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myOtaku.com: AnimeFire03

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Hey everyone. It's later than most of my posts lately, but I have to go to bed early to get up for school. How are you all lately? Good, I hope.

~Xanga, Myspace... bleh...~

My friend just emailed me telling me some strange girl emailed her up and is harrassing her on Xanga. lol. That's probably why I don't have a Myspace, or Xanga. Though, in a way, theO can be considered to be like the two, I feel safer on here than any of those other places. I don't know why... hmm...

Inuyasha the movie 4, Fire on the Mystic Island~

I got the movie yesterday and watched part of it last night, and the other part this morning, which, for me, is around 1. lol. It was pretty good, only with my t.v., I couldn't hear half of what they were saying, cuz the speakers were making a weird buzzing sound. *sigh* My t.v. hates me. I especially loved the song Rakuen sung by Do As Infinity. ^^ It's a good thing I watched last night's Inuyasha episode, or else I wouldn't have known what the new attack was.

~My day~

I had a few weird dreams, one about me being chased by a bear, and the other about me falling in love with my closest guy friend. To say the very least they were.... interesting. Each had to do with an area by the grocery store across the highway from here, and in each I was older. lol. Other than that, not much else happened. I may be going up to my cousin's to spend the night though, but I am pretty confident that I will be visiting sites. So, with that, Have a wonderful day everyone.


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