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myOtaku.com: AnimeFire03

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Today's the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone, I'm rushing as I write this. How are ya all? Very well, I hope.


Yes, you know it! Today is my first day of school! So, in about a half hour, my Dad will be driving me over to my friend's house. I'll be getting on her bus, because A) We have the same room and need to go "room-hunting" and B) a bunch of the people on her bus are going to probably say some stuff, and I want to be there to stick up for her. But, since it's the High School and it's so HUGE, I can't help but feel a little alone. But I'll be okay. ^^ The only thing that's delaying my plan is the fact that my cell phone has gone missing. Ah well, I better take my leave. Wish me luck, and have a supercalifragilisticexpialdosious (I'm not even sure if I spelled that right but oh well) day! ^^


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