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| AnimeFoxDemon124
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Yeah i had fun......zzzzzzzzz
I'm sleepy.Well,yesterday i want 2 the carnavial(sp?)at West Covina and meet some of my old friends there from last year.I stayed there until the fireworks were over.Before the fairworks me,Adrian,Pena,Devin,Kyle,Bernice,Jimmy,and John went on rides.Pena got sick on the last ride so me,Jimmy,and John took Pena to his parents.Hope he's ok.
I'm making Adrian's band a wallpaper.I just need the other 2 that r in his band.I've already got Adrian and Pena's pic.I also need a group pic.Anyways,I need 2 know what they want on the wallpaper.That reminds me that i'm going 2 by 1 of their shirts that they made.I like the 1 that Pena was wearing yesterday.So,how was your guyses 4th of July?
Place:at the carnavil
Me:"I'm hungry guys."
Pena:"Let's go to the place were they sell food then."
*walks to the rides*
Devin:"um Pena....this is not food"
Pena:*looks around*"hehehe....well,if it was food it would too big for us to eat."
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Love it!!!
Saturday was an awsome day.It was Vanessa's 15's.It was pretty neat.Church was boring.After church,was the limo ride.We cruzed around West Covina and took pitures.While we were doing that,I told Bernice about my "x" and that i still have feelings for him.When we went back to the hall and did the dance she was all over him!I wanted to kill her but not @ the Vanessa's 15's....i'm going to kill her later.Thats is the last time i'm going to tell her who i like or still like.Kyle and Adrian know how to dance to salsa and hip-hop can't dance for shit.-_-''
After the dance that we had to do,Adrian seemed sad.I asked him whats was wrong and he said nothing.I asked him if he missed Nelly his "x" and he nodded.I told him that everything is going to be ok but he said that he doesn't know if she is with another guy or not.So i said,"Adrian,if she's with another guy then move on.I know it's hard but just try to.She doesn't deserve you anyways.I don't trust her Adrian.Ever since i meet her something that i scenced was something i didn't like about her.Dude,if your going to get a girl choose wisely.Don't go for the looks,go for their personalitys.The looks you can do later.Personality is the most importent to look for in a girl.It's hard to look for the perfect girl.But Adrian,please be careful on choosing a girl.If you find a girl that acts like Nelly.Cheating on her boyfriends,then she's going to do the samething to you.Who knows,maybe she's sleeping with a 20 year old guy!I don't want anyone to get hurt,even my friends....especally you."Adrian was still looking down so i'm guessing he didn't heard me.Adrian still owes me a slow dance.When we go to another party then will slow dance.^_^
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL!!!I'm going to eat sushi with Adrian,Kyle and some of his friends sometime this week.I like sushi but there are some sushi that are kinda gross.^_^''
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
YES!I have finally made my own icon!^_^It's pretty easy really.If u want me to make u guys 1 then i'll do it.It's pretty fun.^_^

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I'm bord.....there is nothing to do in this damn house.I guess i'll just practice for Vanessa's 15's then.I feel really bad for Adrian.On Friday at the hall,while we were practicing i saw Alex crying.(alex was Adrian's partner)i asked her whats was wrong and she said that something popped from her rist.She told me that Adrian was holding her rist while they spined and yeah.Adrian started crying.I felt so bad for him.I have never seen Adrian cry before.TT_TT I wanted to hug him so bad but he was with Nelly still.Hope he feels Alex too.^_^''
Can't wait for Vanessa's 15's.*squeels*I have to put my hair in an up-do.-_-+I hate it.I like my hair down and covering my ugly face!Anyways,got to go.Mom's bitching at me again to get off.-_-+
I also found out that 1 of my friends are gay.TT_TT
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Monday, June 20, 2005
My friend Roya wrote this poem because its 4 extra credit.(most of my friends r still in school^o^lol)Well,i like it.It's pretty good.Tell me what u think of it?
I want a guy---
who can wrestle with me
and let me win.
who i can talk to about anything
who laughs at my jokes.
a boy who puts my cold hands
in his warm hoodie pockets.
who lets me use his sweatshirt
for a pillow.
who buys me 25 cent rings,
and sticky hands.
who says i love you & means it.
who will kiss me in the rain,
in the sunshine, and in the snow.
whos calls unexpectedly.
who will have many inside jokes
with me and remember each one.
a boy who notices haircuts.
who realizes that i say things
but dont always mean them.
who shows up at my games,
slipping in the door.
who i can go swimming with
on hot days.
who can tell me his problems
and let me help.
who will listen to me talk--
about the new nail polish i got.
who will bring me seashells
from the beach.
who will let me beat him up
when i get angry.
who writes love letters to me,
but doesnt send them.
who draws pictures and slips them
gently into my locker slot.
who saves his genuine, big smiles for me.
a boy with deeps eyes,
that can see through faces into depths.
who wears baseball hats and
lets me wear his too.
who gives me his t-shirt to change into
and not expect to get it back.
who knows my favorite color, song,
car, vegetable, perfume and
the color of my toothbrush.
a boy who will shake my dads hand
and look my mom in the eye.
who will call me by my full name--
first, middle and last.
a boy who will kiss me and
tell me im pretty.
a boy who will let me cry to him.
who will squeeze my hips just right.
who suprises me and compliments
my manicure and plays with my hair.
who knows when i have a math test
or when i fail one.
a boy who smells like
he just stepped out of the shower.
who wears cologne that i can subtly
smell when im leaning on his shoulder.
who tells me I have a nice laugh
and a smile that'll light up the room
and simply be mine to hold.
~Roya S.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Just beat Halloween Town in Kingdom Hearts!Yes!I'm so proud of myself.*sniff*Anyways,kinda hyper today.I'm on the computer while playing Kingdom Hearts.I just need to beat the Little Mermaid and its of to the next world!YEAH!^_^

Kingdom Hearts 2
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Check 'em out!
Hey guys!Check out my fan art!Go all the way to the bottom and you'll see "Fan Art (2)"
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What GUYS should do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. If you like the girl... ASK HER OUT already
2. when you hug her, put YOUR ARMS around her WAISTand hold her close
3. when u WALK next to her, get as CLOSE as you can to her
4. if shes the only one in your life, TELL HER
5. ALWAYZ let her know how much you like her, love her, or think about her
6. give her presents and cards for no reason, SHE WILL RETURN THE FAVOR... ALWAYS
7. if she hangs up on you, call her right back
8. always offer to pay, if she says NO twice, then let her pay but make a deal that you get to pay next time (date offer too!)
9. kiss her lightly every chance you get
10. look in her eyes and kiss her on the lips, forehead, or nose
11. if she says shes cold, dont be an idiot and say "me 2" and stand there, or give her your jacket so she feels guilty that your freezing,....just simply hold her in your arms
12. dont force her to do anything shes not comfortable with
13. invite her to dinner or somewhere where you can talk, instead of the movies
14. try not to ask her if shes mad at you EVERYTIME you speak to her
15. Always tell her you LOVE her only if you really mean it
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Friday, June 10, 2005
I am out of school!!!!Yeah!!!*does happy dance*So i night visit my friends @ West Covina High.I need my jacket back.I don't know who as it.-_-+Will i have my friend Will's jacket.Its like 1 of those band jacket.Some of you know a bad named Thrice.Thats what it said on it.
So today was boring but i played Kingdom Hearts.I'm on Hollowen Town right now.1st time playing.Its not mine,its my friend Sam's game.She's going to give me a manga book called Luna.I wanted to read it so bad.^_^
I want Sora's Cloths!!!Look @ the backround!ARG!I want it!!!
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Monday, May 30, 2005
My ygo! story
Ok here is my crapy story.This is ch.1"The new kid"
Hello!My name is Lauren.I'm 16 and live in Domino cirty.I'm 5'4 and live a small house by myself with a lot of pets.I have been homeschooled by my great grandma and she's been teaching me from learning algabra to knowing how to pay taxes.When she died I went to high school.Now I'm going to a different one that is cloes to my house and today is my first day of school."New school here I come!"I yelled gradding my backpack and headed out the door.
When I walked down the hall to my homeroom everyone was staring at me.I felt like walking faster,but I kept my cool and acted normal.Finally,I made it to my homeroom.When the bell rang everybody came walking in,sat by their desk, and kept talking.
"Class settle down.I have great news."said Mr.Hon trying to calm the class down.Mr.Hon was my homeroom teacher.When everyone was quiet he said,"Class we have a new student.Her name is Lauren.She was transfured from West Domain High.So please be nice to her.Lauren you can sit next to that guy with weird looking gold thing around his neck."
He was pointing to a kid in the back with spiked hair.The kid smielled at me as i sat right next to him.To me he looked liked the hottes guy I ever seen.I almost blushed everything I look at him.
At break i sat by myself staring out the window because we couldn't go outside to until lunch.I felt like a loner.I wanted to make some new friends,but I was too shy.
As I stared out the windowThe kid that I sat next to came up to me with 3 of his friends.I turned around and one of them asked me what I was doing."Nothing,just staring out the window and daydreaming."I said.
'I'm Yugi and this are my friends Tea,Joey,and Tristan."said Yugi.Yugi was the guy I sit rigth net to in class.He was also the one i think is hot.
"You want to hang out with us 'cause you look kinda lonly sitting there."said Joey."Um,sure thanks."I said.And ever since then I've been hanging out with them all day.
Joey and Tristin sometimes fight but you can tell that their just messing around.Joey is 16 and has blond hair and brown eyes.He can act like a tough guy sometimes but he is funny and cool.Tristan is 16 with brown hair and brown eyes.He acts like Joey....kinda.Tea is 16 with short brown hair up to her neck and blue eyes.She is a very nice to people especilly me.Yugi is 16 with spiked hair with 3 different colcr's:red,black,and yellow and his eyes are purple.Yugi is a very sweet guy and nice too.Now he is the type of guy I was looking for.He is a little shy too.Yugi is a short guy.He is as tall as me...but taller if you inclued the hair.
When school was over I started walking home when I heard someone call my name.I turned around and i see Yugi,Tea,Joey,and Tristan running twords me.They stopped in frount of me.
"Hey you want to go over Yugi's grandpa's game shop?"Tea asked.I nodded my head,"Yeah sure.I'll come."
We walked to the game shop where Yugi's grampa work and where him and Yugi stay.We walked in and I see Yugi's grandpa putting packs os duel monster cards in a box."Hey Grampa."said yugi."Hey Mr.Moto.How's your day?"asked Joey."I'm doing fine.How was school?"asked grandpa."Same as usuall,Boring."said Tristan."Just as i thought."grandpa said.He saw my hidding behind Tea.I was hoping he wouldn't see me,but he did."And who is this?"asked grandpa.Tea moved out of the way and introduce me to him Mr.Moto."Well,Hello Lauren.I'm Yugi's grandpa but you can just call me Mr. Moto."said Mr.Moto introducing himself.We shock hands and Mr.Moto asked me what my favorite card was.I told him it was the Dark Magician Gril.
"No way!My favorite card is the Dark Magician Girl too!yelled Yugi."That is so awsome!I never meet anyone who likes the Dark Magician Girl!"I yelled."Do you like the Dark Magician too?"Yugi asked."Yeah!"I said "That is so cool!"yelled Yugi."Well,at least you guys have someting in commen."said Tea.
We stayed there until 6:00.Everyone needed to og home so we walked each other home until it was just me and Yugi leaft because we live close to each other.We stood there quiet while we were walking.Then finally Yugi said somethig,"Hey,do you want to get something to drink?he asked."Uh..ok."I said.
So we stopped at a coffe shop and got some coffe.There was a bookstore next so we went there to know more about each other.I was so excited that I was going to know more about him better.So we sat down next to a window and sat across from each other.
"So how was West Domain High?"Yugi asked."Oh it wasw ok,except when i get bullyed a lot.But when I came to this school it was...different."I said."Do you live by your self?"Yugi asked."Yeah,I do."I answered."Where's your familly?"Yugi asked.I didn't want to answer,I just looked down and out the looked out the window."I can't answer that."I said in a sad voice."Ok,welldid you have any boyfriends?"Yugi asked in a ciorios way."No I never did...why?"I asked."Um...just asking."said Yugi blushing.
"So what is that?Is it a millennium item?"I asked pointing to the gold pyrimed hanging around his neck with a chain.The pyrimed was made out of gold and had an eye in the front."Wha-how do you know it is a millennium itam?!"Yugi asked in shock.
I pulled out my neckless that had a chain that was attach to a gold hexagon."I have one too.It's called a millennium hex."I said."Inside of the my millennium hex is a 5,000 year old-"
"Spirit?"said Yugi."Yeah,buthow do you know Ihave a spirit?"I asked."I have a 5'000 year old spirit too."Said Yugi."He is actully a PHaroh."
"My spirit is the Pharoh's grilfriend."I said.
We both gasped and couldn't believe thta we both have 5,000 year old spirit's and they actully like each other.
So do u like it?2 me i thoght it sounded crapy.Please dont make fun of me if u think its crapy.
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