Birthday 1990-10-25 Gender
Female Location Wherever life takes me Member Since 2003-12-03 Occupation Being a lion Real Name Carlita
Achievements I achieve a lot of things Anime Fan Since Since I was 4...I watched Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty! ^_^ Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Imadoki, and Alice 19th. Goals I want to become an actress and I want to improve my drawing skills. Also I want to be on a cereal box with Count Chocula...~Inside thing~ Hobbies Drawing anime, playing piano and saxophone, sports, dance, writing, and composing music Talents I have many talents *cough* My talents are my hobbies. animefiregoddess
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey everyone! Oh my goodness, I haven't updated in such a long time! Oh well, I'm in the mood to re-arrange my site today ^_^ Alrighty, I hope everyone is having a great summer holiday (if it's summer for you)! I've been spending a lot of my time with my best buddy ^___^ Plus, I got picked for a model search as well and got some photos taken (although I haven't gotten a callback yet haha) which is pretty exciting ^_~ Anyhoo, have a great summer!
Hello all! Hope everyone is doing great! Alrighty, well, nothing much to report, just the usual boring stuff. So I have decided to spice up my site with a little AMV of Fruits Basket because it is awesome ^_^ Hope you like it! Haha, I love Fruits Basket ^__^ Oh, by the way, just press the stop buttom thingy on your computer to stop the music that's already playing on my site so that you can hear the AMV clip ^_^ *Hopefully, you'll know what I'm talking about* ENJOY!
Hey hey! I hope everyone is doing well! I just decided to update because I haven't updated since yeah. Anyhoo, I've added a few more pics by Tukiji Nao (my favourite artist) and changed around the background and such. Yep! Anyhoo, on the weekend I'm going to my cousin's house because it's his 18th birthday and I'm pretty excited!! (It's a surprise party!) Righto! Talk to you laterrr! Toodles!
Wow! It's been so long since I've last updated! Haha, oh well! Anyway, I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year! I'm so excited for Christmas! It's my favourite time of year! I went to a party with my friends yesterday and it was so awesome! We all exchanged gifts and then randomly broke out into Napoleon Dynamite dance moves (at least I did). Anyhooo, I've included in this post a few nifty little pictures! And of course there's a winter one by Tukiji Nao (my favourite artist). Plus in my introduction area, I put a Full Moon wo Sagashite picture up. I LOVE ARINA TANEMURA'S WORK! It's awesome ^_^ ANYHOO, I'll see everybody in the new year! WOOOO! Heehee ^_~
P.S. Here's a cute little thing titled "How Ice Cream is Made"
Hello everybody!! Again, I'm sorry for not updating my site for a long time!! I've been on holidays and such ^_^ ANYHOO, in this post are some pictures that I found by an artist named Tukiji Nao. Her work is absolutely amazing. I love all the detail and I find the art to be beautiful. I don't really know much about the artist, but I think she's great anyway! Hehe.
Anyhoo, nothing else is new, actually. Ummm, OH! I'm going shopping today to find this shirt that says "I (heart) Tokyo" but itstead of a heart, there's a fat sumo man ^__^ Haha, it's awesome. Anyway, I better be going. Oh, and by the way, I'll change around my site pictures and stuff in a little while ^_^
Hey! Wow, it's been SUCH a long time since I've last been here. I guess I kinda forgot about this site...hehe. I last posted...IN FEBRUARY??? Haha! Well, at least it's the summer and I NOW have some time to update my old site! HOORAY! Heehee ^_^
Well, a whole bunch of things are new of course, seeing as how I haven't been here in forever. But, I can't think of any at the moment @_@ Hehe. Um, so, I guess I'll just re-make my site so it looks a little nicer and...YEAH! Hehe!
Hey everyone! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! HOORAY! I love Valentine's because there's chocolate involved ^_^ Anyhoo, I haven't updated in a while (meh, I've been busy...and slightly depressed). That's right. Depressed. Oh well. I'm better now! Mostly. *cough* ANYHOO, I might get a job at my nearby pet store and I'm really excited! Right now, there are these three beautiful golden retriever puppies that I fell in love with! They were so adorable! Lol when I was there I was looking at the snakes and on the glass it said "Do not tap on glass. It may kill us." And then this guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to see the sand snake. I, of course, said yes because I love animals, even reptiles. Anyhoo, he told be that they were the friendliest snakes in the store and I was like "It's odd that they're so friendly if they can kill you..." he stared at me a while then smiled and said "The sign means that you can kill the snakes if you tap on the glass." *sigh* I felt rather stupid. What a sad moment. OH WELL! Lol the snake was really cute though! HOORAY! Haha I told my brother about it and he was like "What did you expect the snake to do? Break through the glass and tear your head off?" Haha, oh well. Sometimes everybody has dumb moments...mine are just more frequent than most. Anyhoo, lots more has happened since I last posted but I won't bore you with it. Have a great Valentine's all! Tooooodlez!
Hey!'s been a while...
Hey there! Wow, it's been a really long time since I last posted! Heh, I've been sooooo busy. I have mid-terms that I've been studying for and they're driving me crazy. Ugh. But anyway, nothing much has happened. Pretty boring. OH! My Christmas and New Year's was really great though! HOORAY! I wish it were still Christmas holidays -_-;; Oh well. Once I'm done these damn tests it won't be so bad. Bah, a lot of pressure is being put on me (as always). Oh well. I mean, I'm not going to remember these tests when I'm old, prosperous, and withered am I? Exactly. Anyhoo, I'm hungry. Talk to you later! Toodlez! Comments (8) |
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
The Phantom of the Opera
Hey! EEEE I just went to see "The Phantom of the Opera" and it was EXCELLENT!!!! I loved it so much! However, it is a movie for people who love musicals (if you didn't know it IS a musical...duh). The music was beautiful, along with the singing voices of both Emmy Rossum (Christine) and Gerard Butler (Phantom). They did an amazing job! Anyhoo hoo, haha I'm listening to the soundtrack right now...(I'm not obsessed...well maybe a bit ^_~) Blah, anyhoooooo MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE AS WELL! HOORAY! ^_~ I have some more Christmas pics that I'll put up in my next post ^^ Until then, toooodles!
Hey hey! Hah, for the past few days I've been going down to a Tim Hortons with my brothers friends. Omg they are way too funny!! And they don't mind me being there either, which is pretty cool ^_^ Haha good times. *cough* Anyhoo, CHIRISTMAS IS COMING! Hooray! Bwahahaha! I'm so excited! Eeee! Hah, I'm way to hyper right now!!! HAHA! Donuts will do that to me. Anyhoo hoo, toodlez everybody!