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• 1991-10-20
• In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
• 2005-02-19
• student . 
Real Name
• Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
• I was young. 
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
• Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
• Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
• I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
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Hey everyone, how are you? Good, I hope.
Someone I know ran away with a girl, this someone was my new bf, and when I say they ran away, I mean it literally. So I'm not in a very good mood. And when I talk to some of my friends about it, they just don't seem to understand. They're like "It's not worth getting upset over." But gee, what am I supposed to do? The whole problem is, I dunno why. Him and I have been going about for about almost 2 weeks now. So, it's not like we just started going out. Or maybe it is. I dunno. But I really don't want to talk to any of my friends right now, and I've even told them that, cuz they're all saying the same thing. "Sucks to be you." "I Really wish I could help you." "Aww, poor you." "I'm sorry you had to go through this." And then I'm turned away so we can talk about something else. I don't expect them to say much more, but god, they could at least say something crappy and wise. I'm tired of always being the friend with the advice. I want advice too. I sound like such a spoiled brat right now. *sigh* I don't even feel like going to work in the morning. It's not right to get snippy at my friends because they're only saying things I already am telling myself. It's now been 2 days to the day he left.
My friend is hosting a sleepover for me and her. Yay sleepover. But I really want to talk to SesshysBride2Be instead. I was being really snippy to her earlier. *sigh* Hopefully I'll be a bit better then though.
Breathe No More by Evanesence
I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my souls on the other side.
Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
To sharp to put back together.
To small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more.
Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe now...
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe,
I breathe-
I breathe no more.
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY GUYS. I WILL TRY TO BE AROUND TO VISIT SITES. I know I haven't been around to in awhile. I'm sorry.
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