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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Just wanted to say...
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Hey!How was every1's tHanksgiving?
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
hey guys!!!Well,everything is ok now.I just found out that i spelled my firends band name wrong.-_-+'but o well.I fell weird now.hope you like my AMV on the top.^_^
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Well,um...hi.Well,i just notice that most of my friends are having a bad day.Hope everything gets better.I also want to say...sorry to Alex too.I'm really sorry bro.TT_TT Hope you feel better soon.E-mail when ever ok....
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hey guys!Sorry i haven't updated here for a while too much going on in life.-_-;So,hows everyone doing?Any new anime/manga or games that you guys are new to?
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Made a new AMV.Hope you guys like it.^_^ Just click on the YGH! icon on the bottom to check it out.^_^

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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Made another AMV.So far,i made 18 musiv videos.And the people that went to Edison with me,i made 2 MV's so if you want to see it ask me for the site.I think you have to sign on to see it but don't worry.It's for downloads and for all the anime fan's out can see the other artist's video's and listen to music.
I got a new cd.Falling Up.It's pretty good.Their a Christian rock band.I also got a book that i have to do a book report for English.It's getting really good.I haven't read a good fiction book in a long time (since 7th grade).You guys have to read it.It's called "The Door Within" by: Wayne Thomas Batson.
I'm on my friends MySpace and the song that he has on his site(J-pop) is so freaken awsome!Even though i can't understand a word their saying...i really don't give a damn.^_^ Oh!I might get a Chinese Caligraphy Book.I might get the Chinese painting set and the Japanese Caligraphy Book too.So,i'm really happy.
Oh god!It was so funny in World History.We were learning about the Chinese history and then we started how they make rice.My teacher name is Oden.I love that guy.He's so crazy!^_^
Thomas:*raises hand*So....whats the real color of the rice then Oden?
Oden:Like a brown color.They just do something to it to make it white and thats why the rice in the market are so gosh darn expansive.
Morgan(guy)(he is also Mex.):See,we Mexican were poor so we can't afford crap.So,we just get he brown rice and just eat it like that.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hey guys sorry that i haven't post here in a while.Too much test and hw. xp Well,made another AMV.You guys have to see it.If you can,next time you post up,put the site and my username so they can see it.Rate and comment please.Thanks!*hug*^_^
I put a poem on.I don't know who made it but it's pretty good and it's true.^_^
It is amazing and incredible,
But it's as ture as it can be
God loves and understands us all
And that means you and me.
His grace is all-sufficient
For both the young and old,
Fo the lonely and timid,
For the brash and for the bold.
His love knows no exceptions,
So never feel excluded,
No matter who or what you are
Your name has been included.
And no matter what
your past has been,
Trust God to understand,
And no matter
what your problem is
Just place it in His Hands.
For all of our unloveliness
This Great God still loves us,
He loved us since
the world began
And whats more, He always will!!!!
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Hey guys.Sorry i haven't been on that mach.Too much HW.It's really weird becaues usually i just come home and watch some anime,but this year i do my hw first.....GET ME OUT OF THIS NIGHTMAR!!!!Sorry.I know its good and all me it's just weird.*yawn*I'm so tierd.I'm going to drink green
I just found out that they have a DVD out of the dirctors uncut of Yu-Gi-Oh!If you guys already found that out.Don't get mad....i was born ya,i might get it.So,how's life?More's school?
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Made new AMV
Hey guys.Sorry that i haven't post here in a while.I had to do HW.But i made a new Video and i upload a ll the AMV to a site.Jusy go to and look up AnimeFoxDemon for the username or artist.Please rate.^_^
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