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Being a lion
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I achieve a lot of things
Anime Fan Since
Since I was 4...I watched Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty! ^_^
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Imadoki, and Alice 19th.
I want to become an actress and I want to improve my drawing skills. Also I want to be on a cereal box with Count Chocula...~Inside thing~
Drawing anime, playing piano and saxophone, sports, dance, writing, and composing music
I have many talents *cough* My talents are my hobbies.
| animefiregoddess
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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Hello! *yawn* I'm tired. I have a lot of work to do as well...again...big surprise. And I'm sick. Whoopy *cough* *sneeze*. Anyway I did pick up Volumes 3 of Alice 19th and 2 of Fushigi Yugi manga! So I am happy. Yet tired. Happy and tired. ^_____^... Z.Z Yus anyhoo the pic above is from Fushigi Yugi. Miaka is bothering Nuriko again ^_^ Well that's all for now. Toodlez everybody! ^_^
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! I just HAD to post Ralph and his magical leprechaun that tells him to burn things ^____^ Anyhoo St. Patty's day was good for me! I had Irish brewed beer (only a bit ^_^;;) and green ice cream! It was yummy! ^_^ Anyhoo I managed to find something green to wear too so that was good ^_^ Anyway I hope your day was as good as mine! Toodlez! ^_^
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Wheeee! Lookie! It's (from left to right) Mrs. Q (she's so funny yet freaky), Yuhi, Toya, and Aya! Chibi style! Fun! ^___^ *cough* Anyhoo they're from an anime called "Ceres". Yup. Well, it's St. Patty's Day tomorrow! Don't forget to wear green! I even have anything green? *thinks* I don't think so...GET BACK EVIL VERMIN! GET YOUR PINCHING FINGERS AWAY FROM ME! *cough* I'm practicing my speech for tomorrow because I don't think I have anything green...this could be hazardous...ANYHOO hope you guys have a great day! Toodlez! ^___^
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Monday, March 15, 2004

Hey everybody! I just finished watching the end of season 5 for Buffy the vampire slayer. It was actually really sad! ; _ ; Call me lame, but it was! Anyway, other than that nothing much has been happening...except I have a test tomorrow...damn things...but that's not really anything fun. However, I did go to a movie a few days ago and saw an ad for Van Helsing and it looks really cool! I'm such a sucker for those sci-fi type shows and movies...BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! Anyhoo I'll talk to you all later! Toodlez! ^_^
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Friday, March 12, 2004

Hey everybody! Have any of you seen the anime "Someday's Dreamers"? I haven't...but it looks kinda interesting...hrmm the anime that I really wanna see is Ceres: Celestial Legend. But it doesn't show here and to buy them they cost a LOT of money. So, I've been deprived of ever seeing them. Phooey. Anyway this is a tough question...what is your favorite anime? I mean, there are so many it would be hard to choose...but personally my fav is Inuyasha...noting that I haven't seen a whole lot of other anime...yeah. Anyway talk to everybody later! Toodlez! ^_^
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Hey peeps...
Yo people! ^_^ Sorry I've been away! Busy busy busy! That's me! *sigh* I'm tired...but that's okay. Anyhoo how are you all? Hope you're good! *yawn* Well I really have nothing to say except one of my cousins is getting married soon and I need to find a really pretty dress for the wedding...which will be super fun! I like the colors black and red...but for a dress I would have to go with black...hrmmm...anyway I better go now. Toodlez! ^_^
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Nothing Is Certain But The Unforseen

Okay people I have the sudden urge to learn how to play the electric guitar...why you ask? Because it's so damn great that's why! Does anybody play the electric guitar...or just a plain old guitar for that matter? If so, do you like it? I mean I already play the piano (5 years) and the saxophone (2 years) and so yeah...I've always liked the sound of it...well anyway does anybody play an insterment here? Anhoo talk to you all later! Toodlez! ^_^
P.S. The subject doesn't mean just sounds cool ^_^
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Sorry I haven't updated lately. A lot has been on my mind and I've been really busy. Anyway I got my hair cut tho! It used to be like right above the middle of my back and now it's about shoulder length. It feels all different now! I have bangs now too! Well, not like in the middle of my forehead but like off to the side like. Plus, I got it highlighted with darker red! It's fun! ^_^ Yay for highlights! Anyway I hope you are all doing well! I'm going to go around to people's sites now because I haven't really been on this site in a bit so yeah. Anyway talk to you all later! Toodlez! ^_^
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Hello everyone! I hope your all fine and well! *stomach grumbles* -_-;; I'm must think I' shall I say...overweight...since I'm always talking about food HOWEVER THAT IS NOT SO! I'm actually quite skinny ^_^ AND DAMN PROUD OF IT! *cough* Anyway I just really like food! I always eat in moderation though...which is good...though I could go for a cookie right now...must...risit...urge...for...cookie...of...justice... *stomach grumbles* -___-;; Yus...I best go now...all this talk of food is making me more hungry...I could go for a cookie with a piece of blueberry pie with whipped cream right now too...oh yeah...*looks dazed* Oh...this post is about nothing...yus...OH WAIT I KNOW! What's your favorite food everybody? I like food too much to pick only one thing but i really like caramel ^_____^ Anyway talk to you later! Toodlez noodlez! ...Mmmm noodlez...NOW MUST GO FOR FOODNESS OF JOYFULNESS! YAY!
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
Hello to all of you out there! Hope you're all doing well! Nothing really has been happening to me lately BUT I did pick up a box set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ^___^ It came with four seasons ^__^ Anyhoo I had heard from a lot of people that they really enjoyed the series so, me with nothing to do, went out and bought some! Yeah, I'm a freak but meh...freaks are more interesting than heard me. Anyway have any of you ever seen them? I just finished watching the first season and I think they're really good! Weird and kinda freaky, yet's interesting ^_^ *cough* I'm starting to sound like my over-obsessed Buffy-fan friend...but meh my friend's cool. Anyhoo I guess I'll talk to you all later! Toodlez!
P.S. Does anyone know anything about the spin-off series "Angel"?
*claps hands* Yay! Go Angel! ^_____^
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