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myOtaku.com: animefreak4life

Monday, August 23, 2004

   heres another one
heres another survey about yourself... im soo bored...
Eye Color::dark brown
Hair Color::black
Hair Style::like always pony tail
Birthday(month and day)::june 30
Skin Color::lol yellow
.::Currently You're::.
Seeing::the computer screen
Feeling::the key board
Hearing::i like the way you move by outcast
Talking To::nobody
.::Relation Ships::.
Single or Taken::single
Crush/gf or bf::nobody
Their Name::hello!?!? nobody
What do you like best about them::this is going nowhere
Why are you attracted to them::...
.::Last Person That::.
IMed you::nobody
Yelled At You::mom
Hugged You::o.O
Kissed You::O.O
Said Your Name::mom
Stared At You::doggies
Laughed At/With You::sister
Band(s)::nething i listen to
Game(s)::again nething i played
Movie(s)::whatever i saw i guess
Book(s)::harry potter series
Friend(s)::favorite friend?!?!
Song(s)::nething good
Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s)::all anime
Color(s)::like all
Website(s)::the otaku, shoujoai
Drink(s)::soda but i cant so water
Obesity::its sux
Fidelity::heard of it but dont know meaning
Anirexic::same as obesity
Politics::dont like it
Racism::i get super pissed off when practiced
Homosexuals::they re fun
Bisexuals::they re fun too
George W. Bush::no opinion
Rape::scared of it
.::Opinion on the band/singer::.
Good Charlotte::like them
Britney Spears::ehh..
Lostprophets::never heard them
Black Sabbath::same
Blink 182::ok
Something Corporate::never heard
Chevelle::again never heard them
Are you a guy or girl::girl
5 things on your desk::paper, pencil. clock, cup, and trash
5 cherished things in your room::bed.. my stuff ... sketch book... pencil, and paper
Best::dont really have one
Most Smartest::...tiffany
Most Prettiest::diane.. i guess
Most Funniest::kat
Most Sweetest::maria and rina and emily and bessie
Most Generous::kat
Most Annoying::cecily
Most Creative::cecily
Most Boring::jessica
Most Saddest::...
Most Talkative::maria and rina
.::This or That::.
Dorritos or Cheetohs::oohh tough choice
Cat or Dog::doggie
Jolly Ranchers or Starburst::both!!!!!!
Orange Juice or Apple Juice::apple juice ... hmm im getting hungry
Blonde or Brunette::..umm
Black or White::both
Red or Blue::red
Japan or China::japan
Winter or Summer::winter definitly snowboarding
Halloween or Christmas::christmas
X-Box or PS2::ps2
MP3 or CDs::both
Pants or Shorts::pants
Real Life or Webcam::real life
.::End of Quiz Questions::.
Did you like the survey::yea i guess
(Rand.) Scariest thing in the world::im not sure
Which question was the best::Tv/Cartoon/anime show(s)

Survey For Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!
fakepop! - The Online Popularity Game

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