okay guys, I know. I never gave much warning. And i'm realy, really, really, sorry. It's long too, I also apologize for that. but I had fun writing it, and I hope you have fun reading it. So, without further ado,The World Of Worlds
Chapter 3 continued....
Aamiya raised her eyebrows and stared at me.
"Why am I sending you back? Because you have to make sure no one sets these disasters into action. Even though i have no facts behind this possibility... if anyone messes with another's world... the original crator might be pulled back in to fix the damage," She looked at me anxiously, "Also, they are given a time limit in which to fix it and if they don't... they are stuck there in the worlds... permanently."
A shiver ran up my spine as the last word she said resounded in my mind over and over again.
"R-roger that," I said, trying to sound unaffected by her last staement, even though I knew it didn't show on my face, "But why do I have suction cups on my forehead?"
Of course, this was only to distract her so she wouldn't tell me any more creepy details on my little visit back to my abyss, but that didn't mean i still wasn't curious as to why the suction cups were there. I plucked at one of them, accidentally pulling it off, and examined it. What I saw once again made me uneasy. It looked exactly like one of those things that stuck a stuffed animal to the glass of a car. Hoewever this one was white and had a wire exposed at the end with inly a thin layer of pink rubber around it so thin, I could see every detail of the wire through it. Trying with all my might to control shivering, I glanced up at Aamiya, who tugged the wire out of my hand and reattached it to my forehead. Before I could protest, Aamiya answered my question.
"Because," she finally replied, "older chilren that have already reached adolescenec seem to have trouble reaching their worlds because they have become more mature and less imaginative while they were gone from it. This will give you a small little shock, more like a poke than anything really, to get your brainwaves that created the world up and kicking."
I watched her forlornly as she turned on the colossal mechanical doodad that the suction cups stuck to my forehead were attached to. I felt a small force, semi like the one Aamiya had so breifly described. Only this one was larger and harder. I also felt a small pulsation that seemed to jerk all my nerve endings into a sort of tap dance along my spinal cord all the way up to my skull. After a couple of short moments, even though I really didnt' have the excess energy to think about it thanks to my dancing nerves, Aamiya turned the machine off.
At once, I felt all my creative genius from my childhood rushing to greet me. I closed my eyes and exhaled,letting the waves of it wash over me. Instantly I felt it getting to work, creating narrative upon narrative, bodies, concluding sentences, titles.. all with happy endings depite my dark nature of my childhood. I stood there dazed for several minutes as I marveled with satisfaction at how my mind had such a strange knack of for creating.
I was so dazed, that I barely boticed Aamiya striding towards me and placing a headset on my left ear. I gazed up at her, as if realizing she was there for the first time since I had reached her house.
I stared at her, cocking my head to one side, then asked, pointing to hte headset, "What is this for?"
Aamiya didn't answer. I observed as she took out her laptop and punched at the keys. I tapped my foot impatiently.
She sighed and looked at me, my desired result, and answered, "You're going into your world. This headset allows us to communicate while you're in your world, being as I am unable to come to your world, and that I am needed here. While you are in your world the headset can also double as a phenomenon reader, alerting you to any unordinary power surges, or supernatural happenings in your world. This is so that you can delete them. The headset also allows me to see into your mind by reacting to your brainwaves, and see into your world on my computer. And..." Her eyes flitted to the screen of her computer for a moment, then back up to meet my awestruck gaze, "you're just going to love what you're new, bright, creative mind is doing."
With all that said, aamiya ushered me to the back of her "lab", and into a chair. The chair was black, and had a liquidy feeling to it, much like ias if I had been lying in a puddle of water after a new fresh April rain.
" I designed this chair to help your body relax so it doesn't become stiff if you stay in the world over a day or so..." She looked down at her feet, "or become stuck in the worlds."
I felt another chill run up my spine. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut about that?
"But that's not really a possibility is it?" I tried, growing panicked when she didn't answer, "Well? IS IT?!?"
"That won't happen," She said reassuredly, but with a half smile spread across her face, as I failed to notice, " Let's get started. Now, I need you to close your eyes and focus on your world."
I squeezed my eyes shut tight. As soon as total darkness eclipsed my mind, I began sorting through my memory banks for anything that looked remotely similar to my world. After 5 minutes, I found it at the very back of my mind, shimmering against the darkness like a lamp in a dark forest.
As I nodded, Aamiya continued, "Good. There will be a momentary feeling of the floor dropping out frok under you with a sudden stop, but try not to scream. In order to make sure you don't fall off of the chair, I am going to buckle you inot the chair as it rises a little bit off the floor."
I felt a heavy leather belt, more like a snake than anything else, being drawln across my shins, stomach, and chest. After a minute, I heard the loud click of the buckle as it snapped into place somewhere along the side of the seat, as the seat finaly began to rise. I focused on the Blank Abyss and let out a short gasp as the falling feeling flowed over me, waited for the sudden stop.
Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Pc was down. Here's Cahpter 3 continued of the story. I hope you liked it. By a matter of opinion, who here likes Aamiya? Anyway, my day was good. I got out early because of snow. And if i'm lucky, or unlucky in the case of my science report, I will have off school tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I will be around to visit sites later, I promise.