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Thursday, July 22, 2004

hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello i just got done waching case closed now i was going to say something about it but i forgot coz it was realy funny o rachile waz trying to find a room and she open all the room she went to and they were all guys in thier geting dressed so she scremmed every time she opened the door they findly find thier room then chonen goes howbout we nock next time but that waz a realy funny part and thier waz a creapy dude who killing ppl well 8 daz tell i go up norht( just to tell u im rubing it to seraphi)coz if u read one of the commets she saz summthing about that ui get to go up north and get to do a lot f fun stuff and she dosnt well thats the good part about beenig realy good friend and going to schooll and saying ambarsing stuff well peaz
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hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello geez my sister is so anoying she sit thier an lesions to her dumb hillary duff cd and sings it out loud im geting to the piont were im going to brack the cd in half o they realy need need and animation of kagome screming sit boy and inuyasha falling down i fill so bad for inuyasha well at lest i dont have one of those thing around my (jeesz if i can only rember how to spell stuff)well talk u to all of u to night
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZso has anyone heard about the psp it a handheld play station it more powerful then ps1 but not close to ps2 well close it looks so cool its saposed to come out in nov 04or05 i think it coming out this year well im still wating for my grandma to come back from kansas she staed with her sister coz her hunban(however u spell)died thats week of corse iv been talking about it for the last week o well now thats over now i have to go on a 6 hour drive to cut foot sioux inn it hooked on lake winnibigoshish(realy dont kow how to sell it)its a realy big lake last year we went onit i waz looking over the side coz thier were very big waves and my uncle gose r u going to be sea sick and i said no i dont get sick on the boat going back waz the fun part and i hope he gets to go this year coz he let me drive hes boat thats year well peaz
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hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZim srry to say but can any one tell me how to put a back ground image om my site
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hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello i haven updated my site in a wile i just found out that im going up north for fishing for a week and i had alot of fun last year and i hope i well this year has any one heard about the psp or the psx well the bad part about the psx it waz only relesed in japan and around those areas well at lest the only thing that i want now is the psp it looks realy cool im going to talk my mom in leating me get it for christmas if i do it would also go as a b-day preasnt i wish i could put a pic of it on here well prabuly could bt ionon how and can any one tell me if final fanticy online is good well peaz out
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Sunday, July 18, 2004

hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello im findly back (^^){ every one makes wierd face}well the fureanl (or how ever u spell it)and of corse evryone was crying well im amazed that i did and i blame it on the song u know the bad part about cancer is the preson become skin a bones they had a showing of him and man waz he ugle im sorry to say and man seting in the car for 10 hour as realy fun well at lest i got to ride with my cosin he had a tv in hes van and my uncle fell a sleep at the weel
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Friday, July 16, 2004

hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello ill be leaving for kansas in about two or one hour i stayed up all night so i can sleep down thier and im might be exsitted or how ever u spell it and it ill be very sad well as u read the other post u can see y and thats mostly wt i have to say i hope this well cover for three daz well to bad not evey one well be happy dang wuzaly wen we go thier all happy well excped my sis (y did my mom have them uge)well thats always my luck well i would hate being the only child well i ran out of things to say o has any one played final fantisy online i heard i waz supposed be realy good well thats wat one of the ppl said a game stop if any one ha been thier well cyea
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhello a realy great day for me i just found out that my great uncle died i'll be going down to kansas on friday morn yea a 600 mile drive to the midle of know were well we well be in town and stay in a hotel and go swming o carissa u might want to forget about that prayer for my uncle T_T
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hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZhey have any of u herd of gungrave for some trigun fans it creator of it made gungrave also just teling u (^^) hee and has any one beting .hack part or any other ones plez tell me i would realy like to know and are the final fanticy game any good tell me plez tell me ok see yea ^_- *wink*
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hi every one oyu know whats funny i went to public high school for a day but swithed i could handle that so im goign to a smaller school well g2g AFZanother day passed well i sleep tell 4 in the after noon so thiers my day cant wat tell skewl
we get to put up we the those little 7th graters now o if only the 6 gade thacher have to leave
me and seraphi can help justin kill them all hee

Animation from Gpetz.com
right well at lest one thing is this is our last year at our skewl yes

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