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myOtaku.com: animefiregoddess

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Guestbook Entries:

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Samurai Sakura (05/14/04)

Hello!Guess who it is!Bet you can't!Wanna find out?Go to my otaku!

inuyasha cutie (05/03/04)

LOVE YOUR SITE! your inuyasha comics are funny!well don't forget to sign my g-book!bye!

inuyasha cutie

Ryuken92 (04/30/04)

Awesome music, cool pictures of Inuyasha. Did you draw those yourself?

Leo Yusuke (04/26/04)

Nice site. Lots of good pics and comics. Name Leo. need some friends want to be one I'll ad you as one and you can ad me if you want to that is.
c ya

Patita (04/23/04)

Nya!!!!!! Your site is just super hiper kawaii!!!!!! I loved it!!!!!!! You're sure gonna be in my friends list! I'm surprised I find such good place (and the music is great!). Kissus!!

Inuyasha32453 (04/22/04)

Hi I love your site the Inuaysha pics are very cute and funny!!I am going to add you as a friend ok?

kagome47 (04/21/04)

Now this is one the best sites i've seen!!! I love it!!! Those pic are so awesome!!! I'll add you as a friend!!!!

samkitty9 (04/19/04)

i love your art and your site!!its awesome!!!do you mind if i add you as a friend?oh well im adding you anyways!maybe sometime you could look at my site.^^

BlackMagicianGrl (04/17/04)

you have a neat site!!!
^.~Black Magician Girl~.^

Dominic (04/15/04)

hey how r you?? well so I like ur site and i hope u can visit mine sometime and hope u like it!! also visit my friend legolaslover she has a kool sight and she really likes Animes ALOT!!! ( i like them 2 but not as much ans her)well so come 2 my site pleaz!!

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