open, and I told him "Yo, just go on ahead of me so you won't be late." and he jus glued himself even tighter to me side and was all like "No!" So I left it go. XD Halfway down the hall, I ran into my friend Mike whom I don't see very often cuz he's a Junior and I'm only a Freshman, so he starts walking with us. All of a sudden, Alex turns to him and says "Hey! Find your own friend! This is MINE!" *points to me*
Mike laughed and answered, "I don't see her very often, man, and she was my friend longer, right Kayla?"
Me: "Yep, sorry Alex."
*Mike glows with pride*
*Alex looks dissapointed*
So they argue about it all the way to the library, until me and Alex walk in the door for the period, like, 10 minutes late.
Everyone's saying that Alex likes me. He follows me to my classes when he sees me in the hall, he holds doors open for me, now sits with me and my little misfit group at lunch, after lunch, and behind me in Enlgish, and near me in Art. He also follows me to my locker and hangs out with me after school is over before he has to get on his bus. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing tho. I'm not interested in a relationship, so I hope he isn't either, cuz he's become like a big brother. He got held back a year. *sigh* Guys also now have attached themselves to my little group cuz their friends with me out of school, and now like to hang out in school. lol. It's not that I dress horrible, or do horrible (a.k.a Slutty) things, in fact, I have no idea why they are so eager to sit with me now. They never really took interest in what's going on in my life before, besides Mike that is. Hmm, maybe I've become "cool" lmao. But alas, I'm slowly starting to think I have more guy friends at school than I do girls.
~Qoute Of The Day~
"Ignorance is forgiveness."
-Kayla, AnimeFire03
Well, have a wonderful day guys. I know this post was long. XD. I'll be around to visit sites later tho!
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Monday, November 13, 2006
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Hey everyone! How are you all? Good, I hope.
~The Weekend~
I apologize for not being on lately. I really wanted to, but I just didn't have the time.
Anywho, I spent the whole weekend with SB2B. ^^ It was fun! I also went with her to her catholic church on Sunday for 4 hours. It was okay, but I was a little uncomfortable. I'm lutheran christian, which is kinda like being catholic, I guess, but they did alot of things that I didn't do at the church I used to go to. Although, our pastor did say something like "The lord be with you." and we would say "And also with you." Like they say there.
Example of discomfort (XD):
*sits down from standing to pray while Ashley and her friends get on their knees on a cushioned thing*
Ashley: "Kayla, get on your knees!"
Me: O.O "What?!"
Her: "Get on your knees!!!"
Me: O.o "Okay!"
At my church, we didn't do that. We stayed seated. And then there was this thing about the blessing, but in our church only the adult's could get one because it was of red wine. So, I didn't know what to do, so I didn't get one. However, I did feel more at peace after it was over. Hmm....
It was really wet, cold, and rainy out. Soon cuz of the cold it'll be snow instead of rain. ^^ On the bus ride home, my friend Travis sprayed some cologne like crap in my hair, and it smells reeeeally horrible. Now, not only do I smell like a guy, I smell like a guy who wears cheap, crappy cologne. Sadly, that was the event of my day XD. My friend Devin, the huggy guy whose got cuts running up and down his arms and is on a whole bunch of different medications for being bi polar, anxious, depressed, and such, is at school. ^^ He still looks sad, and all. I'm keeping an eye on him tho to make sure nothing bad happens to him. My friends are helping out with that. Poor Devin. He's not giving hugs anymore either. He used to grab ahold of me and not let go, as if I was his mom or something. In a way I should be glad, but yet I'm not. Ah well, I better hurry, I have to make Mexican baked fish for dinner. ^^'
Well, take care everyone. ^^ I will be around to visit sites later!
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
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Hey everyone! How have you all been? Good, I hope. I'm sorry I haven't been on in so long.
~My Day~
Meh. I've got alot of homework, so this should be short. ^^ I've signed up to audition for a play. It's Beauty and the Beast. rofl. Yea. I'm gonna try and be Belle. Even though I probably won't get it cuz I'm only a 9th grader. but I'm trying! I have to do a 1 minute monologue from a play. But, I've never been to see any plays...besides one. Noah and the Ark. lol. Therefore, I don't know many. Can anyone help me out? Just tell me the name of a play or something. XP. And then a song. lol. Which I'm leaving up to SB2B. Meh. And that's it. Auditions for me are on Dec. 4. I get my script next week. I'm nervous cuz I have to go up against really good singers since Belle has to sing. And I'm not in choir cuz I didn't try out for it. I don't know if I can do it.... *second guesses this whole thing* Well, I already signed up, so I'm gonna give it a try!
~Qoute of the Day~
"Kill me oh co-worker of mine."
Take care everyone! I will be around to visit sites! ^^
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Monday, November 6, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
It's been a long time since I've updated this early. X3 And so, I'm drop dead tired. Why am I up then, you ask? I can't sleep. lol. I swear to god that Sunday night is my "Insomnia" night. I can never sleep. Usually I stay up and get really loopy goof off... or do homework. But tonight there is homework, but I am choosing to not do it until the morning. Muahahahaha... cuz I'm evil and procrastinating like that. Yea... moving *yawn* along.
~My day~
It was... okay? I guess that's the word. I woke up and laid in bed doing absolutely nothing until 11:30, then I got up, went downstairs and made ramen, which I ate with a doughnut and orange juice. XD My brother stared at me like this: O.o? the whole time, cuz I guess those things don't mix or something. *shrugs* Whatever. Then, I went to work. XD My parents were 40 minutes late picking me up, so I got mad and went back into the hospital to reak havoc on.... I mean chat with, the ladies at service desk. Then, I noticed a visitor looking around absently and showed him to the room he need to be at, and then I went to go back outside by the emergency exit... thing. lol. My mom was there, talking with the emergency lady about how she couldn't find me.. (serves her right, having to make me wait outside, in the dark 30 degree weather for 40 minutes).. and then embarrassing me by calling me an embarrassing nickname... which I shall not repeat. The lady was all like "I'm glad she was safe." Apparently she told my mom she hadn't seen me. This coming from the lady who practically stared blankly at me as I went out the door, and then came back through the door 40 minutes later. People these days... oy.
~Qoute of the Day~
"You remember how you said I didn't see myself very clearly? Well, apparently you have the same blindness." - Bella Swan, New Moon
Well, and that's all she wrote. Have a wonderful morning, afternoon, and night, guys. I'll be around to visit sites later, hopefully.
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Friday, November 3, 2006
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Hey everyone. How are you all? good, I hope.
~Site Theme~
I see that people like this theme. ^^ That's good. This is from the manga Vampire Knight. I really love it! ^^ So... this could stay up for awhile.
I think I actually did well on all of my tests today. ^^ And I varely studied.
Today my guy friends were following me around like crazy. lol. it was funny. Justin drew Lance (Bunny that reminds me of a mixture of Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) and Edward Elric (FMA) a and a rabbit demon) And I was drooling over it. He was fixing his mechanical arm and had his shirt off XD. Okay, I know it's a character, but still. Justin's a really good artist.
Well... chapter 4 of my story will be up tonight. How late? Er... I don't know. But it will be up tonight.
Well, have a wonderful day, everyone! I will be around to visit sites later. ^^
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
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Hey everyone? How are you all. Good, I hope.
~Crude Little Inside Joke~
Grrr! How dare they! *sigh* I better explain this tho. I was sitting on the bus, and was forced to sit with this nice kid that the people who get on and off at my bus stop pick on all the time. I had my sketch book out and I was making small talk with him (he's a little slow, and stutters alot) and I was drawing. I had the sketch book down around where my chest was, and he was looking down at it as I drew (It's hard to draw on the bus, but I managed). Eventually he smiles at me and says, "How many drawings do you think you have? They look really good." And in the middle of me replying with my thank you and explaining that I use whatever page I find first that's blank, one of the guys that gets off at my bus stop screams, "Kayla! Kayla!"
Me: *turns around slowly telling the boy to hold on* O.o "Yes?"
Him: *everyone back there is staring at me with huge smiles on their faces* Pull up your shirt! He's looking down it!
Everyone busted up laughing, and I swear to god, that set me off. All he was trying to do was look at my scetchbook and watch me as I was drawing, which is something my friends do all the time, but here they were making fun of him, and, indirectly, ME. How dare they even say such a thing when they don't really know what's going on!
I swear to god, the first person who laughed at me that I get ahold of is in big trouble. no one in this neighborhood messes with me when I'm angry. They all know that just cuz I'm not allowed to dress emo/drifter anymore doesn't mean I'm still not emotionally labeled as such. And they were all scared of me then, and they still kinda are. My ex is their good friend, so, if I don't get control of my anger, he's going to get a piece of it too, and he's never seen me anything but calm.
*sigh* That's... about it. I'm going to use this extra time to work on my story. ^^ Since I said friday, and I haven't even started yet (I'm kinda stuck, but I'm formulating a plan).
~Url for Story~
Come Back to Me
Well, have a wonderful day, guys. I will be around to visit sites.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
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Hey everyone, how are you all? Good, I hope. ^^
~Url Of My Story~
Okay, to prevent me falling asleep and not being able to but this up, here's the url of my story. ^^ you should just be able to click it. Come Back to Me
~My Day~
not much happened, to say the least. So, cuz I haven't visited in like ever, here are soem questions. ^^
1. How are you?
2. How was your day?
3. Anything exciting happen?
4. Did I miss anything important cuz I didn't come around to visit?
lol. you don't have to answer all of them.
Tomorrow we have a half day cuz of report cards. My LAW (Language Arts Workshop or English) messed up my progress report grade, so me and my friend Trisha were arguing with her cuz we both got different answers than she did when we did the math and got the average. and we also got the same answer, which was different than hers. lol. but it's okay.
Have a wonderful day everyone. ^^ I will try to be around to visit sites!
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