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In the highest clouds of heaven.(god doesn't know I'm kinda evil yet) 
Member Since
student . 
Real Name
Getting a job.... lol. No, Seriously, getting a job. Well, a volunteer one, but still... 
Anime Fan Since
I was young. 
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fushigi Yugi, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, DNAngel, Tsubasa Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ceres, Chobits,FMA, Trigun...ugh, please don't make me try to remember how many more.
Artist, or a doctor(if I can stand the site of blood, last time i checked I can't)...
Drawing,Watching Anime, Hanging out with my friends, Staying up late, listening to Evanescence and the radio, and staying on the internet way too long so that I look like a zombie the next morning.^^
I draw well, act motherly, and am good at getting hurt. Oh yes, and I'm good at acting stupid and doing stupid things. Hee hee, well at least it makes people laugh.... hopefully...
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
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Hey everyone. How are you all? Good, I hope.
First off, thank you all for you all for your comments yesterday, about me and Alex. *hands each of you a peice of cake* There, do with it what you must. X3
Nothing much happened today, me and Alex goofed off with Brittney, and everyone else. I had alot of zone out periods, that puzzled Alex, I think. It was just me thinking though, either that or my brain was malfunctioning.
Brittney (Nikki, we call eachother different things), as of yesterday, is now, like Ashley, part of theO. XD *hops around in delight* Here is a link to her site:
We bought a fish a coupla days ago, but I never got around to telling you about it. >.>'. Well, they bought it while I was at the hospital (I volunteer there, guys, don't have a heart attack on me or anything). It's a goldfish, a big, fat, white, gold, and black one. Unfortunately for the fish, fish don't last long in this house. I've learned that. Either my mom kills it, or my brother overfeeds and kills it.
Anyways, they named it Charlie, but I call it "Dead Fish". XD My brother got really mad at me (he's the one who picked out and named the fish), and demanded that I call him Charlie. I only responded saying that if it lasts two weeks, I'll call it "Death Defying Fish".
*looks around at the glares from everyone* What? You gotta admit that it'll be lucky to live at least two weeks. My brother already started over feeding it (no wonder its so fat), and it's had a run-in with death already. They put chemically clean water in the tank, when its best in tap water. For those who don't know, algae puts more oxygen for it to breathe in the water, but the chemical water killed algae, so it would have eventually suffocated, and, of course, died. Fortunately for the fish, my mom called the pet ladie (apparantly the fish, for being a fish, wasn't looking too good) and she told them to mistake. They fixed it. Lazy, dead fish. I pity thoust. *pets charlie's tank* Er... I mean, dead fishes tank... >.>...
Well, that's about it. XD Not very eventful, huh? I have to go watch the food for supper anyways. -_-'
"Videt tu!" Latin for: "See you!"
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