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Being a lion
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I achieve a lot of things
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Since I was 4...I watched Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty! ^_^
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Imadoki, and Alice 19th.
I want to become an actress and I want to improve my drawing skills. Also I want to be on a cereal box with Count Chocula...~Inside thing~
Drawing anime, playing piano and saxophone, sports, dance, writing, and composing music
I have many talents *cough* My talents are my hobbies.
| animefiregoddess
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Hey ^_^

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Nothing much has happened to me lately, I was supposed to meet with my cousin today, but something came up. Anyway, other than that, I've watched a couple of movies lately and that's about it. I've watched "Princess Diaries", "Dirty Dancing Havana Nights", and "Donnie Brasco". Princess Diaries and Havana Nights were happy movies and I liked both of them. Donnie Brasco is a mafia movie (I don't know why the hell I like mafia movies so much) and I liked it as well. It's with Johnny Depp and Al Pacino. Older movie, but good. Gruesome in some scenes...quite nasty (I covered my eyes cuz it was...pretty gross...shotgun scene) but other than that really bad scene I liked it. And, like a lot of other mafia movies, it was sad in the end. Poor Lefty...*cough* Anyhoooo yeeaaah, I'm bored -_-' Hehe. I guess I'll talk to you guys later!
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Hello! How is everyone? Hopefully you're all doing well. Anyhoo, not much is new with me. Because of my penumonia (which is getting way better) I haven't really gone out anywhere. But, my best friend from school came over a few days ago and gave me a get well present ^_^ I thought it was very nice of her ^_^ Anyhoo, I did see the movie "The Village". I didn't like it so much. And I was expecting so much from it too. Meh, oh well. Aside from that, I watched "Black Hawk Down" a couple days ago. It is a very sad movie. And gory. But there was something about it that I really liked. I dunno, maybe I'm crazy. Anyway talk to you later! Toodlez! ^_^
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Feeling better! ^_^

Hey everyone! Thank you to all the people who came to my site and wished me to feel better! Well, I DO feel better and I'm so happy! I still have a cough, but it's not that bad. It's stupid though because whenever I have anything cold to eat or when I breathe in cold air, I start a coughing fit. It's supposidly because my lungs have been damaged because of the pneuomonia. *sigh* Oh well. Anyhoo I hope you are all doing well and that you're having many happy, sick-free days! ^_^ Talk to you later! Toodlez!
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Saturday, July 24, 2004

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well! Turns out that I have pneumonia. I feel like shit. There goes my summer. Down the toilet. I can hardly move around. Buuut I'm getting better because of these pills that taste like bananas. Slowly though. Oh. So. Slowly. I hope summer for the rest of you is fine and happy and full of sunshine and magic rainbows and kittens and little baby deer. I have to go before I go crazy. Goodbye. >.< toodlez.
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Friday, July 16, 2004

Hey everyone! Well, the carnival was really really fun! ^_^ My cousin and I went on a few rides and played a few games and it was grand fun! Lexi, I still can't believe you hadn't played whac-a-mole before. "So which badger did you miss?" "....badger?" *cough* "I mean MOLE" Lol!! Inside thing ^_^ Anyhoo, I'm feeling terrible at the moment because I have a bad cold/virus thing >.< Urgness. Anyhoo talk to you later! Toodlez!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
Hooray! ^_^

Hey everyone! A carnival is in town this week and I'm going to it with my cousin!!! (hopefully). I've already been there once, but I didn't go on any rides. I DID win a prize though! On my first try, I won a Patrick stuffie from Spongebob Squarepants! He's so cute ^.^ Anyhoo, other than that, not much has happened. Hmmm, well I'll talk to you later! Toodlez buddies! ^_^
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Fun! ^__^

Hey everyone!! ^_^ Well, I just finished having a sleepover with my cousin and it was really fun! ^_^ We stayed up late watching Moulin Rouge and playing Soul Caliber 2! It was soo much fun! Then, we went to this craft store and I bought a lot of art stuff for painting and drawing and such. I wanted to get these fancy pencil crayons, but they were 80 dollars. Expensive, eh? Anyhoo, we also went to see Spiderman 2 and I thought it was really good! I think it's better than the first ^_^ Anyway, I think that's about it! Talk to you later! Toodlez!
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Friday, July 2, 2004

Helllooooo! I'm really bored...which is odd for me because I'm usually so hyper all the time. Anyhoo, I'm going to a summer party today, and I think it'll be fun...I hope so anyway. Hrum. Yeaaah. Oh, and also yesterday, I went to a dinner theatre thingy and it was pretty good. The play was...interesting and the food was...only so-so really. The dessert was great tho! I have a big sweet tooth ^____^ Anyhoo, I guess that's everything...which is actually not a lot. Huh. Interesting. Anyhoo talk to you later! Toodlez! ^_^
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Monday, June 28, 2004

Hey everyone! I'm finally finished with all my school! YAY! Now I don't have to worry about any work or anything! ^_^ Anyhoo my cousins dance recital went really well! It was very enjoyable. As well, I saw Harry Potter 3 yesterday and I thought it was really good! I still don't really get one part of the story but meh. Anyhoo I'm thinking about dying my hair red-brown or dark brown...I don't know yet. Yus. So that's it! Talk to you all later! ^_^
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Hellooooooo chickens!

Hey everyone! Well, not much has happened. I went for my piano exam and I think I did really well (for once)! My examinor forgot to test me on my scales so had to go back. I only went back because I thought she woulod put a 0 in the spot for my scales, but really, she would have had to put 10/10 for them! ARGH! But, I guess I was just being honest. Anyway, my cousin's year end dance show is coming up and I'm really excited to see it! HOORAY! Anyhoo that's everything I think...yup. Talk to you all later! Toodlez!
P.S. Of course, the picture of the girl at the piano is in honor of me finally done my piano exam hehe. And the other two were just pretty ^_^ Toodlez!
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