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zach neuhaus
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drawing someday and or othr crap
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i waz 8 or 9 years old bt got into the the ones 2001
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| animefreakZach
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZtoday i went to the mall and got a keyboard and the 3erd dvd of outlaw star well g2g
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZwell skewl starts in a week now acctuly i cant wat coz i get to see all my friends but this is going to be one missed up year for us and now im geting stuk waching my sises wich all they do is fight and i have to put up with them untill a litte after 5 well i cannt find much to talk about
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
now a week
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZits a week before skewl starts i saw seraphi thier and we a have a new kid and we r with the 7th graders but we dont have to put up with them all day wich iz a good thing or we well all crazy and im hope im right about that well g2g goodbye
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Monday, August 23, 2004
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZwell im back from spending the night at my grandmas house my coz spent the night then he left with one of my cats well o and i finday bet NFSU well now i have to get the 2ed part
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZim just talking to some friends and one of my friends iz spending the night well not much to say goobye
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Friday, August 20, 2004
100 for me
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZi findly got to 100 and the only reason im not so hight is bc i joned in june well its 4:00 in the morning i have to trito stay up all day so i can get my time ready for skewl or ill stay up to late and good theing i have mountain dew and the new kind pitck black well hope i can stay up that late today good thng im not doing anything well g2g
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its 2:30 in the moring
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZugh i cant sleep tonight dumb pop well every one in the hose is sleeping well im tring to figer out how to go to bed well i hope can acctuly go to bed well goodbye
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
o great skewl starts pertty soon
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZyea skwel start soon now we have to put up with dumb 7th greaters may some one just kill them and can some just blow up all the skwels and kill our princeabul that dumb guy ugh well at these i can get a kick out of calling him old and now we dont have him for history yaee now long reports i say that should be a punashmeant for that and i didnt even get to hand my last report in the 1 good part about skwel is though we can get our teachers mad at us very ez u should of saw or homroom tech he almsot blew up coz we were on live journal and one of our class mates would just sware contantly on it and we all got cut for it and if we did were at home and very mad at justin 1 of the wierdst kids that u ever could meat and in sith weel wold al beat the crap out of him excpt seraphi wouls hit every one back if we did and noe last year he stared to beat me up and i would allways fight back and me and him would always get detion for it but i rely didnt mind detation coz i got a chans to do my homework well i hope we can make the teaches realy mad at us this year the funnist part about our skewl well goodbye
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well im not mad any more
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZok i get a little mad at my mom if she says maby well do soumthing but then she dosnt want to well i shouldnt get mad coz im like that to and how can my sis runing a bunch of realy good yugioh card well i realy dont care that much about it anymore and i got dun waching a movie called angus it waz filmed im mn and my mom said she wached bad santa that waz a realy dumb movie tri waching bader santa it a lot worse the the the real one and y do the have to show case closed agin from the beging i realy hate wen they do that well goon night
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
i hate this
hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhey if just found out that i cant go to duluth coz my mom dosnt have enogth money and tody she just went to the fair with out us wich is not fair no under y she dosnt have any money shes always with mark spending all her money then she complanies that she dont have any jeez y cant she just reliz were it all goes them maybe she would acctuly have some and the other day i got yeld at for having my cat over here wen it should be at my grandmas and i dint even know that it waz over here and for being on our PC well we have two but its realy slow it thaks about an 30 mins to get on the web so i aleways go on our new one we had to get a router but i dont even know y my mom got wen wen shes moving the computer up stairs so now we have to do smothing about that coz i cant play FFXI if she dose move it shes pruboly just doing it on purpus so i cant play it i realy dont get her sum times well goobye
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